Edgar International

Redhero12 and Penampang,
I would like to meet the two of you…I think you are staying close by to me…I have these forms for you to fill in and to email to Estern Rich to solve your withdrawal problem…We have important meeting tonite with solai, Allenleow, Andy and Jerry…tommorrow is also another important meeting with all the agents…I might not appear again. Thank you the two of you for your support. God bless.


Conman or Con-artist came from the words Confident man or Confident Artist.
This act has been around for as far as history can remember, maybe just a little bit younger or later than the oldest profession- prostitution. Maybe i can put it into layman words, i have more respect to the oldest profession more’ compared to a con artist. The oldest profession? very simple: “No Money No Honey!!” they don’t cheat you of your hard earned money and keep you hanging there with FALSE HOPE like what a con artist does.
BTW if your super trader is not a con artist or Edgar intl is not a scam, ask super trader to explained what he did using UPL and VantageFXonline.com to those poor helpless investors in BRUNEI, MALAYSIA and maybe SINGAPORE couple of years back. To date the matter is still pending and the case is still open. If your super trader can comes up with a positive conclusions, “settle all pending payments” a.s.a.p, then we see what is his next actions towards Edgar investors or else, i am goin to spill the CAN OF WORM all over the places. USUALLY- A fugitive can runs but he cannot hide. Time is running out dude! Tic! Toc! tic! toc!


hai Kinabalu… im new here… i join invesment with edgar Jun last year… can u help me for my withdrawal also coz i just wan to married this jun… wan to use much money… i also hear with my agen, all agents tomorow got meeting… hope can hear happy news for all got invest with edgar… Hope God Bless u…


Thanks for your effort n willingness to assist n support. I do hope that you could be persistent n had d perseverance in overcoming the current issue. Everyone out here is just voicing their frustration n i do understand their plight too. Hope you just dun give-up.

I hv actually given the form by the personnel there n filled up d form when i went to Eastern Rich probably 2 weeks ago. The form was also submitted to my agent and subsequently to Jerry for processing purpose. Actually I have got the hp no of Jerry thru info sharing. I have actually tried to call Jerry and he responded by sms. Thus, I have given my details to him for reference. Perhaps, you could check with Jerry abt this matter. My agent is very responsible and he had printed out a copy for my reference as well.

I do hope to meet you too but how? In this forum we cant name ourselves, no handphone #, no email address and I respect the policy in this forum not to mention it. As i mentioned earlier, u could contact me via BBM with the pin # posted. ( 22BC8342) All the best in your endeavour and we all hope everything goes smooth with Edgar too.


what makes you so sure that Andy is involved in UPL and Vantage ? just need to know

Dear Kinabalu,
My agent told me that it will be in March, but the agent has not given any green light. Any news yet? My friends have been complaining about Edgar’s website. It is hard to access and some buttons not functioning properly. One assistant did not answer emails for 5 days. Everyone is getting anxious. Do they still have the money to pay? Or what happened to the money? This delay and lack of information is draining people’s emotions.
It seems that you met Andy recently and you are convinced that everything will be ok. Any explanation on this major delay? I have met him myself and i am convinced that he is a sincere and smart person, but this delay has been very draining.
Interesting to note that RGL is doing an overnight trading while Edgar is not. Are you aware of any other companies Andy is trading for?


Mr Kinabalu, my situation is same as Mr Penampang. All required forms my agent already submitted to you. The group of us are waiting patiently and anxiously for our withdrawals to be return by end March 2011.

Mr Kinabalu, since your are so kind and willing to help us, and you have also said " no one will suffer " I hope every investors will get their hard earn money soon? The meeting which you have mentioned to be carried out tonight, hope it will be favourable to all investors. God will know your good deed and will bless you and your family. Cheers…: )

Dear Jayson
What I understand is that all his inlaws (father,mother, brother, sister and close relatives, whole kampong) have invested heavily and dependant on Andy for their income. He assured me and them as well that everything is running well. I dont think he can escape from this kg if he wants to avoid or scam them because of the investment. But there is a meeting tonite hope you will be there as well. Unless the agreement between him and Edgar turn sour then it is another story. He has paid several million $$$$ bond as security to trade all our accounts. Edgar is not his Company but there is an agreement and bond paid. Other companies he is dealing not aware of that.

Mr kinabalu,
Eastern rich will be hold a meeting tonight with agent. All the investor here are waiting for the solution of withdrawal pending for few month still unsolve…hope you can bring up good news here. Thank you

Mr Kinabalu,
That is what I thought. He cannot escape due to the ties. I am sure he studied Edgar well before deciding. I know tons of banks where he can trade safely for us if Edgar is not reliable.
If he can graduate from this difficulty, he is ready for a higher level!
Is it turning sour? Is the money still frozen? Keep us posted!

