Dumb question

Hi All,

My name is Sam and I am new to this website. This is a great website and many thanks to those who offer it for free. I am very new to any kind of trading and am going through the pipsology school - 3rd grade. Here it mentions:

A Swing High is a candlestick with at least two lower highs on both the left and right of itself.
A Swing Low is a candlestick with at least two higher lows on both the left and right of itself.

My question is, what is two lower highs or two higher lows and how do I spot it?


[I]“My question is, what is two lower highs or two higher lows and how do I spot it?”[/I]

This just got answered, in not so many words…
Just take the answer in the below post and add it for two lowers or two highers.



Just thought you should know that there is no such thing as a ‘dumb question’ here (well, at least not the FIRST time it’s asked)!!!

Good trading.

There are no dumb questions, only dumb people.

The only stupid question is the one that is never asked.