Edgar International

use a calculator… one month commission 4k?? means with a 100k account, after one month u will have 40k??? its a lot dude…

Originally Posted by maychin1972
Hi all just want to conclude something to you.

  1. Reason for keep on delay issue out payment to customer and do less trading per month.

a) The actual commission they pay out to agent is 5%. Just imagine, if they keep on provide 8 trades per month or more? Maybe 15 trades. How much commission they need to pay out? 40% and maybe 75%. That why those agent so rich! But think back, how long will it last? They can delay payment to customer but they can’t delay payment to agent. Otherwise agent will stop getting customer to them. The only way is reduce trade. And at the same time delay customer payment because agent will help Edgar International convince his client.

some more u say those agent commission never hold??? how u know??? u are a agent also??? cuz u received those payment??? those agent commission also get hold or not u know??? i dont know why some ppl like edgar and some ppl hate it… those like it mostly is investor but some ppl hate it maybe is COMPETITOR??? hahaha… forget about it…

ask u to buy a 2nd hand car u also need to test drive la
see the car can use or not… if the car after u bought one week spoil, u also cant do anything… its ur luck… just claim from insurance…

celebration dinner u want go??? at sabah… u really wanna waste those air ticket fly over to have a dinner than go back home??? hahaha

if really scam, u think they still got ppl working, doing the deduction and some ppl get money??? if me, i totally got in no out already…

Don’t get too emotional on this, Allen.

Just check the system that you have in your Edgar office, go through all those withdrawal reference numbers and find how many withdrawals got left behind in September. Since you’re not good in Mathematics, just check it one by one. Some of the investors are almost to have nightmare every night without receive their money. How dare you waste your time and blame me childish and teenage here. If Edgar handle withdrawal right, is there anyone want to complaint in this thread. Look at the facts were posted here, don’t brainwash by your trader or employer Edgar. You truly need a academic certificate to get yourself educate.

well… i didnt brainwash by them

withdrawal problem not only found in edgar… some investor make their own fault when submit… then u know how much investor haven get money which withdraw on september??? do u know a lot of things??? or u just guess???

if u guess, u also not sure the answer… dun simply mind control other ppl… are u a competitor??? hahaha… well, so early to wake up to reply my msg???

Hi Allen, you also very early check whether got people reply your post also. And you are the one cant sleep well, because you like to post something during 3.00am. :smiley: i surely confirm the commission is calculate like the following example: Because can calculate from the statement, anybody have brain also know how to calculate.

Investment Amount: USD120000 (120K)

Each trade edgar only take 1/3 of your fund to trade : USD400000 (40K)
They pay 5% of this amount (actually calculate by USD5 per lot, 1 lot = USD100)

So each trade they pay USD2000 (2K)
If he give 8 trade mean USD16000 (16K)
If he give 15 trade mean USD30000 (30K) - 1/4 total fund.

Maybe Allen is 1%, get sub commission from others.That why he protect Edgar. And just to inform all, a proper forex broker is earn from the different from bid and ask price. In this case, they not only earn this. But also add 5% commission per trade.

I can guess later Allen later will protect and said because Edgar manage to produce miracle result. But in fact, no professional will doing such thing bah! Just like a those people playing underworld gambling. Set their own rules. They can change anytime such as block your withdraw, reduce your trade. Maybe underworld gambling is better than them, because they manage to pay on time. :smiley:

Dear All:

I m super worry now. I’ve invested since Aug, although not much but still will feel “heart pain” if cannot withdraw out (even my capital). Any positive news now?

Andy Tan , positive news to you now is no worry still give edgar some hope that u might get your withdrawal back as there no actual office , you cant go down and check on them… it all virtual!!! so you think positively things might turn out as what u think…just continue to give edgar chance as they got no enough admin stuff … GOOD LUCK

If you withdrawal is less than USD 5000 , i think edgar still manage to grab some investor fund to pay you… but if your withdraw is more than USD 10K than you got to wait awhile as edgar is waiting for new investor to invest than got extra fund so that they can pay you later … nicely phasing it will be you got to wait la as they not enough admin stuff … it all about “believe” and follow instruction…

jonathan leong, u sure the commission pay up is like that???
are u a agent??? or a investor??? seems like u know more than me…

I think u don’t understand… It is not the Dinner the matter, is the “INFORMATION”. Why i am not be INFORMED AT ALL for the the withdrawal limit, and yet some ppl told me that that will be “punish” if do extra withdraw. But i never received any news from EDGAR!!! i only heard the news thru friend (which is very late) , i did withdraw 2 times in Nov…

If u got dinner/ meeting or whatever info from edgar should inform all of the investor, whether i will come or not, it is not your business, u don’t need to worry!!!

well, not u wan go then u can go… those ppl which attend is mostly high rank ppl and get invitation, u wan go, well… waste ur air ticket then sit outside ba, hahaha… if u is a investor, u should go to ask ur agent… not to ask other ppl… when u buy insurance, u got problem, u find ur agent also right???

oh ya… their celebration at sabah not your business also… its a private party… they didnt invite u to go??? so sorry about it

oh ya…
jonathan leong… u so clear of the commission??? you sure is what they get??? how come u so sure??? u are a agent??? or a investor??? seems like u know more than me… are u the one work for them???

just send out the payment instruction, soon will know whether can get back my money. Who manage to get back their money, please share your news here. Thanks

Oh no, how much did you invest?

I invested USD20K. :(:frowning:

This all reminds me far too much of all the Forex scams that have been running in the guise of HYIPs for the last 10 years or so. All ponzis and pyramid schemes. Millions of dollars sucked out of the naive public’s pockets by competent sociopaths playing on our greed and naivety.

Pathetic, really. Definitely criminal fraud as well.

Below is an email from the agent:

"As far as I know, our trade manager is in the mist of getting those withdrawal payment settle, he will start trading once the fund has settled down, however, the number of trade will slow down during this period of time.

Be patient as so far we all make from the trade."

That’s sweet candy for me to learn how to do a good trade even I am a old enough now, Thanks, Teacher, wish I can trade as you and edgar team did someday while I am still standing on the earth. it could be a long way to study and understand those material.

In this tread, let me see the best trader exist in this world even I did not see in eye.

The subject of this tread looks like “Einstein is a scam” because we did not experience nor understand the relativism" .

Dear Mr. AllenLeow and All

I am very glad to inform you all that, [B]my October withdrawal money is received already in my bank AC Last week.[/B] despite some delay.

But till now my friend not yet recived into bank AC. We made withdraw same day,
1st October.

Hopefully they can solve sooner, to be faster.

Wish Edgar International Successful Forever
Thanks and Best Regards
Sg Investor

Glad to hear the good news from you, really cheer me up. BTW, any trade in these 2 weeks? for my account, no trade.

What’s the name of the trader? Even when you invest in whatever unit trusts or investment product, sure you know the fund manager’s name right? Every managed fund has a key person behind it. e.g. George Soros of Quantum Fund, Mark Mobius of Templeton Fund etc. Even the not so famous M’sian fund, icapital also got a key person - Tan Teng Boo who is always out there to promote his fund to other investors.

So who’s Edgar’s trader or CEO? I agree with what you said. Nobody has ever seen him, not even on any TV interviews. Even the managing director who sign the deposit advice letter never put down his name. How can you be so certain this person actually exists? Based on your online statements which shows you are making money on every trades? It’s not very hard to deceive you isn’t it?

Btw about your relativism theory, at least we know someone by the name of Einstein was trying to prove it.

So, PerterWalks, what’s your teacher’s name? You wouldn’t want to keep calling him by “teacher” or “Edgar team” right?