Dual WAN Internet Connection Questions

I didn’t know where to post this thread and thought this would be a suitable place.

If somebody with experience dealing with Internet and/or networking could help me out, I’d really appreciate it.

Basically, I have a Cable Internet connection (50mbps) as well as a mobile Internet data plan with 6GB/monthly bandwidth (4G/LTE) and I was wondering if it were possible to Dual-WAN both connections since I need 24/5 Internet connection for my trading, the Cable Internet is the primary connection and the mobile Internet is just backup and for travel. I heard that most Dual WAN routers allows me to choose how to balance the two.

The Cable Internet isn’t really an issue, it’s the mobile Internet that I am having troubles understanding how to connect it since it is 100% wireless. My guess is that I need to either a) buy a wireless bridge or b) use an old router and it into a wireless bridge to receive the connection. Then I have to get another router to receive the signal from the bridge and then connect that to the Dual WAN router.

Below is a diagram showing it better. The black lines are hard wire connections and blue lines are wireless connections.

Any help would be appreciated! :slight_smile:


This can be done.

I would advice cabling everything rather than relying on wifi, just more reliable, better performance and less interference.

In theory this is what you need to do, i have not done this personally but it can be done:

[B]If you have two routers configured as you describe, you will have to change the settings on one of them.

Installing a router to work as the second one on a home network requires special configuration. Do the following on the second router to ensure it works properly:

When connecting the second router, be sure you connect Ethernet cable from the WAN port on the 2nd router to one of the LAN ports on the first router.

If connecting the second router using a wireless link, ensure the second router is set for ‘client’ mode. (Note that some home wireless routers do not support client mode; these must be connected by cable. Check your router documentation for details on its client mode configuration support.)

Change the router’s IP address - Most home network routers use a default IP address setting. Often, these default IP addresses will not work in a two-router environment. Check the second router’s IP address value (it should be something like and reset it by going into the Admin control panel for the router so it is able to work within the valid address range of the first router (for example - if it was change it to

Disable DHCP on the second router - To avoid IP address conflicts between all of the devices on the home network, only one of your two routers should assign addresses via DHCP. All mainstream routers provide an option to disable DHCP as part of the router’s configuration screens.

[/B][B]I would recommend that instead of adding a second wired router to an existing network, you consider adding a network switch instead. A switch accomplishes the same goal of extending the size of a network, but it does not require any IP address or DHCP configuration, greatly simplifying configuration.[/B]