Edgar International

why not calculate on the laverage then target smaller pips. say 5 - 10 pips a day. 10pips a day will make 50pips for 5 days - Excellent point, greed will lead to loss. discipline is always important than trade skill.


Hi Bestwishes,
Hehehe please don’t vent your anger here. I thought you are a man. So you are revealing yourself as lady in love hehehe. I think you must has been in love with Andy but after Andy turn his back you started attacking him and his Edgar business. Why in the beginning you supported Edgar and hope that it become succesful? Surely there must be something behind that you are attacking Andy now. Did your business with Andy turn sour? The partnership broke? There must be reason for your persistent attack. Pyrimid scheme! what pyrimid scheme are you talking about? you said you don’t need a paper qulification to identify a real business and fake business. You are all wrong here.

Yes I am behind Andy and his Edgar cos from a mere us300.00 I made us20,000K. Why should I not support him. If you don’t even know what is Edgar you have no business taliking about here. I think you must have sit up your own trading firm and after all your clients have left you because of your poor performance you began to attack Andy cos he is so sucessful in his business. May be you better think again and reflect on your poor performance as a trader we can help you anytime. I really hope you become successful. Thank you

Mr Kinabalu,
With regards to ur msg above , i have been doing accordingly but sadly to say it turned out to be NOT as what described by you. I went to the Eastern Rich office situated in Karamunsing Capital. I do not have a good impression with the staff there. Basically, I met 3 staff there but don’t see them busy doing anything in particular. Anyway, i don’t think many people would be able to find the office as it’s really isolated at the far corner with no co signboard outside the building.

The intention of my visit was to ask for assistant from the staff to help me do the chasing on my withdrawal made in Dec 2010 since you mentioned that there are 4 dedicated staff doing the so-called chasing for investors. However, the only feedback i got from the staff is withdrawal will have to go thru agent. Even if chasing also need to ask your agent to do the chasing. I do not wanna name the staff even though i got her name. As for the rest, what she can answer is “dunno”, “dunno” and “dunno”. According to her, that is what been instructed by their bos Andy who was not around that day. Let me put it this way, they AREN’T helpful at all. Subsequently, when i asked my agent, it’s always the same old story…wait n wait n wait…

Nonetheless wish you could help in this area, n if you could help, pls check into withdrawal made in Dec 3rd, 2010 reference # 21905 & 22168 for amount of USD4K and USD18K respectively. It’s just a partial withdrawal. TQ.

Hi Bestwishes,
Take it easy! Fx is trend trading. Banal adages like: don’t be greedy…be fearful/careful…hopeful are not practical. Taking 5 -10 pips is scalping. Scalp at 3pips spread for 20 trades/m/10lots => 600p/m or 7200p/y. Scalping is fast but you may risk 20-30 p sudden spikes for 10p . Risk/reward ratio? However, you cannot become rich this way because scalpers don’t care about the trend. They trade irrespective of trends up or down or reversed or moved in their favours. Hope you get your withdrawals. Keep on learning!

Mr. Penampang,
I really sympathise you regarding your problem of withdrawal. I am suprise that the staff there mistreated you. From what I know they were train to be polite whoever comes to visit their office. This is case to be discussed with the management. Normally they will ask for your account nomber and check where to problem had happened. If the problem is from your account they will tell you. If the problem is from Edgar’s side they will also tell you. It sound your agent is also not being helpfull. If you are from Penampang I would like to discuss this with you. Hope to meet you soon. Thank you

yes, u r right. As im still not rich. Hehehe. Yes its a scalp but im not a scalper. And i do care about trend sensitively. Scalper are for those posting more trades. I have my method for safer 10pips daily only 1 trade per day. But its all depands on traders how they really managed it. But i agree with most scalper hard to make constant profit.

Seems like there are a few newly registered users who are very active and aggressive in supporting Edgar in this thread. How many die-hard fans would still remain die-hard by now after having their withdrawals delayed months after months?

By the way our CEO, Mutalib’s ID has been banned for fanning, I wonder what ID is he “reincarnated” into?

Wow, that is the spirit man. I assumed you are a man…Lady is not so brave to come out and help sad and depressed clients? Sorry to all ladies…:cool:

Mr Kinabalu, hope you could share some light here, our agents promised, by March 2011 all withdrawals will be issue? Now already rolled in 1st week of March 2011 and nobody seem to have their withdrawal done? Everybody is waiting for the return of their money, hope you could assist to talk to Mr Andy / Edgar. ps release our money.

The stunt done by Mr Andy on 24th Feb 2011 was a good one. That proven Mr Andy do trade and now all problems should be laying on Edgar? Three mths withdrawals one time seen to be a good move but withdrawals issue must solve or gain a Billion also no use.

All the Best to Edgar’s Customers including myself

Does anyone get withdrawl from last Aug to Dec?
I don’t know when I could get my withdrawl on 12 Nov. 2010.
All I can do is just pray God and wait.

Dear Kinabalu,
I m not sure how i could meet up with you as I m sure all of us here do not want to reveal ourselves here in this forum. No name, no phone #, no email n no working place of course. Anyway, if you’re using BB you can contact me via BBM @ pin # 22BC8342. tq.

PipsConquerer you will be well off in time to come since you are not a scalper. You will soon get 15 to 30p per trade. All the best to you and Bestwishes in your endeavour.

Wow…dats really good for you and now I know why you called yourself PipsConqueror. Averagely you made 50pips per week and this is certainly better than Andy. Andy only made 15- 30 pips averagely per week and in fact sometime zero i.e., no trading in a week.
Andy is such a popular man and perhaps you are also a popular guy in your area too.

Congrats n all the best to you… :slight_smile:

hi guys,
the exact withdrawal will be issue is by end of march or early april, thats what my agent told me recently…

good luck…

What do you mean? Issuance of the filed withdrawal or new filing of withdrawal?

Your right, nothing to do but wait, It was mentioned earlier in this forum about the success of some withdrawals.

after 5 months suffering waiting, no Christmas, no NY, no CNY, hope ur agent is right and edgar / andy could keep the promise and give no excuses by end of march.

honestly, yes… you are right. but… sadly that was 2 years ago. done that mistake before fully dedicated it to 10pips only. maybe you too been through these mistakes. I have to admit what you say there is true. but only its not “well off in time to come” but its already over to me. I have no reason to go 11pips if my plan is 10pips only.

I do long term trade also… but that is a monthly trade. no targeted pips amount but depanding on the validity of the technical and fundamental. entered always monday just after NFP week. man… this sometimes gives me 500pips -800pips per month on single trade … not just 30pips. thats amature dude.

thanks, but still waiting for AllenLeow. Can’t blanja you first. hahaha

Andy is such a popular man and perhaps you are also a popular guy in your area too. - Ooooo yes… I am so popular in lossing money if you really know who I am. why I am not trading others acc as what Andy do??? because maybe Im not as good trader as he is… begining I did took clients but lost at trade. ALL OF IT. the feeling of lossing others money… not others, even my own family member’s money is a vary hard feeling to accept. especially during family gatherings. going outdoors fear of friends whom I lost their money… MALU you know. even my own wife malu because of me. these feelings made me not want to be famous yet I was already famous in my home town lossing their money. hahahaha… but… naver give up. unless you don’t have any believe in FOREX’s richness.

Lets get bck to edgar topic shall we…

ok, some edgarian made their investment back and some didnt. some got even more from just a tiny. some from giant to not yet. others got it and others waiting still… but above to all EDGARIANS… good luck march.

Thanks, Pipsconquerer. I have learnt from many mistakes using 5 demo a/c with different indicators on one pair.