Does Google hate Christians

Google is known for incorporating just about any occasion, event or holiday into their Google banner, so why on Easter Sunday we get just the plan Google home page, no acknowledgment of the most important day of the year for 2.2 billion Christians, This is no fluke, as they did the same last year.

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@Dennis3450 …Google doesn’t hate Christians…they just hate the IRS…

It’s because the Religion of Peace & Compromise will feel that displaying a celebration of Easter is tantamount to persecution and will start dancing around… burning and throwing things…

Unfortunately, most if not all western societies have succumbed to the their way or no way policy… (Even FX) and Google have guiltlessly opted for the no way…

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Well… “Christians in the east who use the Julian calendar instead of the Gregorian calendar may have a different date.
The date of Easter changes because the full moon can fall on different days in different time zones.”

Where I’m at currently - Easter is next Sunday. So, yeah.


Right on que, Google honor a Pakistani Pop Singer - Social Activist…who passed away 18 years ago…

It’s safe to say that both Julian and Gregorian don’t apply here…Maybe the Full Moon does…

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Pardam my ignorance, but who the hell is this guy to get his own doogle

I would describe us Christians as the Religion of Love and forgiveness. and on that note, I will forgive Google as I conduct all my future internet searches using

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Honestly, I wasn’t surprised, wasn’t even paying attention to it. I was most surprised to see congratulations when I singed in google on my birthday=) That was truly awesome.

Supposedly the only search engine which does not track you ! :sunglasses:

Sorry, I’m not into This "My God’s better than their Gods " stuff - I’m with Dawkins on this one ! :laughing:

[Edit - Dawkins also wrote a BRILLIANT book called “The selfish gene” which details how Evolution can account for things like “Altruism” and is a truly great read for anyone with a real interest in Evolution and genetics :relaxed:]