Edgar International

dont be silly!!
forget about trading, if really there is any trading taking place at all!!!
worry about one and only one thing: withdrawal!!!
try to get your money out, and run as fast and as far as you can from there, and be thankful to your great luck that you could withdraw in time before this damn scam falls apart finally.
Dont let your greed cloud your brain and better judgement, that trading and profit is an illusion. nothing more. may some ppl in the past get paid, the usual scammer trick to draw in more ppl to invest.
try to invest via a decent broker and a PAMM account, there you can withdraw your money promptly, and when you wish, no promises and lies for months after months from those very person who stealing your money, and participate in the stealing, ie your valued agent!!
and dont come crying you werent warned!

supposed to say, did star89 say something dirty to bestwishes??? use your brain, if he talk something to me, means he will know who am iā€¦ i think u purposely putting flame in this pageā€¦ do u know what is manners???

if i say actually bestwishes is the fund manager??? its him dont want pay u?? i can say everything hereā€¦ even if fake dindo and mutalib can show up hereā€¦ who know the real things?? there is a lot of things being removeā€¦ to those read this, wake upā€¦ there is always a choice and decision is make by urselfā€¦

do u mind i add something and then u remove again???

edgar just a paperworks???
babypips also just a place where keyboard warrior typingā€¦
everyone identity also secretā€¦ who knows what will happen next???
withdrawal temporally just a few malaysian getā€¦ others is at other countryā€¦ if master asia friends get it, means is some of themā€¦ but master asia dont worryā€¦ i wont ask ppl go to find youā€¦ congratulations to ur fren,., ask them withdraw all and close their accountā€¦

I check all the sites above
no thread like Edgar yet ?
anyone ?

i remember an agent giving advice to someone in charge
donā€™t trade for those accounts anymore
because he scold you at the forum
i wonder if you are one of them ā€¦
what does it tells you about the company ?

I always remember donā€™t depend to other people. make decision by your own:D

i believed Edgar is not a scum

i found no wrong! about this

advice from good friend

Patienceā€¦is the best thing to do! i already proven to my selfā€¦:cool:

Absolutely NOā€¦ i been invested almost 1 yearā€¦ and still enjoying Good profitā€¦ so Donā€™t listen other people bad feedback about EDGAR COMPANY.

YES! or NO!

It seems like there are now more edgar supporter trying to tell people Edgar is still ok.

But if you read this thread you will also know that something is really wrong with Edgar.

Putting the legitimacy of edgar aside - as I have already written to the NZ Securities Commission and am waiting for their reply.

" In the words of a previous post " If you have 1 million USD and you can only withdraw $1. Is your profit the 1 million or the $1.

There is no doubt Andy is still trading, my friends account on paper is growing but what is the point if we canā€™t even withdraw ? Who on earth is crazy enough to put in money when everyone here problem withdrawing ?

So CNY is around the corner. Withdrawal have now almost completely ceased to happen. Now can any Pro Edgar supporter explain why no more payment.

I think what I will list below is relevant and important question many people will have thought of but afraid to ask. If anyone can explain to me clearly and concisely that would be good.

  1. There is a supposedly a huge payment backlog. Mutalib last post was about 400++ file to process - Seriously, how difficult is it to process 400 payment voucher. IF you have money in the bank account, all the payment instruction on hand, get one person sit down at the desk and do the payment process. I assume Andy or Edgar have no accounting system to help with the payment voucher. So get 1 admin staff, all the vouchers have bank details, payment request, etc, put it on the form. If I have the details and have the money in the bank. I can get 400 withdrawal slips to the bank in one day. Its not rocket science. AS an accountant, there is only 1 reason company delay payment - No Money in the bank

2.Have no one wonder why Andy say only March we can withdraw, and no more payment icon but manual ? Yet Mutalib say everything is settled from I think 5 Jan ? So How can Edgar be ok, YET Andy still hold payment withdrawal ?

  1. If you are an Agent, when was the last time you receive your commission ? Have you not ask why ? What is the hold-up ?

  2. Have no one asked why Edgar is unable to open their own Bank in NZ ? Even though the Audit is over ? Why use Prince Trading which is open in around June 2010 ?

  3. If you are an agent, try telling investors, Andy makes you heaps of money in Forex, BUT once you put money in, there is no guarantee you will be able to withdrawal your money.

In simple English, donā€™t claim Edgar is good, until Edgar is able to pay the withdrawal. How can anyone say Edgar is good when you canā€™t even take out your money. At this moment, Edgar is not worth its weight in gold.

In the words of Jerry McGuire which he so aptly phased - ā€œSHOW ME THE MONEY.ā€

Hi MasterAsia,

I have been looking at this thread for sometimes, i just do not understand your motivation, you are not an investor, not a competitor, what are you? Why are you so busy body until you have time to write to NZ ComSec? You got nothing to do in life? You are the no 2 after pipsconquer, he is also another busy bodyā€¦ I just donā€™t understand why you have soooooooooooo much time to argue and critize here, since nothing is related to you?? :confused::confused:

Just like what Asian like to sayā€¦ ā€œeat too much and nothing to doā€:confused::confused:

lolā€¦ maybe he really too freeā€¦ 05jan is edgar resume their operationā€¦
no matter what information i get or u all get, decision is still on your ownā€¦
good luckā€¦

I have been looking at this thread for sometimes, i just do not understand your motivation, you are not an investor, not a competitor, what are you? Why are you so busy body until you have time to write to NZ ComSec? You got nothing to do in life? You are the no 2 after pipsconquer, he is also another busy bodyā€¦ I just donā€™t understand why you have soooooooooooo much time to argue and critize here, since nothing is related to you?? :confused::confused:

Actually those guys or ??? (girls)!!! have no business in this thread; they did+not, do+not, have+not provided any useful information either supporting nor to defame Edgar but simply criticism and pure speculation.

