Eblip the sniper is putting his neck on line again Guaranteeing 400 PIPS

yes you can pick up some good pips on the bounces…but i like the way its looking …
dont get me wrong…it would look better at 1.2 but for now its fine.
personally i think with the uk budget being ok ish for international business…and the euro bailout looking like its going through nicely…people have bought in …and gone against the trend.
they really really want to make a break now…and its a good time to try in all honesty.
but the truth is…europe is still a bad bet…and the commercials and big players are acting accordingly.
short term ideas make it apper to be a good long bet…
but reality is its not…and so they are fighting against reality …and that is a losing battle…
the market will reflect the truth…
a lot of people are currently gonna lose a lot of money…so they are fighting it.
a battle they will lose…

anyway thats how i see it.

soon they will all give up and start shorting and then you can scalp some pips

Wow… you are so great that on another thread you started a conversation on stop hunting? Laughable.

Got notified on my phone that i got stopped out at 1.5893… Looks like i missed out another 20 or so pips where we stand… Anyway, im +70 today so no complaints…

It broke the 1.59 it looks, think this 15min bar will close above, but struggling at 1.592… Im gonna sit out and see how this plays out now…

Good luck to you both !

Snap… crackle… pop…. and I thought it was going to be a quiet Monday.

yes its a bit tight …and exactly on that trend line that i drew …its pierced it but not broken it…so still on trend… alittle tight but …thats the ride…bring it on…

I have not forgotten some of us sleep from time to time and I am at work now so I cant see charts. Will be back later. Also I never said your trade was going to work or not. I never even looked at the chart but I doubt it will. I just said you a fool for coming on to a newbie forum making claims like this. I will not comment on your style of trading but I doubt this is something that will last very long anyhow. Somehow I think you like so many others that have come on here claiming this crap will be dust in the wind soon enough. Good luck on your trade but with your attitude you are probably the first person I have come across I can honestly say I hope you get stopped (oh thats right you were going to remove your stop) let me know how it works out for you.

And the winner is…… the other guy I got stopped out at 1.5950. :56:

I’m going to keep an eye on the 1.5800 -1.5770 levels. A break below that area and I’m real interested in looking to go short again.

Yes, I am here :smiley: just for the laughs :smiley:

I truly didn’t want to say this… but …I told ya… Chart patterrns are only sometimes useful after they form.

Your [B]guaranteed[/B] trade has been stopped out

Now I owe you nothing… you instead OWE me big time…

Actually you owe me nothing, I don’t post here for that kind of childish crap…

Good luck with your thread :stuck_out_tongue:

my trade aint over …just didnt want you all to know that i actually hedge my bets…
yes as you can see i did remove my stop and placed an order at 1.58943.
so im still in play…and its great.

I love these types of threads…reminds me of that 10% daily thread that was on here not long ago. Fantastic reading.

Good luck anyhow…

:smiley: Well I guess everybody here was posting on your initial trade… We can not get in your mind every time you change your trades…:smiley: good luck i am done here :slight_smile:

NEVER EVER COUNT ME OUT…bring it on…ha har

what’s next, AUD/USD? :44:

your funni …yunni…you godda be flexible…

I think I am going to agree with yunny on this one for me to keep going on with this I would actually have to have a give a **** witch I dont so good luck and good hedging

its not a matter of luck…i just trim my hedge to whichever side im comfortable…when the market has decided to come back home to daddy.

Now you are going to wait for a few days, weeks or years? for only a few pips?? good plan.

I’m looking at AUD/USD, I’m going to keep an eye on it and see what it does overnight and into tue’s london open. If this morning’s US dollar weakness continues I’ll be watching to buy AU on pull backs.

Although thats not a bad idea. Pay attention to the monthly chart is at an all time extreme high. I would not look to go long. I dont think the dollar weakness will continue. Looks to me like they are getting people to jump in long so they can drop it on your head. I could be wrong but thats how I see it.

Today’s price action does have that blow off top feeling, doesn’t it?

EU banging it’s head on the daily upper trend line, GU up against the big 1.6000 number and AU already headed down last week. Also running into the end of the month & quarter. Yeah, EU GU & AU could be about to shift sides for sure.

But, if USD weakness continues I like AU, if not I’m going short the sh*t out of the GU and make back the 100 pips I lost earlier today.

Here’s some nice tech analysis supporting your concerns.

EURUSD trendline on daily tested | ForexLive
