ECB happening today


I am not a bloody beginner but I really can’t see clear what this ECB event is today -
do we get at 13:45 GMT2 a new rate number or is there just a verbal anouncement before Lagarde is speaking?

(Because on some sites is explained this is not the same as resent BoC or BoE events, it is just a verbal anouncement what will happen next month):thinking:

Investing have it listed as a rate decision for the month so I expect a firm decision rather than implication for next month. Coming out the same time as the ECB Monetary Policy Statement where they will be discussing the why’s for the rate decision. Then I guess Lagarde discussing the findings and decisions after.

OK, so there will be published a certain rate-number at 13:45 before the talking begins
(last time the published rate was 0,0 and EUR started to tank heavily)