Edgar International

However, no one from 30,000 been chosen to travel with Andy drunker to NZ? Only Taiwanese client according to Kinabalu Zoo Keeper. So, 30,000 clients in Sabah are not the lucky one. Am I right? Mr. Zoo Keeper.

Dear Kinabalu,

You said you have no gut to against ActiveTrader in post #1073 and then you said ActiveTrader has been playing with demo platform in post #1078. What a man! Donā€™t lie any more, you have more gut to attack everyone here.

I am supriseā€¦you are talking about animals nowā€¦I thought you dislike them when Allen and solai mentioned them in their postā€¦It is fine with me if you want to be a zoo keeperā€¦we have a vacant post here in KKā€¦you can fly all the way from New Zealand

If you dont like my postā€¦no harm doneā€¦One sadistic person always lie and distort oneā€™s postingā€¦I know you are good in creating confusion Mrs.zoo keeper

Guys, not a good idea to start personally insulting each other.

I agree with you. Apparently, everyone is sad at this moment including Kinabalu but no nid to further insult each otherā€¦We can see that Kinabalu is trying to help as well, otherwise he could have just keep quiet and disappeared. Letā€™s see what can be done under the situation.

Dear All:
After being quiet for 2 months, finally there was trade for my account but unfortunately the trade was not favourable. Letā€™s assume the trade is real, can somebody advise me how to read the ledger and what are the meaning of:
Necessary, Float, Equity, Usable & ratio?

Something Badā€¦Just wait and see if there can be a miracle happen.

as far as Im concern right now, USD/JPY is going south moreā€¦ because I donā€™t have an account with EDGAR, I would like to know if the long position is still open? and what price? if USD/JPY hit at 1 point, maybe it can do averaging to cut trade at breakeven.

but if what being claim that Itrader is not linked to real market thenā€¦ anytime can change loorrrrā€¦

I still canā€™t accept the fact that Andy and the geng went to NZ to solve things outā€¦ where is the office??? according to the address at EDGAR website, aiyooooā€¦ its a virtual officeā€¦ they fly in to the internet??? or maybe just to run away or to blind pplā€™s view that they realy have business at NZ but instead they go for holiday???

Understand your acct being suspended for sometimes ( 2-3 months ) because you didnā€™t pay when you suppose to top-up. But how come Andy would want to trade your account at this time when others completely wiped off. Look like itā€™s time to wipe -off everything at one go. Completely cleaned and no more withdrawal issue.

Meaning of the ledger now is nothing left.

Long is still open, losing, but there is also short open, winning, both have the same lots used. The floating loss is neutral.

I not sure what is the reason but just wait & see. Anyone can advise me how to read the ledger ? necessary, equity, float, usable?

Itā€™s good to see you still being so optimisticā€¦ however few Edgar agents have been saying itā€™s definitely goneā€¦

They say the best time to start business is when it already hit rock bottom. They, I mean hostile takeovers. But back to our problem: Get all those recruits who already withdrew to ā€˜loanā€™ us ā€˜victimsā€™ so that there is still a win-win here? Right now, -ve and neutral? We are losing interests by the ā€˜minuteā€™. It is now NOT uncertain as it is still one way traffic. However, the first thing I want is a trader to stop losses. Cut the fat NOW.

necessary - margin used, amount from your balance that is being traded
equity - balance + or - win/loss
float - current win/loss
usable - balance minus necessary +/- win/loss

Dear fxvoilaaa,

Thanks for your advise. However, I am very sure that I am not the one who start this game, it has been started as Kinabalu joined this thread back to the end of Feb 2011 and he was criticised the non-Edgar supporter group as a barking dog. I am agree that everyone can share their thoughts in this thread. But, I am prefer the information may always lead to some point meaningful but not always saying ā€˜please wait and be patienceā€™. I am long consider myself as a non-Edgar supporter and try my best to provide other information for client to rethink about the whole situation that Edgar lead to. But what is the point that my points always been attacking by Kinabalu. The points that Kinabalu has been listed down to criticise my point always like dog barking, competitors, jealous, lie, suspend my account, lady in love, sadist, and etc. What can you learn from this kind of statement from Kinabalu? Did you learn something? I rather to have some one to argue my point of view with solid ground and then I will show my respect.

