Edgar International

As far as I know, the fact is that:

In addition to the threat of these close account investors, there was still others continue to e-mail bothering Sabah company, make Sifu angry and crazy, besides, some people also said that Sifu always trades succefully by “cheating”.

Therefore, Sifu decided to put the transaction and let everyone to see the real trading situation, from 24 Feb. 2011 to 1 Mac. 2011, and the result was that a lot of investors got huge loss.

The investors’ loss of EDGAR, was lost their 1/7 to 1/9 principal.
Preliminary estimates, about lost USD 1 million to 1.3 million.

The RGAF investors’ loss of RGL, was lost USD 7,000 to 8,000.

Please do not make Sifu angry again, not only in order to everyone could get your great profit, but also for everyone’s smooth withdrawal in the future.

My Dear Kinabalu,

From what I know, my agent since Sept till now Commission is 0. They did not get any at all? What being told was, must clear all withdrawals issue then maybe got commission? So you must be the lucky one who got commission in your pocket.

So, kinabalu are we getting our money soon?

Why didn’t Edgar tell their investors about these mistakes (through email or agent)? Why must people learn about Edgar from babypips? Do you know Allen Leow personally? Does he work in the Eastern Rich Enterprise office in Karamunsing?

Hi Confused,

We all learning from Forex Trade, however I don’t think we can classify ourself as Scalpers due to inability conrner the market. Scalping is consider a trading behavior which try to perform market manipulation. I think only some market maker can find an merely opportunity to corner the securities and futures market, but not forex market. You may need a huge amount of strong capital base in order to corner the market. Neither I nor Pipsconqueror will consider ourself as Scalper, don’t have that kind of capital. Furthermore, why scalper don’t care about trend? Because they try to create the trend which favor to their position. So, should they care about the trend?

Anyway, thanks for your advise and info. Like your statement, keep on learning. I do actually. By the way, I have no business with Edgar, and of course no withdrawal problem. Thanks.:o

Hi Penampang10,

Don’t expect to have a polite, informative, professional, experienced, skill, excellent customer service from Edgar and Eastern Rich Company. You should put pressure on your agent, then pay visit to Jerry with your agent weekly. Hopefully, it will help. Thanks.:frowning:

Hi Bestwishes,
I did not follow this thread all the time so I didn’t know you’re not an investor. Anyway, I like to inform you that I have seen forex market cornered during Asian hours when the volume are thin. The fx market is not an exchange with all the world volume. Some licensed fx company only have 6 banks to trade with. Can they not gang up against small traders. Another have 8 banks, another 34 banks. I have 2 fx companies accounts and their highest and lowest are different. Same market? One have spike where another don’t have. Why? Mkt can be cornered for 1 minutes to 15 minutes but harder the longer the duration. Enough to trigger 30-40p stop loss and pocket them. I used the word scalper to mean skimmer (5-10p)not manipulator. Following your definition, if am a scalper, I care about the trend as I use less capital for the same result or the same capital for more impact. I believe you can figure this one out… and ride the trend. I never traded yen but I knew market can touch 82.75 but conservatively put it at 82.70. Market touched 82.76 highest b4 NFP. See page 75 of this thread. … I am NOT saying Andy cannot see it…Why? If you know the answer …no need to answer…I don’t expect you to tell everybody. Those 2 trades with floating loss he could see the bottom that’s why I took the trouble to post in this thread on Page 75 to stop fears from reaching tipping point. Bad for health. His other trades i did not analyse… Nope i did not trade U/J. Nope,… no profit…bah… Hope you got some benefits out of these but I hope you can improve mine a bit… Tks for your earlier contribution to this thread cos I was really in the dark about withdrawal till friend gave me this website. Imagine the pressure cooker at Eastern Rich. After I get my withdrawal, I buy them …err…er. er…cannot mention! Otherwised they know who this so confused is.

