Dumb A-hole Trader

I’m Ayọ Atoki, a Nigerian trying to find an edge and build wealth despite every limitations my world keeps posing at me.
I hope to take this overtime and be that trader i dream to be.

We are glad to have you as part of our community. This is the place to learn about trading. Start with the babypips education section. Enjoy learning.
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Wow I’m shocked the forums allowed you to use that adjective lol



Sure! I’m getting to know some things if not few.

Lol; a b!t cool :smirk:

Sounds like a Japanese name :slight_smile:

Good luck with the journey!

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Hi! Welcome. I wish you good luck.

Hey, it’s okay to be a dumb #@# trader in the beginning. Problem is if you stay that way for a long period. So educate & build your skills. Wish you all the very best