Edgar International

Mr Kinabalu, u seen to be very close to mr Andy n mr Jerry? U ar trying to tell everybody here to go to their agent for answers? But do u know that mr Andy n mr Jerry ar unreachable? When I make noise to my agent, he always do not have an answer because the both kings no reply at all.

Mr kinabalu since u ar so kind why not get the answer for all of us now. When can we see our money back to our bank?

I have been chasing after this bugger since 2008. Ever heard of VANTAGEFXONLINE.COM? Our investment payment has been pending payment ever since to date. Somebody tell me if he have the integrity to manage your hard earned monies?

Hi Kinabalu,

Don’t waste time to do too much guessing. Review all the thread from first page and please how many time comments were quote Jerry and Andy? Don’t make yourself silly, man.

Hi ActiveTrader,

Good ponit. What church? I never have an answer direct to “church” matter.

As you know, I just read babypips just like you. Thats what I read & thats all I know about church.

Good point you mentioned about closed accounts being traded. This is new information which is good, we like new info.

To all others,
As you know, only Andy knows the answer to all questions & no one else, and obviously he is not on this forum. Since he is unreachable, how do you know he hasn’t left the country already?

Hi yjgolive,

I think ActiveTrader was think that is normal. Actually, I think everyone should get use to the business culture of Edgar what ActiveTrader quoted. Kinabalu may have the best answer for you, I think Kinabalu will comment your money with Edgar is not your money yet, why are you so serious about it. Kinabalu always like to sing, your money is my money and my money is my money too. Right?

Hi ActiveTrader,

Don’t throw your atomic bomb here yet, you are going to scare everyone here out of ****. Everyone here have been praying Andy still play foot ball in Keningau foot ball court till now.

Hi yjgolive,

Please do not worry about the continue trading in closed account. Prepare your printscreen from platform and file a new account closing request with new balance to Jerry. Everyone should know to do it that way, however it may take a little bit longer for closed account proceed to get deduct. Oh, Kinabalu just told me this tip, right?

Hi blackpearljack,

What happen to this website? What is the actual story that you have for the website that you’re mentioned above? I was check the webpage and it was expired and was filed as a deleted domain on profile. I am just curious whether this is another sister company from group of Edgar’s gang.

I agreed with you. The agents are very responsible and have done everything what they are supposed to do. Even withdrawal form filled up and submitted sometime ago and now agents also don’t know what should be done. Even the agents are claiming it’s now up to Jerry n Andy. No reponse but keeping quiet. That’s what my agent is telling me.

We cannot be so revengeful by doing this in purpose… I believe the church n the pastor will only tell followers to do good deed…n noble cause… huhs…

I don’t know at what day and time your visit was made to Eastern Rich. They cannot be there all the time as they have to travel to several places like Taiwan, Singapore, Thailand, Phillipines,Indonesia, KL…you are not the only client thay have to attend to. I also don’t know what type of withdrawal problem you have. During the last meeting there were 760 withdrawal problem that was distributed to all the agents. They were supposed to approach Jerry immediately after that meeting.Your agent either missed that important meeting, sleeping or don’t bother to find out and help you. Your problem could be one of those listed. Go back to your agent and ask him/her to find out the real problem. Thank you

Just admit that you have investment with Edgar and earned hundred of thousand of $$$$. No need to hide and stop being silly. hehehe

Dear yjgolive,

Don’t worry about it.

I trust Andy and EDGAR, they’ll deal with the problem soon.

Maybe you could be like me, if you feel worry, anxious, you could go to church, pray, and reading Bible.

And then, you could relax, just calm down, waiting for handling.

I think that it may make you felt well.


your friend,


Dear masterstone,
Thanks for your suggestion, I’ll try them.
Here, I, yjgolive, should apologize to Andy and his team.
I was so impetuous that almost crazy to attack them.
I’ll pray for my clients’ amount, wish they could get their amount in the future.
I’ll tell other sub-agents do not worry.
Thank you again.
If any other wants to invest again, I’ll tell him/her that think carefully before he/she invest.

