Ema Step System

Hey Maurizio, first of all I must say I am your biggest fan. Can you sign my T-shirt? :smiley:

You were saying that you will be avaliable at skype. Will it happen?:))

Have a good time:)

AK, Slovenia

pls share some pictures pls

Hi all,

Firstly - incredible site and thanks to all the contributors especially Maurizio77 and BenjaminG.

I have some newbie questions -

  1. On Onada, would you please help me setup the lines at 25 and 75 for slow stochs, refer post # 171 extract given below -
    Set lines up on your slow Stochs, in this case you want them set at 75 and 25ā€¦this is slightly different to the 80-20 set up from before but there is a reason for thisā€¦it basically is more effective for a cross range of timeframes.

  2. I live in the Toronto (EDT time zone) and can only trade from 9 am onwards. Oanada say that the daily candle steps at 11 pm EDT - is it ā€œsafeā€ for me to start looking at the 3 hr chart to begin with?

  3. Is the system workable on the EUR/USD and USD/CAD - (lower spreads for me), or do I need to trade GBP/JPY or EUR/JPY?

Much appreciate your help.




Can you help me also, anyone?!

I have STOP LOSS and TAKE PROFIT problems. As Maurizio said SL should be put about 10 pips above the Bolinger Band brake. So please just confirm if I am right. In a short trade I would put my Stop loss 10 pips above the high of the candle which last broke Bolinger band before cross candle appears.

Is it the same for Take profit just the oposite way?

Please explain, this is the only thing I still dont understand here.

Thank you.


ā€¦a few likely setups on the close of current 30min bar by the looks of itā€¦but am i correct in thinking the method doesnā€™t take trades during data releases?

ā€¦anyone short GJ?

I am short. Check it out:)

LOL Thank you VonSmeid,

I will sign your T-Shirt when youā€™re a Millionaire ok?

I will be available at Skype most of this week.

So if you would like to run through some trades with me, you are more than welcome.

There is no charge, i will call the trades as i see them.

Hope to see you there.

Thank you newboyo,

On Oanda, you move your mouse into the same box as the Stochs, then right click, ā€œHorizontal Trendlineā€ then adjust it to the correct settings.

I wouldnā€™t begin with 3Hr charts my friend, if you are starting on this system, go for 5Pips from the 30Min ā€¦and as your experience with the pairs growsā€¦so up the anteā€¦go for 5 pips firstā€¦make a CONSISTENT profit at each timeframe before you go up to a higher timeframe.
Donā€™t jump in at the deep-endā€¦i donā€™t mean to be Patronisingā€¦but Forex is a Marathon, not a race.

I use this system on GBP/JPY and USD/JPY, i have heard of this system working on other timeframes, but i have not tried it myself with real money so i really canā€™t say either way, or i would be bull****ting you.

Try it on Demoā€¦see for yourself. :0)

OK, Stop-Loss and Take Profit.

This is really difficult for me to say this way or that to be honest.
I donā€™t know if you are on Live or Demo, and even if i did i donā€™t know what you are aiming for (Pips per day) or if you are in it purely for the return (Return On Interest).

Wehen i Trade i look for where i think price is likely to go, be that the middle Bollinger band and then bounce back, or to carry on.

I say to set your StopLoss at 10 Pips above/below the outer break of the BB because for me it is the easiest way to accomadate everyones style of trading this system.

What you should be doing is following the price through the timeframes, ie if you enter using the 5Min and it hits the top/bottom BB, then follow that trade on the 15Min, then the 30Minā€¦etc.

If you need a more detailed description according to your own trading strategy then message me and i will do the best i can.

The basic plan though is to ā€œchaseā€ the price from one BB to the other, entering on the EMA Steps so you know the movement is genuine.

Hope this helps.


I must say I am very new to forex, but I have a lot of success using your systemā€¦ I trade all Yen pairs and ļæ½/CHF and gbp/chf on 15 minutes chart and more or less every trade is a winning one.

I dont use skype but I will start to use it if you just tell me your skype adress. Thank you.

Have a good time!


I donā€™t quite understand how this system can be considered profitable. A 5/1 EMA cross? You must have some kind of killer exit strategy that you arenā€™t telling anyone about.

ā€¦not [I]just[/I] an ema cross - it has a +ve expectancy.

Do you have statistical proof, like backtest results, to backup that claim? It only works for maurizio because he uses a lot a discretion.

Did anyone see that we had a cross on the GBP/JPY when the candle popped out at about 4-5 am GMT but suddenly it went down about 400-500 pips starting at about 7-8 am GMT.
Maurizio77 is that what you said earlier are rare retracement thing on the daily? or am i totally wrong now?

Are you sure that STOCH and CCI were in the position they should be to enter the trade?

You should know that there is not trading system which could predict price movement in any case. So I belive you should expect about 60% to 70% of winning trades. Retracement happens. Simple as that.

P.S. I am learning to help:), I am sure Maurizio would give you more detailed answer.


thanks for your answer Vonā€¦
i didnt acually enter that specific trade i was just practicing on the system.
The thing was on the daily chart they crossed but the stochs was high and pointing down so was the CCI but litterally all other charts was pointing for a long move and it went up maybe 75-100 pips until 7-8 am GMT when it suddenly collapsed. just needed to hear from someone who experienced the same thing today.



Yes, I do. The system (the latest amendment from Maurizio a few pages back) has a positive expectancy - the edge [I]can[/I] be improved using discretion. I personally would not trade the ā€˜vanilla versionā€™ without reference to Price Action and Support/Resistance considerations when signals are generatedā€¦but the method (if applied consistently with sensible money management) as it stands is profitable.


Thank you for your reply. Was away travelling so couldnā€™t respond earlier. plan to demo trade starting monday my time.

I was under the impression we should trade from higher levels - and waiting for the daily candles would drive me crazy. Iā€™m sure glad you looked at my post.



AGEIS, you wanted proof that a 5/1 EMA can work?

You wanted backtest reasults???..Well how about LIVE TRADES happening today?

Surely i canā€™t be accused of cherry-picking these results as they are happening as we speak!

200-odd pips already and it isnā€™t even lunchtime here yet.

If you backtest this system you WILL find that the winners out-number the losersā€¦and by lots more pips too.

Alsoā€¦to the statement of my using my discretionā€¦of course i do, you should be using your discretion in every trade you ever place.

The EMA Step isnā€™t an automated system and shouldnā€™t be treated as one, i show what is possible with the system and the results it can attain when used correctly, it is up to each individual trader to work out what profit they want/expect, and what number of lots or lot size they useā€¦ and then to structure their own system with that in mindā€¦using the EMA Step as the basis.

I hope this helps.

Attached my trades for today/now.
I was in all of these except the 66pip move, as i was still fast asleep :frowning: