Edgar International

Mr. Penampang you are correct about “This is all about management”. According to the breifing and sharing done by Mr.Jerry the withdrawal is temporarily frozen to enable trading done smothly base on the trend of USD/JPY. Base on information received we can withdraw by end of March. It can be done using the form designed by Jerry. I hope you have got this form already. Once filled you can email it…(I cannot reveal the email here). Once posted to Edgar, it should take full responsibilty to transfer the money to our account…normally 1 to 3 weeks. Andy’s office is doing the chasing all the time.

By the way do you still have any outstanding withdrawal that has not been cleared yet by Edgar? If you have, it should be reported immediately to Andy’s office for immediate action. He has a few dedicated staff doing the chasing. Andy normally cannot promise how fast the money can be transfered to your prefered banking. Even some of our banking system cannot accept the money transfered to our account due to some banking system they practice especially CIMB. So this another cause for delay in receiving you money. The bank return back the money to New Zealand and it causes a lot of hasle. Try using May Bank instead. So the delay is not just on Edgar side’s but on our banking system as well. You have been an investor for a long time already. So you should know this problem as well. Let us try and withdraw in April. Best of luck to you. Thank you

If we have all been reading this forum then, according to Mutalib there are only a couple of hundred outstanding about 1 month plus back. It just seems that there are so many different version of the story going round regarding the withdrawal issue.

The payment icon was disabled in around nov i believe, but even during the 2 months we were already having withdrawal issues. Assuming they have already stopped withdrawal for almost 4 months and according to Mutalib the outstanding issue should have been resolved.

Actually if we have all been attentive to the payment reference produced by Edgar. You will have found that from the beginning until they stopped the icon, there were only 16000 plus payment transaction. When the trouble began the payment ref was around 7000. Which mean from June-Nov there were 8000 payment withdrwawl request. I know for a fact some of my friends had keep trying to withdrawal everyday when the money don’t come out. Which means some would have tried up till 10 to 15 times.

So going by the high side lets say 70%, then there are 5600 withdrawal since the problem started making it about 700 withdrawal per month or 23 withdrawal per day for the past 8 months since June.

What i am trying to get is that techinically this backlog issue should have been resolved. Why the delay in edgar ?

Dear Kinabalu,
Thanks for the clarification. I hv been investing probably twice longer than you are but seemed that you know better. Perhaps my agent is not disseminating the info n instructions clearly. Appreciated your effort here… :slight_smile:

Dear Penampang10:

I think you point to right direction to everyone here. Why Andy have a right to do with disabled the payment instruction? Why 99% of Keningau’s withdrawals were clear? Why 2 floating orders were posted in February 24th and shut off all client’s log in? Why Andy not only have a trading platform but also a management system to adjust client’s right? Why Jerry control all those withdrawal processing? Why Jerry replacing Andy and perform meeting briefing and sharing? Why Edgar office in New Zealand just a virtual office but not the HQ? … Why so many doubts and error in different perspectives for Edgar International.

The inconvenience truth is, there is no Edgar management team, all the registered shareholder just a tools for your information and they are easily replace in certain period. The actual HQ of Edgar is actually in Sabah, and Andy is the sole owner to this company. He is your almighty God and even your Fortune of God, when he feel unhappy with some criticism from some clients in Taiwan, then the punishment will fall to everyone. You all should worship him relentlessly to avoid punishment, and try your best to please him. Probably you may still have a little hope on your withdrawal after floating lost deduction.

That is prove by the statement of AllenLeow, Choosen and Lucky?!

Mr. Kinabalu,

As you have so much insider information from Edgar, I think you are about time to replace Mr. Mutalib from the bottom of heart of all clients who follow with this thread. I just don’t care whether you are close or not close to Andy, however I assume you are one of the top agent who under Andy directly. Truthfully to advise you that, a successful business always consisted of a strong and loyalty consumer base. To hurt and harm their own client will not bring winnings to both side. As I always said, I don’t think iTrade actually linked to forex market, and I don’t think Edgar have actual trading license or consider a legitimate forex investing business. According to the quote of Mutalib, Edgar just a online trading platform, I don’t even consider Edgar qualify as a legal online trading platform.