Recently, the collapse of Edgar, what did you learn from Kinabalu? 2 main points, first Andy get drunk but still able to do a over-preset-margin trade to cause everyone losing money, secondly Andy travel Taiwanese client to Edgar resolve withdrawal problem but not floating trades that cause client continue losing money. What is the point? If you are Agent or Client? What you try to do after you received this kind of information from Kinabalu? If you ask directly to Kinabalu, what can we do now? I am very sure that Kinabalu will replied ā€˜wait and be patienceā€™. Once again, what did you learn? what can you do with such information? All information from Kinabalu just nonsense, he is buying time for Andy. Do you think that he is in the same boat with client? I remember he was mentioned he is one of the guy who trade client account. And he even can call out meeting with Jerry, Andy face to face to meet Penampang10 and redhero. Do you still think that he is one of the client who suffer a dramatic lost? If Kinabalu reply something constructive to client to comfront this serious issue, then I will be stop criticise him.

Dear Penampang10,

I totally agree with you to insult each other may not bring any good cause to everyone here. I am really hope that you learn something valuable and useful for yourself from Kinabaluā€™s statement. However, everyone may only learn that Kinabalu try to calm down everyone donā€™t get angry to Andy, and finally he is buying time for Andy. What did you get actually?

Why donā€™t you think about to have some sort of solid executable plan to comfront to Edgar.

First, How you going to deal with this after drunk trade? Can Andy or Edgar provide a black and white to prove that is not clientā€™s responsibility due to Andyā€™s negligence. This is even a major code of ethic for financial professional to run their trading business, you can check that from CFA handbook.

Second, How you going to deal with Andy about the daily interest charge that causing clientā€™s account keep going low? Can Andy prove that due to his negligence trade, then he pump in $500,000 not in market but to client account to offset those interest charge?

Third, How you going to deal with Andy about the lost control situation of Edgar after March 10th, as everyone disagree that Andy and Edgar actually doing a real trade in market. Why donā€™t Andy and Edgar just admit that and reinstate everyone account back to March 10th situation, and I am very sure that everyone will happy even this is a ponzi scheme.

Look, I was just spent couple minutes and come out with 3 points that client need to take actions to discuss with Edgar and Andy Gang. But, Kinabalu has been spent many minutes to calm you all down with a statement of ā€˜wait and be patienceā€™. Which information you are more prefer to have in this thread? Wise people will have wise choice. Thanks.

I can confirm that Edgar Office does not exist, the address is a service office only, the reception that picks up the phone relays the call to the relevant service office.

Proof 1 - try calling the office and you will find that there is no physical staff you can speak to ( the reception do not belong to Edgar)

Proof 2 - Go check online the address, you will find the address listed is a building that provide service office facilities

In fact, a couple of people who lives in NZ have commented they have not heard Edgar in the building. What essentially Edgar is doing is just buying an office space to satisfy NZ company registration. But the office is not manned or staffed at all.

Final proof, = give the Edgar phone number a call, ask to speak to a staff there and they will ask you to email CS @ edgar ā€¦ no one actually talks to you

Also - I believe Andy is purposely trying to wipe out all the account and blame it on his drunken stupor. He is going to run or find other victims in other company. Personally i donā€™t believe that Andy did not know what he was doing. I will give you 2 reasons

  1. The timing of the trade was too coincidental, i believe the Japan disaster happen on the same date as Andyā€™s trading date. Who can confirm if Andy traded before the Japan disaster or AFTER ?

  2. All accounts that was previously suspended or closed accounts suddenly started trading. These accounts have stopped trading since they wanted it closed but no money came outā€¦ then after 2 -3 months no trade suddenly, they were hit by ANDYā€™s supposed stupid blunder.

It is clearly obvious that Andy is doing the UPL strategy, when things get too hot, destroy all accounts. Good luck. Maybe we can go to Andyā€™s house and salvage anything left.

Thanks for the explanation.
Letā€™s assume this is a real trade. How come my float is higher than balance? is it mean the ā€œlossā€ still not realise yet?

Did anyone login on 3/11? I did around the evening on 3/11, and Iā€™m sure there was still no trade. When the tsunami hit Japan on noon, U/J rise up above 83 less than two hours then fall all the way down. The price didnā€™t reach 82.5 after the evening. I can confirm Andy trade after tsunami, but WHY and HOW he buy in a price that higher then market price when trend was down? Everything is just too coincidental!!