Early Stages of wedge formation on USDCAD? 4hr chart

Early Stages of wedge formation on USDCAD? 4hr chart

there is Neg Divergence on the RSI (4hr chart also)

…Just realized I posted this in $CHF!!! sorry mod, can you move?

considering doing a DNT option on this pair, with the emerging pattern in mind…barrier suggestions anyone?

looked on Bet On Markets and you can get a 384% return if price stays between 1.0075 and .991 for 14 days from now…
OR 113% return for 7days with same barriers…

Playing out thus far. Pa at rising trend line. Will pa go back up to the upper rising trend line of this potential wedge pattern this week?

chart update

Barrier trade still on for now - updated chart:

daily chart with Fibs added. interesting. PA kisses 50% - wonder if it will make 61.8%? (all in green)

ok, i’m long USDCAD

although my entry was a little on the cr@ppy side (poor TL drawing on that one) i’m still happy holding long - that is so long as main rising TL on the daily and 4hr holds. pair finding good support @ 991-990 region and looks like it could break to upside soon. either way i feel the risk reward on this trade is good.


a chart reminder to myself of why i’m balls long $CAD…Support @ 100dma, market support @ .991, rising TL support AND Bullish divergence on stochs…

c’mon USDCAD this is getting boring now!! up or down, choose!! so what does it do? go sideways…I give up!! :wink:

finally!! lol long bets r off. loss booked :frowning:

would appreciate any experianced $CAD heads here giving me an insight into why my long didnt work out?


support and resistance i am watchin…

Small long, first target .9234 - stop below recent swing low. Bullish divergence and candle patterns.

Meant to post on usdchf