Elections in uk - defeat the Uniparty!

Here in theuk we have “Elections” on thursday - Kier Starmer’s Labour (Democrat) Party will have a super majority and be able to do whatever they want - They have achieved this position because people are so disgusted with the “Tories” (Republican - in name only) that we refuse to pay them for another second ! - There is absolutely NO enthusiasm for “Labour” - BUT WE HAVE NO CHOICE !

Or at least we didn’t but now we do!

Yes we know that because of the voting system Labour will have a massive majority on somewhere about one third of the votes cast !

However our good friend and the most influential politician since Thatcher (and probably since Churchill) has decided to enter the debate - about five weeks ago he decided to enter the debate and does “Trump style” Rallies which sell out and those of us who do think about the best outcome for our population and indeed the world will vote for him and thiose who support his party -

Here is a Link to the one he did at 12 noon today at NEC Birminham - A few hours notice and completely sold out the whole NEC ! - 5000 seats !

Watch here Donald and learn how to improve your rallies - The rest of you watcxh and listen to what real politicians and their supporters believe in !

"Where is the senSe in teaching children that there are 142 Genders - when they will only ever meet 2 of them ? !

OPtimism - Upwards and onwards - ! We shall prevail ! :smiley:

Link is green writing :smiley: (Pull slider to about 5 minutes to the start -
Doors closed because they are full and only a couple of days notice !


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