I don’t know if EDGAR is a scam, but the truth is that almost all investors have not got their payment from 2010.
I don’t know what happened about EDGAR, because they never tell the problem, so far, not yet solve the problem.
My friends told me that they never got their payment from Aug. 2010, every week they mail to their agency, but so far, it’s no use.
And I heard that some RGL investors’ withdrawls not yet deducted, my friend said that they felt worried, and they’re afraid of their money lost.
I don’t know how to say, I’m also afraid of their money lost.

The other problem is that my friends told me if they apply for withdrawl, their RGL account will be traded!!!
They said that they suspected the RGL company is the same with EDGAR, I don’t know how to say.
They’re all regreted that invested their money to the above companies.

Mr Jayson,
The original problem was Edgar cannot release the fund at the same time to pay all the withdrawals.The traded fund is actually withdrawn from the US not in New Zealand as most people assumed and it takes time for this fund to get into their bank. The second problem was, our withdrawals amounted to RM30,000,000 per week and bank Negara cannot allow this much amount to get into Malaysia cos of banking procedure. The most that is allowed is 1,000,000 per day. Even this amount will make Bank Negara on the watch for Andy and his Co. So it is quite a tricky business compounded with all the complains that appears on this thread. Some have complaing to security commission and polis I think out of jealousy cos of the success of his trade. In KK alone there are 50 companies following his style of business and some didn’t succeed. Cos they are envious of his success they start to create romours resulting in so many withdrawals and closing of accounts. Edgar notice this and start quetioning him cos they cannot cope with the withdrawals at the same time. But tonite I hope to get the latest what is happening. Thank you


I won’t mentioned it if there is no evident!
He used to have an office (UPL) in Brunei couple of years back. To make a story short!! After making Tons of money, as usual the bubble bust. Andy & the Gang absconded with the takes. The Awangs, Dayangs & the pengirans were left helplessly, Then VantageFXonline.com was born. The cycles started all over again.
The same fate went to vantagFXonline.com, it demised prematurely but surely with some helpless souls suffering over their hard earned monies disappeared into thin air again.
Like mushroom sprouting during the rainy season, then Edgar Intl was born. The cycles started all over again and it is anticipated to destine towards the same fate as was already planned since day 1.
Doesn’t matter how THICK or FAT their assurance that this is not a scam or we are not con-artist, towards the end of the day? it still happen because that is what they are. “Con-Artist with their Scam”
well! Prove that i am wrong. “SHOW ME THE MONEY”

Kinabalu & Jayson,

No doubt about that, Andy won’t be able to run away from his kampong folks, immediate family members on his side as well his wife side, (Sorry to hear already EX wife) and all the cikgus and cikgis colleagues of his ex-wife from the school where she’s teaching, all the closest of friends like KINABALU and the rest which i do not need to mention names.You guys knows whom i am referring to.
BUT what about the rest of the INVESTORS who are not SPERM related to him? When can they all HAPPILY see their money sitting SAFE & SOUND in their respective bank account?
Prove to us! “SHOW ME THE MONEY”

I remember he mentioned that he brought major problems to Edgar and it will not happen in RGL. My bank account is off-shore so I hope it helps. I really hope for good news from tonight’s meeting as I need the money. Thanks for your reply.
note: all my accounts are in locking position. buy 82.95 buy 82.70 sell 81.68

Same boat! I have not seen a single cent yet! Hope for good news from tonight’s meeting!


Thanks for your response. I hope they will state the time of trade on the ledger so everyone can check if the trades are real. Anyone reported UPL and Vantage case to the authorities? The size of the losses justifies a thorough investigation.

"[B][U]all[/U][/B] his inlaws (father,mother, brother, sister and close relatives, whole kampong) have [B]invested heavily[/B] and [B]dependant [/B]on Andy for their income…

WoW! ALL??? Is that what he really told you?? I’ve been following this thread since the beginning, but only two things really caught my attention. First, jayson linking this company to his church (which I knew well has nothing to do with this). Second, you Kinabalu, telling people that ALL of this particular people have INVESTED HEAVILY and DEPENDANT on him… Ouuu, what a stories… Kinabalu, you know what? That’s bulls**t!!

Dear Kinabalu,

Can you provide info why is it still possible for EDGAR accounts to have negative equity?

As of 1:20 AM 12 Mar, there are three entries, NB 82. 85, NB 83.09 and NS 81.93, price as of 1:20 AM 81.9

Two NB’s suffer big losses and margin used are so big…

BTW, how’s the meeting???