Edgar International

Edgar is a team’s name?

I thought it was the actual name of the person. Lol.

the name already appear… just u didnt see it… well, ur friend need to wait because u are lucky… there is so many withdrawal and u are lucky cuz u are choosen…

its good to learn to trade… but make sure dont greedy…

I’m not quite sure I understand what you mean. Who is lucky? And why?

Bingo, Allen. It is exactly what I want yoo to admit that Edgar is not a FCM and not a true investment company in financial investment industry.

For a true financial investment company, the broker or company only charge investors in standard transaction cost and something hidden cost in Bid-Ask Spread just like other people posted here. Thus, a true financial investment company may not have time to hold those private celebration party. A true financial investment company never have this kind of issue as you stated above, [B][U]“They can delay payment to customer but they can’t delay payment to agent. Otherwise agent will stop getting customer to them. The only way is reduce trade. And at the same time delay customer payment because agent will help Edgar International convince his client.”[/U][/B] A true financial investment company will not have liquidity problem as Edgar have serious cash flow issue.

Let me just try to compare true financial investment company and Edgar here,

Get money from Agents and so-called “investors” and then create trades and make everyone happy with figure which only show in computer. Then, depend on the new enrollment of “investors” to financed all cost from withdrawal, admins cost for stupid employee like Solai & AllenLeow, and of course a substantial earning to this “Mighty Trader”. However, Edgar need to balance their accounting book, they need same USD amount in new enrollment to match with identical USD amount in withdrawal in the same month. If they don’t have enough new enrollment income to match with total amount of withdrawal, then they delay to process withdrawal and delay to pay commission to Agent, and reduce trades.

[B][U]True Financial Investment Company:[/U][/B]
A true financial investment company will allocate their investors fund to a centralized investment portfolio. Before the investor deposit their fund, Agent may ask the risk level that investor can bear. Some investors is risk lover, or risk averse, or risk neutral. Then, Agent will design a combination of investment portfolio for this investor which may include Stock, Bond, Interest, Government Bills, and Financial Derivatives. Then the investment company may depend on the earning on Bid-Ask Spread, and short term investment portfolio in actual market to finance their operation.

So, differences are True Financial Investment Company never get money from this investors and pay to that investor’s withdrawal. The true financial investment company may have more sources of income compare to Edgar may just depend on new enrollment. Thus, there is no liquidity problem to true financial investment company as they have balanced mega investment portfolio compare to Edgar, if new enrollment suddenly drop and cash flow problem may present immediately.

Conclusion, Edgar is not a true financial investment company. You can see how big the different of nature of operation on these 2 different companies. To me, every company has not invest their client’s fund into financial market and claim themselves as a financial investment company, then, I will classify them as a scam. It doesn’t matter whether the bubble yet to burst or not. If you review all my posts in this thread from the very beginning, you may find that I truly hope Edgar to be regulated and compliance with local Government rules. It is a big protection to their client, and this is a big transformation from a multilevel direct marketing company to a local financial investment company. I think this change will be the great news to all Edgar’s client. Of course, the main beneficiary on this change will be Edgar itself, why? Because, they gain confidence from client again and Government willing to guarantee the investment fund of their client. Is that so difficult to Edgar?

AllenLeow, you are totally wrong again. Edgar depend on Agent only? How about all those client? Are they rubbish to Edgar? You once again prove yourself stupid in Mathematics. Go and do a research and see the comparison between the total deposited amount between Agent and Client? If client lost confidence, who is going to introduce business to Agent? Is all Agent pull their whole family in without introduce Edgar to his friends? AllenLeow, you even don’t have a common sense here, you are big losser in your life. I can imagine that how dumb in your life. Because there is no “professional” in your dictionary.

Am I a competitor? Thanks so much, I never position myself as a competitor to a scam. AllenLeow, don’t even try to raise you status in financial world. Don’t even try to think about other people love to compete with Edgar this such idiot running business. In fact, I am truly not your competitor. Is that important? The most important to me is share my experience and knowledge to others investors in this thread, and provide another point of view in this thread to promote professionalism in financial world. Apparently, that is not for you and Solai.

Once again, I think I need to collect my tuition cost from you, AllenLeow or may be Solai. Since you wast my time to educate you here, how about setup a private lecture for both of you? Just for both of you! That is a solely lesson, but not a celebration dinner. However, no other have chance on this, because both of you so dumb. To be humble, I think other thread posters are even wisest than me.

