Hi Kevin (I make the assumption the ‘Kev’ is ‘short’ for ‘Kevin’.
First let me make this clear: anything I ‘say’ in this post is not directly DIRECTED at you (I say this because I JUST KNOW that I’m going to have to ‘duck the arrows’ the moment I click on the ‘Post Quick Reply’ button)!!! Let me ‘qualify’ this statement though i.e. you alluded to a certain ‘style’ that you wish to trade. More detail in required in order for anybody to make any type of ‘judgement’ I’m sorry to say.
I’ve been ‘keenly’ monitoring your thread to see what ‘comes up’ but nothing ‘credible’ yet. So here’s my ‘take’ on the subject (and again: I know NOTHING about how you WANT to trade or what your ‘perceived trading style’ is so take whatever I say as ‘general comments’).
First and foremost let me say that there is a HUGE difference between TRADING and INVESTING which most, unfortunately, new traders, don’t seem to ‘get’. When TRADING you’re attempting to profit from short to shorter-term changes in price of an instrument (be it spot FOREX or equity futures and commodities). INVESTING is a totally different ‘animal’ (for want of a better word). With INVESTING you’re looking at the L-O-N-G term ‘picture’ of things ‘as a whole’. Somewhere ‘in the middle’ is a term that I believe I’ve ‘coined’ and that’s ‘TRADEVESTING’. In other words: you’re TRADING INVESTMENTS on long(er) term timeframes. A good example of this is Bank of America RIGHT NOW (I, almost exclusively, trade equity futures and commodities but the same applies to trading spot FOREX believe it or not). Bank of America’s shares ‘in their heyday’ traded at somewhere around +$50.00 per share (I’m not going to look up the exact ‘high’ because you’ll ‘get the picture’ by the time I’m ‘done’ with this post). They closed at somewhere around $6.46 on Friday. All of this appears to be irrelevant so far right??? Well here’s ‘the thing’. NOBODY KNOWS!!! Yes: Warren Buffet bought (went long) a couple of BILLION USD a few weeks ago (buying a huge ‘chunk’ of Bank of America stock) but, give or take a few cents on the share price, he’s probably at breakeven at this point in time (I forget the price that Bank of America was trading at the time but I do remember that is was somewhere in the region of where they closed on Friday). Here’s the point: Warren Buffet bought the stock at ‘X’ price KNOWING (and based on a LOT of EXPERT analysis) that the stock was undervalued (I could give you exact details but that would detract from the point that I’m trying to make here).
The point is this (and to answer your question directly): from what I gather you WANT to understand and ‘get a grasp’ of the underlying fundamentals (news???) of a particular currency pair. It’s NOT GOING TO HAPPEN (at least not in your favour in all probability). As I’ve noted on another thread today: people (‘qualified analysts’ or ‘Bloomberg Bests’) express personal opinions and, for the most part, they ‘call it wrong’. You are looking for (as I understand it) the best (and most ‘up-to-date’) news feed in order to profit from the outcome of the ‘news’ releases. Your ‘logic’ under NORMAL market circumstances or conditions is quite correct i.e. interest rate cut, stocks rise, interest rate increase, stocks fall. The problem: not in the history of the stock market has anyone seen the volatility in the stock market that we are seeing today (and for all of you that have your ‘bows and arrows’ ‘locked and loaded’ the stock market makes the spot FOREX market ‘move’ and NOT the other way around).
My point to you is this:
Unless you’re some type of ‘gifted individual’ (and even THEN you’d be ‘guessing at best’ as to what is going to happen to, for example, EUR/USD or GBP/JPY): by looking for the fastest and most ‘up to date news feed’ you’re going to be profitable then you’re very much mistaken. ‘Things change’. In ‘the old days’ your ‘observations’ ‘held true’ i.e. an increase in currency interest rates meant and drop in in the stock market. That’s changed FOR NOW. At some point in the future this will AGAIN ‘hang true’ but right now??? It’s most certainly nothing you can ‘count on’. The ‘golden rules’ that everyone is / was accustomed to no longer apply at this time. Moreover: you will be given advice (eventually) to NOT ‘trade around news times’. Well: do yourself a favour and take a look at an economic calendar. If you DIDN’T trade around ‘news data releases’ you’d be ‘out of the market’ most of the time and then, of course, what would be the point.
The ‘bottom line’ is this: we are ALL RETAIL traders (no matter WHAT market you’re trading). We are NOT FLOOR TRADERS (who are ‘right there where the action is’ and really DO have ‘the upper hand’). At best: we ‘trail behind’ what has ALREADY HAPPENED in the market (once again: be it spot FOREX or equity futures and commodities trading). That IS ‘the way it is’.
So after ALL of that: forget about trying to understand to ‘take into account’ the (POSSIBLE) interest rate decisions of the ECB or the FED or anybody else for that matter. Find a ‘mechanical’ or ‘technical’ trading system, take every single one of its signals (trades) and be profitable. Base your trades on fundamentals??? Well: ‘good luck with that’ (‘as they say in the classics’).