Does anyone use Notion for their trade journaling?

I am using excel today using an old template that really looks like crap. Spending so many hours on it, it would be nice if it looked nicer. I received a trading journal template for notion that I tried. All good but I’m missing statistics. I haven’t really tested notion out and learned its features. But is it possible to do statistics like winrate in percent, winrate on different strategies. Montly winrate, most successfull pairs and so on? Maybe someone has a template with this that I could try and build from there?


Apologies for the delayed reply. Was away. I’ve honestly not even attempted making a template yet but what concerns me is how personally customized it is for my requirements, like that file upload. And as I’m evolving as a trader I’m also constantly evolving the workspace (getting rid of stuff that helped me earlier but is not as impactful at present).

I took a lot of ideas from stuff I was reading/watching and tried to adapt it to my requirements. Took ideas not only from Hannahforex but also from a few excel templates I came across, reporting template on forex tester 4 and a book by Kathy Lien.

I think my knowledge is limited, compared to most notion power users, but I can share my experience and knowledge from the constant tinkering I do in this area for my benefit if you have specific problem areas.

That’s my biggest gripe with notion to be honest. I’ve not found a way to aggregate the data as easily as you can with an excel pivot table for instance.

There might be workarounds I haven’t explored yet because notion has the ability to sync with google worksheets.There might be a way to build a dashboard in a google worksheet based on a notion import.

You can implement a boolean value using the logic functions though. For e.g. creating a checkbox that automatically populates if a trade is a winner. Here’s an example I did to determine whether I took any trades against the recommendations from my weekly currency analysis.

You can go to the bottom of the table and apply a calculation like so:

The issue is that if you wanted to find the winrate for specific periods, currency pairs or strategies you’d have to apply a table filter to arrive at the number. The more specific it is the lengthier the drill-down. It’d not fulfill your requirement though if you wanted to tabulate the win-rate for all the currencies/strategies or wanted to find say the top 5/bottom 5 like you can with a quick excel pivot table.

It’s exactly the winrate for different strategies that I’m after. Maybe I should just investigate excel pivot table since I wasnt aware of the function. Thanks!

This might hep. I created a gif where I created a quick excel pivot table here. It’s really useful for drilling down into your data and is quick to apply with a little bit of practice.

Notion just implemented simple tables a few days back. I haven’t tried it out yet. This might open up a few possibilities.

I’m now also starting to use Notion and wow this product is seriously growing. Lots of very entreprenurial folks starting to sell their Notion templates on gumroad!

Yea, I was troubleshooting something that happened with my upload yesterday and stumbled on this video. Seriously wondering if I should monetize parts of this atleast. LOL

It might have become just all the more better. Look at these updates on the 23rd of Dec:

  • The whole charting thing I complained about might be resolved. Will have to explore and see how it works.
  • Plus there’s an option for flowcharts. Great for folks mapping out a trading strategy like this:

Dude you totally should. People are selling theirs on gumroad.

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Notion released the ability to group/sub-group items in a database that has some uses in my current workflow.

I’m actively using it in my currency analysis as below. Shows how:

  • I group my data
  • apply a manual sort (mouse drag) to put the 28 active analysis on top and then
  • toggle the hide/show features.

The grouping gives a clear count of items in the group. I don’t have to manually count or apply a filter to get a group count to see if I have the analysis for the 28 pairs. Since I need to ensure one active analysis per currency pair for the rest of my workflow this is a very quick way to determine if I’m missing out on one or have duplicates.

There’s another use case for the journal to group active orders & closed orders. Because I implemented a filtered table in the front page of my workspace I can’t see how this’d be a value add for my current setup. But certainly useful for other folks who have a different workflow.

While my routine isn’t as regimented as maybe some other folks I can see more usecases going forward if and when I want to tighten it.

Not something I’ve used so will take a look, thanks for the share

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Dude that is so sweet. Meanwhile my Notion is a MESS. I need to spend time organizing my stuff. But trying to look for tutorials etc is already time consuming in itself siiigh. So props to you for going all in on this! How much time do you think did you put in setting up your Notion pages like all in all?

It took me a while to get to the current version of some of the stuff I’m working with gradual increments over time. But that’s the beauty of it. You can put down something very basic and work on gradual increments over time to make it work the way you want.

But it’s still evolving honestly speaking. That’s because I really want to implement a journal grading system and include economic data. My journal in these instances will undergo some changes.

My approach now (might not work for everyone else) is to define a requirement and understand whether:

  1. Notion has the capability to fulfill the requirement
  2. If not, find whether there are other workarounds that can make use of my current Notion workspace.

What if you put up any questions or difficulties you have on this thread? I’m not as capable as some of the youtubers out there but I might be able to help I think.

I’m using Notion right now not for trading though. Using it more to organize my life - the stuff I read, inspiration etc. Right now I’m just dumping everything into it. It sucks lol. One day I’ll sort them but for now it’s just a growing pile of links and images dumped together.

I do have some templates (calendars and to-do lists etc) that I’m using from other YouTubers but that’s as far as I’ve gotten right now. Yours is just on a whole nother level!

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If you’re a visual person you might want to give Obsidian a try. It’s another great learning tool, based on a system called Zettelkasten, that’s explained in more detail here. It basically enables you to plot things like tasks, ideas, lessons in a mindmap of sorts that looks like this:

Edit: Link to the Obsidian explanation on the Zettelkasten method:

While it the screenshot looks complicated (because it has a lot of accumulated tasks/ideas) it’s a simple system to use.

I just downloaded it today and will configure it later. Also got a few books that explain mind maps and stuff to help me make better use of this tool down the line. I personally need it for the kind of reading I have plans for so the time spent learning the tool, I expect, will pay a lot of dividends later.

If I do well to figure it out I’ll probably create another thread for it.

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Sometimes I do make mind maps for ideas (again non-trading related) but I find it to be just as disorganized as my own thoughts lol. I will read the link you posted though and will be on the lookout for your review.

Right now I’m sticking to Notion. In the past I was using Evernote which just became an unmanageable bulk of links and text… which is now what Notion is becoming haha.

On the subject of productivity, what do you use to manage your day to day tasks?

Ah very interesting. It’s describe as the first wiki. I’ll give this a look!

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First time doing anything outside work. Usually my head for stuff at home. At work I used to use sharepoint for planning tasks, sharing stuff and planning things out on team calendars. Pen and paper to break down those tasks to smaller items and plan the time around it.

Woah, did not know that. That’s pretty cool.

Yeah used to use physical notebooks until I moved and hated the fact that I owned so many physical things. Decided to just stick to anything I can update using my phone and computer.

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Attached below is the end to end workflow from placing a trade (MT5) to creating & logging a journal entry. Roll-up tables have been a delight to work with. I am able to log and journal my trades despite managing upto 8 simultaneous live trades (max I’ve tried so far).

Notion workflow_default

  • The first instance I type stuff is me creating new journal entry
  • The second instance, after opening the new entry, is me linking it to my high level analysis for the currency pair. This high level analysis is what I use to a) validate the direction of current trade & b) review trades at a later date
  • The place I attach the snapshot is also a place I use to include thoughts and additional situation specific notes

The summaries and initial currency pair screen (for the daily trades) are a daily/weekly routine, that’s done before logging any trades. The process of logging the entry is as mechanical as I can make it so it’s not too mentally taxing or distracting, but at the same time captures enough details to make analysis/reviews possible at a later date.