I really wander the kind of person they are. AND right too ā€œWhat were their motivationā€?

Have [U]had[/U] also asked where best to invest; but to that? no reply tooā€¦


Just to answer your question Hardmoney. If you have read my thread, I am someone who have friends who had the unfortunate mistake in joining the Edgar group. They have tried to get me to join before this collapse.

AND now, like it or not, most of them have their Money all stuck in Edgar because Andy and Jerry would not process the money. They have ask me for help and once i did more research I knew something was really wrong with Edgar

Now all my friends hear is wait wait wait. NO answers just wait wait waitā€¦ money is coming but will be very slow. Worse still they give all these rubbish and excuses why money is delayed and we know Andy is the one who controls the fate of the withdrawal. How many different reasons can Edgar give ? Audit ? Payment backlog, etc

We tried to find out from the directorā€¦ BUTā€¦ lo and behold. Edgar do not have a staff at all except for a receptionist. Everything directed to email and to CS. Have anyone tried to call Edgar in NZ ? We did ? You will never be able to speak to anyone except the receptionist.

All the people say on forum people hide their identity. But the master is still the Edgar group.

In all honesty who is the man behind Global trade consortium, who is the real boss of Edgar ? Who is Mutalib ? If they are really doing forex business why hide, come out and face the investors. Why is the face of Edgar only Andy and Jerry ? If you do business and face accusation wonā€™t the boss come out in the open. Mutalib say they have legal department, and suchā€¦ he make it seem like a big company, but in all reality they have not come out and face the investors.

Personally we have tried to be nice, my friends have tried ā€œthe be nice to Jerry and Andyā€ tactic, send email to CS, send email to Agent. Nothing really works

So Mr Hardmoneyā€¦ why i do what i do. I will answer you, I am doing this so that all the investors and agents will pressure Andy and Jerry for an answer on their money. If not, they will come out with more lies and half-truth, and maybe disappear and run away or trick more unsuspecting people into investing. We want Andy and Jerry to give us an answer, or simply put we want the money.

Oh. if you anyone want to trade forex there are alot out there - etoro, Oanda, Forexpro, etc. It depends on what currency you want to trade as each company have diffferent spread and also platform. Babypips have also listed possible scam site, so just stay clear of those.

PS - If Edgar want to claim that everything is normal. The only way you can convince people is to start paying the money and get andy to put back the withdrawal icon. How can Edgar be ok, if you canā€™t withdrawal money ?

Dear Solai, AllenLeow, Hardmoney99:

Just a very simple question, if you think Edgar is ok, may i know why i still yet to receive my withdrawal? isnā€™t it Edgar already back to normal in Jan?
I beliew that till now all the Edgar supporter still dare not answer this question, When we can have our money back?

Not sure what is the real intention of writing to NZ ComSec by Master Asia, but isnā€™t it a good news to everyone? supporter or non supporter of Edgar? this will clear of the doubt and only with this we can say " decision is still on your ownā€¦ " quoted by AllenLeow.

2 months down and 1 month to go. With ref to your above message dated 29th November 2010, i certainly hope youā€™re right. Remember, there is only 28 days in the month of February. Itā€™s not about 3 months but I havenā€™t make any withdrawal since August 2010 and of course all others need to.

PipConqueror is challenging you and if he losses he blanje you. ( dunno exactly what he wants to blanje you ) Of course, my bet is on you to win n for many reasons we want you to win lol, heheā€¦

Like Iā€™ve said; I am neutral and just an investor, and am also waiting for next withdrawal which as noticed is this coming March.

Well! If you like to know? Next week should tell a story and might just answer your doubts about your investments. Just wait to see who is smiling and who donā€™t during the CNY festivity days.

Frankly I do not think one xxxxx (NotToMention) is a scam when another is (was) not. There are simply to many other(s) that have higher either in leverage or spread, or both, and/or higher (minimum) take profit (T/P) level requirements.

Well, with 7 trades this month, Edgar is still doing great; at least in figures btw. Within this pass 2 months the accumulated amount within the ppl I know is 1+ Mil. Not surprising for a company that can use 30% assets per trade session, which most successful traders do.


Hi Master Asia,

Thanks for your explanation, do you think whatever that you doing now will help you friends? You should know, if making them angry, the withdrawal will even worse and slower.

For eg, IF or let says if Edgar has money to pay, or paying slowly, but when the NZ governement step in again, all the operation will be affected again. Do you reckon, by doing so, you are helping your friends? :confused::cool:

Yes Edgar is still ok and become betterā€¦ for those people no patience in their withdrawal much better take your money outā€¦ and watch us enjoying Good Profit of our Patienceā€¦ :smiley: