Edgar International

It is all a scam and will report to police with printed evidence. see J and A in jail.

[QUOTE=PipsLoser;248093]Dear Kinabalu,

Can you provide info why is it still possible for EDGAR accounts to have negative equity?

As of 1:20 AM 12 Mar, there are three entries, NB 82. 85, NB 83.09 and NS 81.93, price as of 1:20 AM 81.9

Dear Pipsloser,
The accounts is being tradedā€¦market affected by sunameā€¦donā€™t log on to it untill,It wont be harmedā€¦
Meeting some good news and some bad news which I cannot reveal hereā€¦cos all the people here are very negativeā€¦sorry about thatā€¦I wish I can come face to face to you to discuss mattersā€¦regards to you

With most brokers normally, negative equity normally means the market has moved so quickly that even the broker cannot close/stop your positions out in time. It means you owe that money to your broker.

In this case, I cannot see that the market has moved so quickly, so it is a bit strange. But everything about Edgar has been very strange anyway. My broker would have closed me out automatically much earlier. The master trader didnā€™t know about tsunami? Sounds like they tried to crash your account a few times before but didnā€™t succeed, with losses I heard. Now all the skeptics are going to say ā€œSee, I told you so!ā€.

He is so good he can trade and go to meeting at the same time! Interesting story (excuse) given is, he is busy trying to make some more paper profit but unfortunately, the earthquake interfered with the trading, bad earthquake, caught him off guard, that is too bad for investors.

I think I can guess what the good news and bad news are. Good news is you can withdraw. Bad news is there is nothing to withdraw. I think this is the END of Edgar by the sounds of it after looking at the positions you quoted. Its been good reading until now!

very difficult to escape this locking. the range is near 200 points, very unusual. it strengthen to 81.60 yesterday. with equal lots NB and NS, equity will never move much. plus monday opening is unpredictable. I hope Andy knows what to do.

Sounds like there is still hope! With negative money left, if a full recovery is possible, I will bow down and show my respect!

Sounds like in trading, if you get it wrong the first time, donā€™t worry, second time you will get it right, even when unpredictable!


any report to authorities? i know many individual trader-broker who were approached by their bosses to bust the accounts so the boss gets a sum and the broker get a fat tip. I am convinced that he is not this kind.
hope things go well for everyone.

Seem it is very unusual. This is third consecutive week floating loss to get investor wait for the account recovery, slow down the deduction from their account on the withdrawal. Better stop trading one month to clear all the outstanding withdrawal to investor after recovery from Tsunami.

Mr Kinabalu,
Others country like Autralia, SG, Philippine, US also have same control as Bank Negara, please clarify to us.

If the problem of withdrawal still cannot solve, it is better temporary stop trading for a month enable Edgar to clear all outstanding withdrawal of 2010 to the investor. Thank you & hope to see your improvement.

To avoid negative thought from others you can reveal only the GOOD NEWS! thanks

what happend about EDGARā€™s website? I couldnā€™t see any information in this site.
My friends told me that they couldnā€™t log in their EDGAR account, too.
Does anyone know the problem?

Today, all my friends said that they couldnā€™t log in their EDGAR accounts again.
What happened?
Does anyone notice the problem?
And I couldnā€™t see EDGARā€™s website, Iā€™m not sure that if EDGAR exists now.:confused:


It is classified and cannot be discussed at this forums.
Keep our fingers and LEG crosses, Hoping that Andy and EDGAR can own up and settle this current withdrawal problems. Andyā€™s was not at the meeting last night though!!!
Have a good weekend everybody!!

It seems you guys donā€™t get it. The question is no longer about whether you can get withdrawal or not. Even if you can get withdrawal what is the point? The question now is - with negative equity, where is the money coming from to fund or support that negative equity? I would not call this a floating loss situation which can be fixed when the market turn around. The loss has been allowed to accumulate until the account is less than zero. The NS came in too late already. All accounts need new money to continue trading.

Unless iTrade is a demo account, then anything is possible. Which means any company using iTrade are all scam companies because it failed to stop account loss.

Your accounts have been crashed and killed already. Can some trader explain this more clearly? It seems many people donā€™t understand the situation.

Normally thats a tell tale sign ā€œTHE BEGINNING OF THE ENDā€ No point to pray, this is not GOD creations like the natural disaster in japan recently as this was already planned to destine towards this ENDING since day 1. Round up every investors and go after Andy and the Gang.
Or Prove me wrong? SHOW ME THE MONEY!!!

Errr! Do you plan to GO the EASY way or the HARD way?
We have GOVERMENT Police and PRIVATE Police?

you need to ask your agentā€¦

Can anyone update what was the outcome of yesterdayā€™s meeting? I agreed, Edgar should stop trading for now and merely focus on withdrawal issue.

ask your agent

ask your agent star89

Looks like all the waiting is finally over. Iā€™m just waiting to see some middle east style action.