Entries struggling

Guys I’m struggling when it comes to entries that’s something that is pulling me back from finding consistency I usually get the direction right but because of my entries I’ll be on heavy drawdown before initial move could happen. Honestly I need help

Can you share some charts so we can see, where you entered you trades?


Take one of your entry patterns and just trade that one, set the rest aside for now. Post up whatever are the “rules” for your entry for that pattern.


Honestly, you should finish the BP course


For me i use the higher time frame chart like 4Hr to identify the trend.then i confirm if the trend move is correct using the 1Hr chart.if am satisfied by the trend direction and move,i switch to the 10mins chart frame to find my entry point to the current trend move .using a Fibonacci i find the most retracement and retarced level.once i identify the level i place a stop loss order just above the Fibonacci level and take profit just bellow several Fibonacci levels which i know will be retraced.


I’m not sure if that is a thorough method or just too complicated. Also, I know we’re talking here about entries, but of great interest is how you identify where to exit - can you post this up please?

In any case, the proof is in the performance. How is this strategy working for you?

It severally works but not sometimes it doesn’t.for me i make my entries using Fibonacci levels at lower time frames.and for the unrealized profits i take them before the market retarces again on a level.or am just complicating myselft with this strategy

Its hard to say whether its a great strategy or not but there are some guides common to all strategies. These things might alert you that a strategy is weak -
Does it take a long time to study the chart to find the entry signal?
Do you have to ignore or bend your own rules to get into the trade?
Do you make lots of human errors when you try to run the strategy?
Does the strategy give you clear pictures where to set your stop-loss and where to take profits?
On any one chart, do you only find an entry signal once a month? And do you find entry signals on the same chart every 10 minutes?
Is your biggest loser more than the average of your winners?
If you’re using an advanced feature or indicator, like Fibonacci, where is the independent research to prove that this works this way on your time-frame?

Entry depends entirely on your strategy. I like trade trends, so I will find the trend on the D1, confirm the trend on the H4 or H1 and then look to place my trades using the M15.

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Thank for the advice I genuinely appreciate I’ll definitely go back to fix some few minor things so that I could have better entries .

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I went to a massive drawdown before I could go into profits

What was the reason to set 1.86036 as a buy level and when did you get in?

hi there, so what do you mean with struggling when it comes to entries? don’t you know how to calculate your lot size when enterin the market or is there something else which causes that struggle? sorry if i might didn’t understand it :smiley:

Honestly I think it’s FOMO and being impatient I thought maybe the market won’t return to My supply zone since it moved so many pips away hence I got In the trade

I usually enter to early into my trades which result massive drawdown hence I’m seeking advice because I could see struggle with entries

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Oh😅 so why you just don’t enter “inactively”?

Please check the link and your question should be answered

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Well, its good to be aware of what’s driving your own trades. But entries are not the most important thing in trades like this. Or maybe any trade types.

At the risk of upsetting a lot of traders, I would say 5-minute time-frame charts and supply zones belong in the bin.


i agree completely, of course - that is the most significant and helpful comment in the thread

i agree - especially for anyone not-yet-profitable and wanting to change that


Honestly 5min frame supply and demand it does work but only if you’re trading with trend problem it’s just sometimes I’m bit impatience to let my setup playout I just pull the trigger based on the fact I know which direction the market will likely take. My big problem it’s drawdown I face . My friend if you don’t believe just backtest supply and demand 5min setups that correlate with higher timeframe you will definitely see it does work especially new York session.

Oh I fully believe in the power of getting into a position that follows the trend. But a price trend is objective - nobody could argue that an uptrend is a downtrend. You must admit that supply and demand zones are subjective, and each and every trader can have a different opinion on when they are confirmed on the chart, where they lie, how wide they are and what they mean will probably happen and how soon.

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