Elementary - japanese candlesticks need guidance

I have noticed, there is relatively alot of information to process about candlestick patterns :joy:
Hoping someone can direct me a video or site to allow me to elaborate it further.


This should get you started
Candlestick Pattern Dictionary [ChartSchool]

Candlestick Patterns | Top 10 Best Patterns For Traders

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Thanks, that greatly helped. ������


Hi Ben.
Ive just done that section in the school quiz, see you have too!
Did you notice you can save this page, print it out, and keep it?

Japanese Candlesticks Cheat Sheet

Yeah I have :stuck_out_tongue: , just wanted to look at different perspectives and ideas to add to my fundamental knowledge :32:

appreciate the links @bobmaninc .I’m new to most of the trading formations so I appreciate as much as I can read about. New to the forums so really enjoying this forum and site. Bless.