Eager to learn! Would like some likeminded friends on this journey with me!

Hi Everyone,

My name is Wayne, I am a bit shy haha. Just took me 3 months to introduce myself or I was just a bit overwhelmed.

Anyway, I am new and want to make likeminded friends that’s passionate about all things trading and personal development.

Please send me a message, I would like to learn from you :slight_smile:

Hi and welcome in BP community :slight_smile: visit the BP education section as a start, good luck :slight_smile: Regards Greg

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Thank you @ProfesorPips, I sure did and graduated!

The first and best education I have done, thank you so much.

Welcome and congratulations in finishing the School of Pipsology! Lots of friendly people here so don’t be afraid to ask if you need any help. See you around!

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Thank you @baemax023, I been on Babypips for a while now and been learning lots since I joined.

Feel sometimes I do more research than learning to get good education to suit the type of trader and style I want to trade - you really have to take everything with a grain of salt and backtest and practice and find whats good.

Really lucky to have found Babypips with such thorough great education and loved the dad jokes lol :rofl:

See you around :slight_smile:

Welcome to the community, @_Batman. How’s it been for you so far? Hope to hear more from you.

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Thanks @zianfx. It’s been really good and enjoying the process of learning and practicing, it’s definitely not easy :sweat_smile:!

I have a strategy, price action trend pullbacks which is going really well. I’m just working on my consistency in my approach how I enter, exit and mange my trades. That way it’s easier to spot where I’m going wrong and where I can improve.

Hello Wayne, welcome to the community. I would advise you to start out by practising on a demo account as you won’t realise which approach works best for you without practise. Choose a strategy after testing it, and also construct a trading plan around it. All the best.