Edgar International

now that is a dumb post!!!

ppl grew inpatient for the very reason they cant “take their money out” !!

was said before, and should maybe till it gets into some limited brains: paper money isnt real…
you send me 1000$, and i photshop you a statement that it double each month and you soon be a millionaire…the little hichup, you will never get it, since the moment i got it i will spend it to some things…

Hurry up lads, dont miss out on your “good profits”…limited (NOT!) seats!

Maybe I am the only one that the 411 on this, but umm… This horse is dead already. Can we quit kicking it for crying out loud?

Heck, just put this Edgar group on a Scam alert thread and leave it be. Make a sticky thread with a list of people to be aware of. Next to their name on the thread cross reference it to this one. Easy enough.

I get it, I swear I get it. Edgar is a supposed group of excellent traders that want you to give them money to invest for you. They can turn 500 bucks into 1,000,000 in a year!! yes, i got that. I also got that once you have that million dollars, you never get it! In fact you cant even withdraw 500 bucks… lol

We’re done here… stick a fork in them!

well, as i know, withdrawal payment coming out slowly… master asia friends
(some of them) got their money right??? if u feel this is a scam, u dare to introduce ur friends??? wont right??? if u think that edgar is taking other new investor money to pay those ppl, then let it be…

if u think edgar is scam, dun join them… dont introduce them to ur friend… and to those investor, since it is a scam, then dont hope they will pay u back… so much arguement also wont help u get the money back…

edgar is a scam or not, we will know it sooner or later…

Making Good decision it must be done 100x or more than 1000x

Edgar scum or not… doesn’t matter… the important things is the Good return after you regain your capital from your investment company, no loossssssssss:eek:…

Simple f u can’t take you money out from intvestment company…whatever… find WAY!!!

find way?? how??? got some way but quite expensive… to those ppl say it is a scam, since it is a scam, why they will pay u? lol… no offense… ask to wait but cant wait and doing this and that to get the money…

well, if u found anyway to get the money, share it out to all the other ppl…

u still don understand the situation - I not receiving the withdrawal, the choice is not me, is Edgar whether to let me take out the money.

And also no explanation given to me why my account being frozen.

Do you mean my money is on somebody who is easily angry and when they are angry , they will not pay me? and with this character you still saying that Edgar is ok?

Why is it important to get the NZ Securities commisson involved

  1. Firstly, we have 2 main groups here, one supporting Edgar and the other believing that Edgar is a scam. Rather then fight over the legitimacy of Edgar, the best way to resolve is to ask the NZ Securities a comfirmation. If Edgar is really legal then I dont see why my friends won’t get the money and also Edgar can get their name cleared, but if Edgar is a scam, regardless whatever we report to authorities, we will never get the money back because we know Edgar is already in the sewers and cant pay up at all.

  2. If Edgar is really scam, I think we need to get the word out before more people fall victim.

The key point is Mutalib keep saying the company is legal. Why not just ask NZ Securities the question ? And once and for all find the reason behing all the frozen account and the constand changing of account

honestly, I rather do that. you go ahead, add more… get rich fast I hope. I am looking for safty first. then richness. I am kind of a more patience getting rich in a safer mode rather than looking for dumping in highrisk. I don’t like easy come, easy go. but it doesn’t mean I need to work hard. I like to work smart. taking huge potential risk with a huge potential gain is not my style. to me, its not smart way. thats gambling department. hehehe… all the best.

1st, its better to be bussy rather then lazy. so I like to buzzing around here. is this forum belongs to you alone or open to everyone to share regarding edgar??? so, i thing by pointing finger to both me and masterasia is out of the topic here. but you can openly share that is related to edgar.

2nd, it is normal to have both party sharing to make us even more wiser. sometimes its not the way we like to hear it but then we can take it into consideration. MasterAsia and I might be wrong, but can anyone prove us wrong yet? at the end, we only can produce words here and not the final decisions. not all things comes out positive or negative. so I hope you don’t mind us buzzing around here as long as its related to the discussion on edgar. cheers.

lets say I am a girl, or you can name what ever you want of me… I m still human. do you mean girls can’t post any in this forum? I like critism. but with points that can build me up even its agains my prinsiple. but critism that involve disrespact, well, I just say, I forgive.

another thing is, I thought I supported AllenLiew to put more $$$ into his edgar account once EDGAR continue its operation. I think its the best way for you to invest more too… as long as you have confidence in edgar. don’t answer me, just ask your self, should you apply loans to topup your account? or any other option to topup… would you do that??? again its you to answer…

Hahaha… If I lose, I don’t mind blanja. also if I lose, my friends and relatives also get their money back. but what if I win? can you imagine what will happen to ALL investors?

A question here, simple, to those who invest with edgar, if edgar release your withdrawal this march, would you :

A ) reinvest more

B ) withdraw all

C ) leave the balance to grow

D ) withdraw some from capital


there is risk in every business…no wonder… things to remember if you going to enter FOREX investment… Grab the Opportunity Be smart & work Hard

No SAFE PLACE anymore…

Hope for the Best !
think for the worst !

I agree upon your statement that what ever we do does involve risk. we can’t run away from any risk. but we can at least plan on risk control. of course my statement is debatable. But before jumping into a higher risk investment, we should build a strong foundation under the low risk investment first. both involve risk, but again its depands on how we manage our risk.

Plan for the best,
hope for the best.


Anybody can tell me… why there are people Believed EDGAR is not scum?

Give me Concrete REASON…???


nice question. this is for edgar supporters to answer. I believe me and masterasia and some others are not edgar supportes, we have at least made our CONCRETE REASON on why we believe EDGAR is not legit.

I think by just saying, “if edgar want to scam, they should run long time ago” is a concrete reason. to scam, they need time. to run also, they need time. or I think edgar admin can’t run anyway, thats why they can’t run. but they will give lots and lot kinds of excuses just to buy some time for them.

example of their excuse, withdrawal, begining I believe they say wait for 2 weeks, then 1 month, then 2, now 3. why edgar have legal problem if you think they are not illegal? these are all their excuses to buy time. other regulated broker withdraw only took few working days, whats the meaning until 3 months? then if say bad things being frozen account??? if i say bad things to the bank, the bank will sue me but not frozen my account, maybe they close my account but give back me the money.

I will choose D…withdraw 50% of my bal amount, currently at about USD62K…So, what’s ur concern if A , B, C or D?

if I already covered my capital and risk free zone, I would do the same by selecting D. the other half is for wait and see mode. hahaha…

if I just invested and just received around 30% of my invested capital, sure I will go for B. because withdrawal problem.

I will go for A if I am so confident on what they are doing is legit, and have a professional approch, sure will pump in more. because less risk if edgar is a registered/regulated broker. meaning withdrawing would be no problem.

If I am super rich already, I will select C, don’t mind my money burn if edgar legit or not.