The information is matter everything. All investors should be publicly informed with all activity of Edgar. Its doesn’t matter, who were invited to this event. Edgar should provide newsletter to all their client, but not just pass their word through mouth. This is very old communication skill as the world without IT and email. For example, every investor have a right to request a financial report as they are the investors of this company. To me, Edgar always do something out of expectation in based of common sense.

Oh, what a quote from AllenLeow again, Lucky and Choosen in his statement. Is Edgar a God? Does Edgar have a right to choose someone lucky enough to receive their salvation - Withdrawal $$ ?? AllenLeow you sound like Christian, but you don’t behave like a Christian. Whatever the church that you attend, it’s truly shame on you and shame on your church.

Edgar have no right to choose someone to receive withdrawal. Edgar must process their withdrawal in the order of schedule of withdrawal request. That is totally not fair to all Edgar client with a statement of lucky and choosen.

AllenLeow, you really make me sick.

Dear Sg Investor,
Other Investors,

May I know how’s the frequency of trading in your country? How many times they trade in th month of:

August -
September -
October -
November -

Thank you…

Aug = 3
Sep = 4
Oct = 5
Nov = 2 till now
I come fr S’pore, how abt u? how many trades?

Ok, here in the philippines we got 3-5-6 and 2 this nov. withdrawal situation, same.
Lets pray everything will be fine soon…

it really sound so positive in all the words that bestwishes key in…

[B]Philip Morris & Andy Tan,[/B]

Since both of you are from the Philippines and Singapore, mind sharing what’s the name of the trader that trades for you? Where’s his office based?

Please look at the thread page #9, and post #87. You will find all answer you want. Thanks.

Sorry cant mention the name of trader. met him already, he’s a respectable man and can be trusted. for all the problems encountered trader has nothing to do with it. it’s in the system.

got invested usd100k, got profit usd30k, tried to withdraw since september… no news… lucky the person is rich. sorry, I hope they able to pay you. next time, don’t put your egg into no unregisted broker like edgar.

hahaha… its a funny answer to me too… lucky and got chosen one. ayoyo… what kind of broker does that? don’t tell me I cannot withdraw my hard earned money just because I am not the chosen one. hahaha… really a childish answer…

Thanks Philip Morris. Earlier you asked for my email? And then deleted the post? Nothing wrong with the trader, but why so secretive? Isn’t Edgar a legitimate international company?

So his name is Andy? Got his full name? Heard he’s a Kadazan guy with an office in Karamunsing? So he’s trading for Malaysian, Singapore and Philippines investors too? 1 trader trade for multiple of online accounts? Didn’t know such an “international company” has a trading desk based in KK. It should be a big good news. More FDI coming into Sabah and KK is becoming an international financial hub too.

But funny thing is government didn’t approve any financial license for foreign players in Sabah. So why set up a “international” trading desk in KK? One thing for sure. Setting up a scam doesn’t need license and no advertisement required, just word out mouth.

No I didnt delete, pipsygirl does. He has his reputation, working for edgar, he trade, got paid for his contract from edgar. Conflicts are with Edgar system, discussed previously. Allow little more time and we’ll see what will happen later. Everybody doesn’t know what will happen, positive or negative. If you think negative, then it’s fine… I think everybody have shared lots of ideas here. Most are on negative side. There’s nothing to argue with anymore isn’t it? All we have to do is wait whats gonna happen. Every investor here invest at their own risk. If Edgar will run away with all the money, it’s his choice and sorry for all investors. But, what if everything will be alright later on? If you think it won’t, you’ll be happy and blame all investors because of this… because of that?

We will just continue monitoring…

to all investors, don’t lose hope.

But why need to be so secretive about his name? If you tell me he is George Soros, sure I can even help you promote to more investors.

A reputable and experienced trader can attract more confidence from investors. And there you were telling investors not to give up hope waiting. Maybe you can share more of his qualification and experience here, can give more confidence to current investors. May even help Edgar attract more business, a way to thank the “team” for making so much money for you.

philip , we are all adult and we do thing practically … we are not children that waiting for the teacher to release the result and in the main time we just enjoy at the playground… invest fund to edgar is so easy but have the withdrawal fund back need to see edgar boss mood?? is she a lady boss that must wait till she clear her menses in order to have a smooth withdrawal??

these are all investors and not audience to wait what gonna happened… you think watching concert is it??

If you are not a child anymore and you are one of the investor, what you gonna do? Cry??? “oh edgar what have you done”. Is there anything that you can do to get your money back?