May God bless everyone here,
yjgolive in Singapore

Dear Masterstone,
I appreciate you being a very positive person. You are the only one showing consideration and sensible about the issues of withdrawal. Eventhough many have made considerable profit from the hard work of Andy they still want to pretend that they were made poor because of Andy. How ungrateful some people are. They are fanning the issues that Andy is running away and Edgar will be closed soon. It is like what is happening in Egypt and Libya people created small issues eventually bringing down the Government. Similarly it could happened to Edgar. Andy will stop trading and that is the end of the story. People here are not being supportive. They only think of profit.profit…profit. everyday as if Andy is the source of their living. People have to think…if they want to bring down Andy and Edgar…just make noise and it will be bye…bye.Thank you

Dear yjgolive,

I agree masterstone’s suggestion, don’t worry, just pray and wait.
If this time, you got loss, then everyone would get loss, too.
Therefore, don’t worry, be happy.
As the Bible says, "In returning and rest you shall be saved; in quietness and in trust shall be your strength."
I’ll pray for you, not only you, but also every investor.
I also hope that every investor would get his/her money as soon as possible.
I believe that not only you feel worry, but also others do.
However, we should understand that if we continuously feel worry, the money wouldn’t come back immediately, the bank neither know your worry, EDGAR neither know your worry, Andy neither know your worry.
Think optimisticly, and then you’ll have good life.
Do not worry it, maybe the money would come back unexpected.
You can tell your clients, pray, and wait.
I think that relax will make you well.


your friend,

crazykill Tokyo

Dearest Kinabalu, sorry to say that you are abit naive or you are hiding the truth. Let me tell you the history. Initially all withdrawals were no problem. All those craps you have mentioned about wrong name, accounts no, id no etc…etc all are not a problem at all as all by previous withdrawals were successful. Only when October 2010 start, untill nov 2010 when all withdrawals bounce back to ledger. What can you say about this?

Yes, I was told there was a meeting and we were provided with manual form to fill for withdrawals and after that no more news from Mr Andy and Mr Jerry. Edgar worse not a single sound from them and their CS JUST LIKE INVISIBLE?
So Mr Kinabalu, do you know the problem? Let me tell you, The problem is there is no answer, why can’t Edgar issue out the withdrawals when there are money in their hand which Mr Andy able to make two trade on 24th Feb and 4th March 2011.

Lastly, Mr Kinabalu, by end March 2011 are all investores able to receive their money? Third time I am asking you?

All the Edgar supporters always trying to explain lots of things in this forum but they always ignore the main concern , that’s when we can receive our money. fr AllanLeow, Solai and now Kinabalu.

sorry for the late reply, was at my kampung planting rubber tree. hehehe.

Can you share a bit about your entry criteria? - so so simple, take my hint, indentify daily trend, hourly and 15min… if this all match, use 5min as for entrance. leave it for 10 pips. do this during none news release. money mgt, I dont have to say much la. you want to follow this humble technic, its up to you. but I have created Hundred Thousand$$$. hahaha…

Do you have a favorite pair or do you look at a few major currency pair? - yes, GBP/USD. don’t ask why ya, hard to explain. hehehe. maybe because I made my first hundred thousand USD on this pair.

Have you been tempted to take more than 10pips? Or trying to get 10pips again on the same day? Maybe from a different pair? How about using like a mental trailing stop in case you get into a good trend? Have you experimented with 15 or 20pips? - yes… before I fully master the Discipline of maintaining 10pips daily only. 15 or 20 pips… not even 11pips. 10pips sir… enough…

If I were you, I would probably increase the margin with a strategy which has a high probability of success. I think the good thing is you don’t need to wait for too long to get out of your trade. - key point is, think like the banks do. why are they not giving us higher profits? its not because they can’t hire professionals… its because to protact investor’s $$$. thats why they only use small margin. risking only 1% - 2% per trade.

Long term, do you think the U/J is going to go up? - I might be wrong but, since you ask, I only can share my opinion. look at the western market, do they focus on building business relationship with westerns also? no… most are focusing on fresh market like Asian Markets. simple explaination is, western currencies like to come in to asians… so… YEN is what market??? Asian… YEN should be getting strongger. just look at MYR… also asian market… Long term, USD/JPY is down to me.

I use FXCM as for my main broker. any broker that related to ECN market spread is not fixed. it may goes down to as low as 0.2 pips. sometimes even to 2pips. download and try their demo to check it out.