I called the company that I went to an interview with 2 weeks ago. Left a voicemail to see if the position had been filled. I got a voicemail back saying they decided to hire someone internally, but I interviewed great and they would keep my resume on file. Why the heck would you post a position for 2 months and have all these people come in for an interview? Why would you ask for references after the interview? Do you think it’s ok to do this to unemployed people who are looking for jobs?
NO YOU DONT!!! Stop wasting our time!!! Losers!!!
Some employers are bound by policies to offer all posts equally to external as well as internal candidates. Which is a fine principle but in practice their selection processes sometimes favour internal candidates.
Its a pain in the neck but remember that if an internal candidate gets a new position in the organisation, they must have left their old position. Maybe that job would do well for you as a starting point?
Companies do this to make it appear that vacancies are filled fairly by a proper recruitment procedure and the policies that the company follows are transparent. The job advertisement is a sham and the decision about who is going to get the job has already been taken long before the job advertisement makes its appearance.
It’s rare to find the right employers, the right attitude and the right perks. Policies tend to suck away any semblance of humanity.