However, Edgar to me is another pyramid scheme or multi-level marketing business. Some Pyramid scheme has positive view and plan to run their business in long run, but some is not. I just hopefully you may give your advise to Andy about a pyramid company still can do something good to their client, and make both side beneficial. To improve the efficiency of management is a must. Thanks.

Hi PipsConqueror,

You doing forex trading to support your family in daily live? And you are only targeting 10pips? You are good, man. I am doing my trading as well but I think I not as good as you are. At least, I still need to have my full time job to support my daily live. I might too fancy at branded product, need to save some cents for future investment, huh? Basically, my trade just about more than 60% profit overall. Do you read a lot? Could you advise some reference text that inspire you a lot in forex trading? Although, I have Finance & Investment postgrad but need more improve so far. Thanks.


Suprising you turn from a positive person to a negative person. You started brightly by saying to Mr. Penampang “I think you pointed to a right direction to everyone here” and became very negative by asking so many “why this?..why that?..How that? And then you talk about God as if you are the one closest to God.” As I know no one is God here. Not Andy, Not Me, Not you…hehehe. No you cannot involve God. He is almighty. Then you are talking about punishment by God? I tell you once again no one is God here. The worse thing you are cursing someone innocent.

Obviously you lack knowledge how forex work and how it manage funds earn by traders. Yes, lots of issues. You need a qualification to understand the whole system and how organisation work. If we talk day in day out about forex but you still don’t understand then it is a waste of time talking about it here.

I dont how much you have invested with Edgar. But do you mind to bare everything here how much you have earn and how much you have loss…so that we can appreciate your problem more clearly…so that we can punish the person you are cursing so much…no we cannot hang him here…we can only make judgement…we appreciate if you bare everything here how much you loss…you could be the choosenlucky? Thank you

any apology should be accepted - thanks

your quote “I also didn’t notice any sign like :for edgar investors only”. you are the one who said this thing. - its true, I didn’t see any signs. really.

Not to condem anyone that they are scam or conman. - honestly, YES I am condeming. and Ohhh yeahhh… it is also a place to discus regarding scam or conman matters that related to FOREX.

We have no right to condem anyone just because they are trading badly or managing somebody’s account. - Yes, Correct. But with respect. I only condem him that related to EDGAR management and not his trades. and I did include MIGHT, IF… as because I can’t confirm any of those. but I believe I did not include the word “might” or “if” when I say “EDGAR is not a regulated broker”.

You are correct we are humans and can make mistakes. So does Andy - Yes, agreed. But depands on what kind of mistakes. and I think, IF andy is found guilty regarding EDGAR regulations, he MIGHT be take into justice.

Wish you the best in your trading. - thank you so much… same to you too…

You doing forex trading to support your family in daily live? And you are only targeting 10pips? - yeah, targeting only 10pips daily and I am done. unless if I am able to lock it 10pips then trail it. I sometimes end up between 20pips - 70pips or more. but as long as 10pips achieved. Im done.

I am doing my trading as well but I think I not as good as you are. Basically, my trade just about more than 60% profit overall. - don’t be silly, weekly I only gained average 5% - 10%. 60% is more to a blessings to me. u are better trader than I am.

Do you read a lot? - Yes I do, why because to get rid of the itchiness of my fingger to trade. its of my analisis to trade a long term trade. every month after the NFP, I usually post a long term trade. leave it for months if the trand is still valid.

Could you advise some reference text that inspire you a lot in forex trading? - Naver Ever Devolep greed. protact your capital at all cost. loss today, make sure you still can figth tomorow. and have an easy target. thats my purpose of 10pips daily. Bulls makes money, bear makes money. pigs get slottered. hahaha… love that quote.

Although, I have Finance & Investment postgrad but need more improve so far. - with your background in finance, I don’t see why I am more better than you are. only my simple advice if you haven’t know this la… please do research on the conspiracy on the US dollar. the Iraq thing… canadian and maxico currency thing. then the Asian currencies. vary interesting. because it will relate to the gold price, oil and future currencies. Ayoooo… you better I think. hahahahaha…

withdrawal pending since oct till now march… still can create so many differ story.


Hi Kinabalu,

It is look like you are so busy to attacking everyone in this thread. The comment that I was posted are focus on Andy himself, however it looks like create trouble to you. Are you the immediate family member with Andy or you are Andy’s lover? Then, why you care so much about Andy who cause a lot problems to all clients here?