Hi Confused,
After you get your withdrawal, can you buy me something too? With your 2 brokers, & what you know, take U/J for example, do they give a spread of less than 3 pips like PipsConqueror’s broker (0.2pips)? Since you were lucky enough to learn from master Andy, have you been making good profit from trading? Can you share what you learnt?

Thanks for your contribution, very informative and useful for me so far! You are so humble to choose name “Confused” since you seem to know a lot!

Mr. Kinabalu,
Floating loss again last nite ! This may slowing down the deduction from
ledger for our withdrawal coz account floating. If next few week also the same, the investor will suffering overnight interest charges but profit gains maybe same or maybe loss. what is you comment?

hi, i understand what you meant. Yes, confirmed, my 10pip stratergy i dont put stop loss. But my long term trade i do need it. How to say are, hehehe, its all depands on ur trading plan and stratergy. Example, the 10pips thing. We are talking about a realy short term trade. Keaning i would be sitting in front of my computer to monitor my trade. So my stop loss will be done manually. If the sudden changes happen, i will just cut it. As i say its a short term base trade, i wount wait it to go more then 30pips negative. But, i do consider if my trade is still in favour of hitting my daily target. If i lose today, i stop and re-do it again the next day for 10pips. Even if yesterday i lose 30pips. But i usually finished my 10pips without any problem. Easy2 target. Seldom i got to meet trade that against me on my 10pips daily. Lets say for 100 days trade only 5 - 8 times the unfavourable trade. Its all depands on ur method of trade. Plan ur trade and trade ur plan.

Glad to hear that! I requested in November but haven’t received. Not even deducted from my ledger.

Different agent different talks, who shall I believe…if you so close with Andy also no payment come, when we are the choosen & lucky one…

Hi PipsConqueror,
Thanks for your reply. Thats good. Can you share a bit about your entry criteria? Do you have a favorite pair or do you look at a few major currency pair? Have you been tempted to take more than 10pips? Or trying to get 10pips again on the same day? Maybe from a different pair? How about using like a mental trailing stop in case you get into a good trend? Have you experimented with 15 or 20pips?

If I were you, I would probably increase the margin with a strategy which has a high probability of success. I think the good thing is you don’t need to wait for too long to get out of your trade. Long term, do you think the U/J is going to go up?

“O” income should not be taken as an excuse for agents to stop caring their client…they should continue caring for you by informing you of the problems…Most agents have earned hundred or even million of dollars as a commision from Andy…They should let you know what is happening to your withdrawal problem. They are provided with instructions and format how to deal with problems. It is clearly provided during the meeting. Don’t let him run away from you.

Your problem could be one of those problem I mentioned earlier. The most tricky of the problem is about the undisclosed amount you have in your trading account. Legally the money still belongs to Edgar and you cannot deduct it from your account.

Hi Best wishes,
I thought you said you have nothing to do with Edgar and Andy…suprisingly you are advising Penampang how to deal with his withdrawal problem by visiting Jerry. So you know Jerry after all and you are one of the INVESTOR in Edgar with your account being traded by Adndy… you finally let out your secret…hehehe

Dear Kinbalu,

0 income how to work? But my agent is very responsible for all the clients under his care.

But the true problem is, Mr Andy and Jerry no response at all. Then how?

Does anyone know the reason that the close account investors’ account were traded?

My clients who applied for closing their EDGAR accounts were traded again yesterday.

Anyone who has the same problem?

Is it the way that EDGAR do not want to pay them any money after all?

Is EDGAR a scam?

The close account investors’ lot were very “high”, the other normal accounts’ lot were normal, but this time, the trader only buy a single bill each account.

So far, every account is loss.

I suspecte that it’s a deliberate damage, it’s very exaggerating!!!

Could anyone give me a view?

Is that because we are going to the EDGAR company’s reason?

I think that it is unbelieveable!!!

If anyone has the same problem, please tell me how to do.

Thank you.


Why don’t you consider your money donated to Edgar & Andy already? Maybe it is better for you to stop worrying, it is bad for your health. As you know, all traders sometimes lose before they profit, it is a simple fact of trading, just ask anyone.

