Ema Step System

Hi Peeps,

Sorry i haven’t been around much… work and women should be banned! LOL

It’s great to see so many people getting into this system…and making it work!!

Keep it up…just remember to have faith in the system, you WILL win more often than not…read the indicators, cut ya losses short and ride the winners.

Also, would just like to say a personal BIG THANK YOU to Benjimang for keeping this thread going and giving such good advice when i am not around.

Am trying to get into a position at work where i will be able to trade with others on skype, anyone will be welcome…kind of like a little club of people trading this system.
Will let you all know how i get on with that.

Keep up the good work all :0)

I am a very new at this, what is a good stop loss ratio for the different time frames.

Stops should be made at a technically relevant level. Based on this you can calculate how big your position size should be to fit within your overall risk management. It is certainly the case though that in general stops will be smaller on smaller timeframes for obvious reasons

Hello, just getting started and happy I found this. Spend a long time reading and rereading key posts :slight_smile: Can’t wait to demo it this week, your all still doing well with this system, right? Reason I ask is the last post was lil over a week ago…hope all is still well!

I am using MIG trading platform, and its setup is differerent from other people system and the way Marrzio’s set up.

I am trying to set mine trading platform to the same as everyone else but couldn’t . Please look below and let me know if anyone of u can shed some lite on it:

Exponential MA:
on the PARAMETER tab:
PERIOD: here, I just input 1 for EMA1, 5 for EMA5
SHIFT: default is 0 so I just let it be … I m not sure here ???
APPLY TO: I just pick OPEN out of close, low, high, HL/3, HLC/3…etc

So am I set it up correctly here ???

I believe you are correct there. MIG uses MetaTrader 4, correct?

Period: 1 for EMA1 and 5 for EMA5
Shift: I’m pretty sure thats just left alone
MA method: Exponential
Apply to: Open (I think… not 100% on that option, but it is comparable to my OANDA setup and we don’t get to select these options)
Style: Well, whatever you want! :wink:

That is it. I only question the Apply to Open part… it would either be that or the Close… but I think with this system it is with the Open.

Either way, you should be okay to start trading this system!

Oh, don’t forget the CCI, Slow Stochastic, and Bollinger Bands.

Oh, hello to everyone by the way. New to the thread, found it yesterday. Started trading the system with good success… little bit of loss, but okay cause I’m learning on a demo account. Doing pretty good today though!

HI everybody

talking about plateforms,one thing i
find anoying is onMT4 this friday EMA1 cross down above EMA5.on oanda plateform it’s the upset.so what to refer to.
another thing is what time ,french time ,on oanda ,the candle skips to the following day.

I really appreciate ur effort in putting this system together.
Please I would like to know what CCI indicator is used for?
NB:I got my 150% return on my account in 2 days for using this system

Hi everyone i think i can safely say that of all the systems i have seen this is by far the best,i wonder if anyone has used the system as low as a 5 min timeframe?Also i noticed that some of you use the rsi and some do not,on reading another thread scalping the gbp/jpy the laguerre rsi was being used done some research on this indicator and it seems to be less lagging and a bit more sensitive to price action would be gratefull for peoples thoughts.Some massive moves today on all the yens daily crossover nearly formed.

Hi, Benjimang and all of you traders,

I trade in a demo with this system two weeks long and seem nice. I�m a little bit confused to a point which in my opinion has not yet clearly identified : Lets say we entered long with all criteria having met � stochs (18,3,3) crossed and trending up, CCI crossed -100 and trend up . If during the trade notice one bar or two bars that give opposite sign in EMAs (crossed opposite to our trade) but stochs and CCI keep on signing to the right direction ( or still being over critical levels -25 for stoch and -100 for CCI) must we hold our position or exit ?

Hello maurizio,
Where is this sytem at right now? I am using metatrader4 .I am not sure if it is slow or fast stochs?Your system once called for slow but then it looks like we went to slow and fast? Where are we at right now with this system?and are you familiar with meta4 stochs how do I choose them?

How’s everybody getting along with this?

Great to hear it seun104…150% roi in 2 days?..good going…you’ll better than me if you keep progressing at that rate! LOL

CCI = Commodity Channel Index, hmm alot of people don’t get this.
It’s basically another oscillator used to help determine when price has been overbought and oversold.
I use it as a kind of confirmation of the stochastic indicator.
When both are peaking /\ price is going to fall, likewise when both have descended / price is gonna rise.

I use stochs and CCI to determine my entry and exits.
So if stochs and CCI are looking like /, there will soon be a cross of the stochs downwards, then there will be a crossing of the EMAs.
I sell.

I then monitor my trade with my Bollinger bands, what i want is for the price to go from one extreme of the bollinger band to the other, in this case from top bb to the bottom bb.

When stochs have entered oversold territory, i start again to look at my CCI, what i am looking to do is exit when bb has hot rock-bottom, ie the very pinnicle of the / descent.

The reason i don’t use RSI anymore is that 1) It is very similar to CCI…try it, put them both up you will see what i mean. and 2) Becasue i think CCI is better (for me).

I trade from CCI to the opposite CCI…and back again. An exit is almost always accompanied soon after by an entry, my trades go / \ / \ / …unless i have caught a trend.in which case i just sit there until CCI begins to have hit top or bottom.

Sometimes you can enter a trade and the price will hit the central Bollinger Band and get knocked back…if you are new to this then i would say exit.
I personally will try and stay in until i stop myself out…or the trade reaches profitability by eventually getting to the opposite CCI.

This may not be the safest way to trade granted, but it is how i use my system and it works for me! LOL

Hope this has clarified a few things :0)

Hello all…no posts for ages then two in an hour! LOL

OK Timeshares.
No i’m not offering cheap holiday homes in Barbados!

