There certainly are ways to accomplish what your are requesting. The catch is that you have to have coding skills to do it yourself or search skills to find someone’s offering.
Another way - just go to zulutrade or mirrortrader. Chances are that any signal you can find on forexsignal will be closely copied by some SP there. Otherwise, yup, develop those coding skills or google like crazy…
Lets say I find a signal provider who mirrors on Zulu or mirror - I presume that I can automate both systems - would I need to transfer the signals from Zulu / mirror to my own platform or are they brokers themselves and I just let them trade on their platforms? I presume I could set SL parameters?
I don’t think that is possible…each platform has its own signals and methods of linking - the only thing you can link is the mt4 platforms, but from what I see foresignals do not support. I think this question is quite technical, so you better address your broker