About telling you “how to do”, haven’t you been reading this thread already? Many things - visit Edgar office, visit Eastern Rich office, visit church, talking to agent, etc etc etc.

Hi Active Trader,
Alpari.com offer 1.6 to 2.0 pips for U/J but occassionaly executions are slow. You can find many on the net. Caveat: cheap may come with slow execution or requotes. So take one that is reasonale. PipsConquerer may have found a cheap as well as good broker. Ask him. Look for one that is linked to 20 or more banks because you are trading within these 20 banks mkt. It is not an exhange that involve all the banks in the world. E.g.when you buy 10 lots ,fx like FXDD will sell you 10 lots. Immediately FXDD buy the same 10 lots from their banks at minimal commission which is lower than the spread they charged you.
I have been making profit monthly but I still have losing trades within each month due to itchy fingers that knowingly sell at already near bottom prices just to skim7-9 pips. Ha…ha. then I go back to recall my technique priciples as I don’t have good memory. I know Andy’s technique before I know him. There is more to the common technique that he taught so many times. It’s his recipe, of course one don’t expect him to reveal in details. His technique require you to be able to idenfify up or downtrend with accurate timing. That’s is because his risk appetite is very very high even by hedge fund standard. He taught normal MACD which will not yield any advantage as it is a common usage. When to use it and when not to trade is his key. However, I have to qualify my statements: any technique used look brilliant after the facts. I don’t trade Yen cos I got Andy to do it. I diversify because Euro may break up and go back pre-1990. Safety in CHF but GBP got risk of UK going nearer to broke. GBP used to be the World’s reserve currency. People avoid currencies so gold and silver etc up…up. Silver is a tricky mkt. You cannot apply his technique at his risk level to EU an GU. That partially expalin why he trade UJ only. I m ‘confused’ to prevent pride from getting the worst out of me. " pride comes b4 the fall".

Dear ActiveTrader,

Do you think it’s normal?

You don’t worry your money gone lost all?

If the full money lost, I could not be responsible for my clients.

I don’t care about if my money lost, but I very care about whether my clients’ money exist or not.

Espeicially, the all closed account clients.

Because Andy has said to me, those who once applied for closeing their investe account, he would not assist to trade them anymore.

Therefore, I must search help and the reason why those closed accounts were traded again.

I don’t know if some problems happened again on the itrade, or this was someone on purpose, or the situation just happened in some nations, such as Taiwan…, and so on.

It’s very strange, now.

Any closed account investors never gets their money so far, and then, the problem occurrd yesterday.

I don’t care about my loss, but as a sub-agent, I should search for an answer, and tell my clients in order to prevent them from worry, anxiety, disappointed, sad, etc…

Anyway, thanks for your suggestion, if there is no way to solve, I’ll obey it, and provide it to my clients.

Thank you.


How are you? I noticed that in recent weeks, there have been a few new posters on this thread like yourself. I am not sure if you have read the whole thread from the beginning but it might be a good idea if you have the time. Then you would know that actually, everything I know about Edgar I learnt from this babypips thread. You could say I am a bit of a busybody but I try to be neutral to generate discussion.

I note with interest that you are an agent. In that case, why don’t you just contact Andy directly? I couldn’t understand why you couldn’t contact him but next, you should be able to contact all the other agent friends, you must have met many agents in meetings (at Celyn hotel) or at the dinner late last year. How did you become an agent? You must have trusted Andy when you began working as an agent for him, and earnt some commissions already? I realise there is an Eastern Rich office but is there an Edgar office in KK?

Nothing about Edgar is normal. Even before the middle of last year, some people were already warning about Edgar. I would’ve thought that closing an account would’ve fixed the withdrawal problem, obviously not. Actually I would be interested in hearing what MasterAsia has to say now, I kind of miss his comments! But if you can wait, Kinabalu will give a good answer!