A timeshare is my personal holy-grail with this system.
It is what has made me the most money using it…it happens more often then you would think too.

Some of the more experienced users of this system will probably have noticed this already…but for those who haven’t this could be the difference between this being a good system…and a GREAT system.

Please use care when using this though, DEMO it first ok!

I use my Timeshare technique (if you can call it that-it’s really just careful observation) from the 5min, all the way to the daily sometimes…this is the ideal scenario.

I am currently in one at the moment, which is what prompted me to post it now. I have hesitated on posting it before because there ARE risks to it.


A Timeshare is where you follow the price from one timeframe to the next, then the next, then the next.

For example, you see a valid sell EMA Step on the 5min, you enter, as soon as price is approaching the opposite Bollinger band you go up to the next heighest timeframe.
So you look at your 15min, if it is a strong movement, this will have caused the 15m to form it’s own EMA cross, so you wait,
until the 15min is approching its bottom bollinger band, so again you go up a timeframe, and see that the 30min is again forming an EMA cross…again you wait, as price approches the lower Bollinger Band…
you go up to your 3Hr!!!
This pattern can continue all the way up to the daily!!!

You may have noticed that the candle on which an EMA Cross appears can be quite large, but we enter only once the timeframe has Stepped to the next candle… well this technique when properly utilised can catch these pre-EMA Step moves!

So not only do you catch the daily 100-300pip GBP/JPY EMA Step move…you can get the 100-200pips that ENABLED the EMA Cross to form in the first place too!!

Cool huh?

Here are some pics.

NB. Please be careful when doing this, it can make you stay in a trade longer than you should in the hope that this will hapen. In my experience if it happens, you won’t NEED to hesitate…to be honest in a really monstreous move, you’ll have trouble keeping up!!! lol

Only let me upload 5 files! heres the daily!

Thanks a lot

Thanks a lot Maurizzio, also for the timeshares

Hi everyone,really enjoy this thread look at it every day great help.Read in earlier threads about skype so we can all talk be great.Been studying the yens today good move this morning all timeframes in the buy zone.Watched the retracements 1hr,30 min and 15 min all looked ready to retrace earlier move but 4hr was oversold and day overbrought.Stayed out not sure.How would you guys have tackled it was i right to stay out?

Good question.

You need to get your head around the timeframes.

15min = 3 x 5Min.

30Min = 2 x 15Min, 6 x 5Min.

1Hr = 2 x 30Min, 4 x 15Min, 12 x 5Min.

3Hr = 3 x 1Hr, 6 x 30min, 12 x 15Min, 26 x 5mins.

4Hr = 4 x 1Hr, 8 x 30Min, 16 x 15Min, 48 x 5Min.

Daily = 6 x 4Hr, 8 x 3Hr, 96 x 15Min, 288 x 5Min.

Why did i just write all that???

Well, whatever timeframe you are looking at is obviously a culmination of the more minor timeframes below it.
The reason this obvious point is important is because when you look at the stochs & Cci, the daily maybe overbought and on the 3Hr oversold.

With the daily, you need to remeber that (Presuming you are looking at an entry on the Step to the new candle after a cross candle) there are going to be another [B]8[/B] 3hr candles before the end of the day, so it is entirely possible that on entry on the daily, the 3Hr may look to be in an opposite state.

Now, we know that there is usually a gain to be made after a cross candle due to the momentum, the question is, if it going to retrace…when…and how do i maximise the profits by taking advantage of price retracement?

This where the lower timeframes come in, as you correctly pointed out, on todays daily entry the 3Hr stochs were oversold, and the daily stochs were overbought…This tells us that there is going to be a retracement…and soon!

What i derived from this was that, as soon as the daily crossed, it would go down, to a point, (this is the momentum of the cross) then the oversold 3hr candles would kick-in and it would retrace.

When these (Opposing Daily & 3Hr signals) happen it can be a good thing…because the signals between the 3Hr and the Daily are so opposite at the beginning of the day, it gives the 3Hr the whole 24hrs to get back in sync with the Daily…so you wouldn’t enter the cross on the Daily as the new candle opens because, even thouigh the signals are right, the 3Hr is going to retrace.
Instead you would watch for a retracement to occur from the 3Hr price, as it hits either it’s central or top Bollinger band, and then forms it’s own EMA Step. At which point both the Daily AND the 3Hr charts will be showing an EMA Cross…This is where i would enter.

This kind of “retracement entry” can be used on just about all timeframes.

Now i know i am going to have my detractors here saying “Oh he’s changing his system”

Not at all…what we are doing here is utalising our tools/indicators to give us the best result. All we are doing is waiting for a better entry, we’ve got our sell EMA Cross on the Daily so we know it’s going down, but we know by the 3Hr that it’s going to retrace so why enter blindly on the cross…when we can hold our horses a few hours and maximise our profits? Makes sence no?

Of course, with the Cross on the daily hapening, should you enter exactly on the open of the new candle, you will probably still be profitable, but this technique just streamlines the entry to maximise our profits.

The two last techniques i have posted maybe a little advanced for the newbies on here which is another reason i haven’t posted them before, so for those new to this i would stick to entering on EMA Crosses once price has bounced off one of the extreme Bollinger band lines.

I senced that the thread was getting a bit stale in some ways so i thought i would take those who are experienced in this sytem to the next level.
It doesn’t really get anymore technical than this, i have now posted just about all the techniques i use with this system, and trust me, when you get them right…they WORK!

Good luck.

Incidentally…did anyone enter on the GBP/JPY EMA Step this morning?

Was 100 pips to be had in a matter of hours…

Well done if ya did :0)

I just about got all that last post absorbed in my brain. I am a newbie but like to challenge my head that is good stuff.I will try this sytem for awhile and see where it brings me!