I am not a client or agent of Edgar, therefore I am always in neutral standpoint, nor positive neither negative here. If you read all the comment that I was posted since August 2010, you may found that I even hope that Edgar turn out to be a successful business in the very beginning. I never doubt that a pyramid scheme can bring substantial profit to their agent especially the agents who are in top level. Sounds familiar in Edgar, huh? Are you the one in top top level?

Qualification, do I need to sign up a qualification sheet to leave comment here? Did you? Why you always ask people disclose their profit here, but not yourself? Do you so shy to show to everyone because you have big loss in Edgar? Penampang10 did show his profit, how about you? As Andy Lover like you, why don’t keep yourself quite on Andy’s bed?

A forum is a place to share and get information, it doesn’t mean that you need to have big problem in order to leave comment here? Then, what is your forex problem to cause you stay in this thread and attacking everyone here? Did Andy just broke p with you?

Why don’t you just save some time here and talk to your Andy, do business with good heart. Did Andy heard all clients complaint here, they need money for CNY, why Andy don’t do a favor to client? What is the point to put money in somewhere that you can’t even cash out your principal? I even heard some one told me that, you better to have cancer disease in order to get withdrawal process faster. What is the point to invest in Edgar and create a lot trouble for yourself?

Anyway, I don’t think you care about client. Your answer always wait, be patient, Andy will do something but never promised. Why you don’t care? Because you are Andy’s lover? You are fooling around here, you just waste my time to reply your stupid comment. Think what, you will never get my apology, you are nothing to me.

Hi PipsConqueror,

According to your statement, I think you are so good in fundamental analysis with updated news. I think I am just the one full of theory, but need some more training and trades to get myself better.

Tell you what, I quite like the reference text with ISBN 978-0-470-18769-2, I still do more reading to enrich myself in this area. Oh, I just don’t want to mention the title of the book to avoid some concern of advertising.

Anyway, I show my full respect to you. Thanks.

Hey, I don’t have money to blanja you la… hahahaha… standby my budget betting with AllenLeow. btw, was it by Benet Mc something2… forgot the full name already. yeah… nice one… really brigthen my ways in handling my investments after defeated many times.


Can not log in now [B]AGAIN[/B]!
The lot has been profit yesterday noon when I log in. Does anyone know it closed or not?

Now I could log in, and it has traded on 1 March 2011.

Could anyone know the next withdraw time?

Most clients’ withdrawl from Aug. 2010 to Dec. 2010 haven’t got.

I don’t know whether the investors could withdrawl again on April or not.

Does anyone know the answer?

Log in now, and this log out without notice is really exciting ah…
The result is profit.

Not sure why you post huge losses before offset, particularly with lots withdrawal problems.
You really had investors worried a lot!!!
Next withdrawal time?
My agent just keep me waiting, and urs??
I think there wont be any withdrawal till previous withdrawals received.

you guys got your withdrawals already? such an ample time. how come still can’t managed withdrawal?

nope, still not get withdrawal since Oct.10 .
5 months passed already. yeah, with so much time how come still cant solve withdrawal problem? actually I dont think there will be a chance to get money back.
although I still not have capital back. but it will be better for me to look forward and keep moving on.

you are doing forex trading to support your family in daily live? I really admire you a lot.:slight_smile: I am new to forex but trying to learn much more abt forex bcz I lost lots of money in EDGAR(been cheated?) hope I could be like you one day.

you are doing forex trading to support your family in daily live? - yes. full time job. only about 1 - 3 hour working for 10pips daily.

I am new to forex but trying to learn much more abt forex bcz I lost lots of money in EDGAR(been cheated? - yeah, same… always get cheated. but learn alot lesson from there. thats why didn’t invest in edgar… paid off base on experience. sometimes, I rather lose to a legal/regulated company as long as they are legit rather then get cheated. felt so cheap if get cheated.

hope I could be like you one day - this I hard to comment. because, I loss aloooooottttt trades even lossing so much $$$ before get to the mostttt simplest stage. its like looking for a gold in other country without realizing the gold is just under your home town. I meant is, looking for the holy grail technic, to earn tonnes of pips… normaly I like to ean more then 30pips a day. but then lose more. due to heavy target. So… No point. why not calculate on the laverage then target smaller pips. say 5 - 10 pips a day. 10pips a day will make 50pips for 5 days… good deal what???