Edgar International

Hi ActiveTrader,

You have such a brilliant idea, the city that I lived has no Edgar Office, and almost 99.99% of people never heard about Edgar. Do you asking Kinabalu recruit me as a pioneer agent in my city? I may be the one you’re mentioned, clueless and greedy investors? Hei. Kinabalu, I am waiting for you.

The 15,000 are from Sabah alone (KK,Keningau,Kudat,Sandakan, KB, Bt, and some more) the rest of the 15,000 are from S.E. Asian countries(Thailand, Phillipines,Taiwan,Hong Kong, Brunei,Singapore). so roughly altogether 30,000

We don’t simply recruit sadistic person in our business of trading. We have to be careful with those people because once a person become sadistic people won’t trust you. So we lose our business. You may be one of the candidates once we advertise the post in the news paper or in the internet. so be watchful for these advertisement. I am one of the panel of interviewer. Just submit your application who knows you could be the lucky one.


boring coz nothing to say…right Mr me myself Ni

Mr Kinabalu,

How’s Philippines status as you mention Mr Kinabalu?

by the way do you have Private email? i have something to discuss with you…
active trader want to be agent how come? maybe you could be the lucky one as mention by Mr kinabalu

With the compliments from Kinabalu, here is Andy’s house address:

Kingfisher Sulaman, Hse no.5, Lorong 5. Parked with a BMX X5 reg no ND86

If you can’t find the house do call him for direction at 019-8098133 or 012-8337313

If those no. didn’t work - ask his partner Jerry at 014-8554998 or 017-2874073

All above info are assume correct at this time.

uh’hu how u noe…everybody is talking bout money…money…moneyyy…egdar…edgar…
as if u guys have nothing else to do…but talk crap n ****…make me wannna puke…hhehehehe sorry i no speak english very well…but i can undestand…hehehehehe…

again… last night I did mention about the fall of USD/JPY. this morning… it went crazy… any of you monitored your account?

Yes, i can confirm that the hp # of both Andy n Jerry stated by you is correct. Other have been trying to contact them but unsuccessful. They are only picking up calls from their close associates. I haven’t call them too, as I was informed to give them time for a preriod of 2 weeks, they are trying to resolve and turnaround the crisis in 2 weeks pleading Edgar. Otherwise don’t hope so much. The higher the hope, the disappointment will even be greater.

I’ve zero hope in them. Now it’s a hide and seek game. They are buying time now - one more day means another day for them to sleep properly. Just wait till we meet them face to face - other half of truth will surface.

How are you today? Which website do you advertise and when are you going to start advertising again & where? I want want want to be the lucky one!! I am not sadistic!!

Active Trader,
I never mention any of your posting is sadistic "I am only refering to one particular person whose post appears as “BESTWISHES” so not you gentleman. Dont got me wrong. I have no grudge against you. your posting are reasonable to me.

Mr Sabahan,
Dont lose hope yet. There is still hope. Andy have been losing money to top our accounts. You have to support his effort. Yesterday he posted about us500,000 to top our accounts. You saw yesterday at around 3pm our accounts return from zero account to to few hundred $$$$$ but the market plung to aniother 233 points that afternnon. He is doing all his best. your account is not the only one. There are several YB’s and P***s accounts, even some top bank officers. I cannot name. So no joke. Keep supporting his effort.

Hope… Hope… & Hope… all we need is a hope for every investor…

You are just one of 30,000

Better to backdate all accounts to 10/03/11 where no trading done till 16/3/2011 on demo accounts. Active Trader said all are demo, not real ones.

OOO!!! that is because Active Trader has been playing demo all the time…so doesn’t really know how to play real account yet…he need to adjust his mind on this problem

Even the reg no also ND-ANDY…duno how much he tender it.

Dear Mr. Kinabalu,

Thanks for your good heart. I am not in your range, since you are Mr. Kinabalu Animal Zoo Keeper and your Superior are Mr. Drunker Andy. Why don’t you find some more zoo keeper like you always mention animal, and find some more drunker trader to trade for client. It will be the best company in the world comprises of Zoo Keeper and Drunker. Cheers.:56: