Does forex count as "passive" income?

Helloooo! :smiley: Haha. I was just reading around the forums and I got interested cause I saw a couple of people refer to forex as their “passive” income. :thinking: But with the amount of time and effort I put in forex, I wouldn’t consider it as passive. :sweat_smile: I guess it varies, depending on what type of trader you are no? Would you consider it as your passive income? :thinking:

FX trading is a proifit and loss venture, because all traders on the planet lose money on some trades.

That makes sense! :smiley: Haha. Is it possible that those who consider it as passive income only have very few but all winning trades? :thinking:

For God’s sake it is not forex. It is betting on forex charts. True Forex trade dealers buy or sell currency in any given transaction until next, they do not stay with open positions exposed to the market.

No it’s not. You have to actively participate in the market to make money but you also might lose. Passive income or at least earnings come by way of things that are guaranteed to happen at least in theory and that you don’t have to actively work for at the time of earning. Interest on savings, rent from a property, yield on a stable coin etc. The blurred line is most passive income streams often start with a lot of active participation before the earnings roll in, like a blog, YT channel, affiliates etc.

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If they are time travellers with a good memory or have been keeping a journal, then yes.

I think we should make fx trading a passive income.
As far as I know passive income is the profit which doesn’t require our work.
(Of course we need to think, plan and invest time and money to make this passive income stable enough.)
When we do forex trading, we do some research and analysis and we press buy/sell button and that is it.
The rest of the work is done by the market.
If we are really prepared emotionally and have a solid trading plan, we can make forex trading a passive income.

it could be callled “passive” if it wouldn’t have been so “active”. I mean there’s alwasy a room for progress in knowledge and you’re kinda becoming that very kind of person that is always alert.

If you are making the use of EA or Copy trading then i think it can be somewhat considered passive income since you wouldn’t be actively trading as you would do normally. However, that obviously can be risky as well as your trading being handled by someone else and not yourself so you may end up losing all your money.

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Passive means you’re literally not doing anything though. Also passive would mean I actually make money lmao.

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It all comes down to definition. Apart of general “common sense” definition, there are some regulatory definitions of passive income (e.g. in US).

There can be little effort related to generating passive income, but it must be significantly lower than full time job. As classic example of passive income is one made on rental properties. Renting a flat comes with various small activities so it’s not 100% labor free :slight_smile: Even if you win in a lottery, you need to perform some action (work) to get/buy your coupon. :wink:

If you are profitable in the long run in forex and you feel that making this profit is not significantly time consuming, you can surely say this is your passive income.

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I wouldn’t consider fx as passive income. Same reason as yours, so much time and effort is needed in order to trade.

It can be either passive or active depending on the time you devote. If you are doing a regular job and trading part-time it is a passive income but if you are trading full-time and your entire source of income is trading it is regarded as an active income.