EQ in the trading

Does EQ level impact trading? how is that?

Trading is heavily influenced by emotional intelligence (EQ). Traders with a high EQ are better able to regulate emotions such as fear and greed that are typical in trading conditions. They can make more sensible and less impulsive decisions if they recognize and understand their emotional responses. Furthermore, high EQ assists in dealing with market stressors and uncertainties. As a result, traders with higher emotional intelligence are more resilient and consistent in the face of market setbacks.

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Emotional challenges are rife once trading live. I suggest learning a ZEN mindset is invaluable in accepting, but ignoring what the market throws at you.

Peter Castle book The ZEN Trader is invaluable.

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Definitely. :sweat_smile: I feel like this is especially true for naturally emotional people like me :sweat_smile: and new traders who haven’t really developed a trading plan or system yet. :blush: It has an impact on the way you handle the stress from losing, not falling into the trap of overconfidence and a lot of other relevant aspects in trading. :sweat_smile:

Wow, very usefull. Thank you @BenjiiiCOH

What you said just popped a question in my mind. Emotional people has higher EQ?:thinking::thinking::thinking:

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You are most welcome Oli

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I would say it does important in trading. And it’s developed throughout your experience in the markets. How confident are you in your overall skills ( technical, money management, psychology).

You plan your trades, you’ve seen what you need to see, you execute it without any hesitation.

My mentor used to say " You can be wrong, but never in doubt". But, by saying no doubt doesn’t mean therefore you overtrade. Don’t misunderstand on this part also.

My execution in the market has improved dramatically ever since I actually understand what does he really means.

Emotional responses affect performance for sure, but I don’t think a high EQ would correlate to good trading performance. An emotional response to losing money and being in drawdown is normal and would surely be a higher EQ than somebody who had no response to that situation.

It’s been proven that the most successful traders have psychopathic tendencies and that’s what allows them to make rational decisions and remove emotion.

I know nothing about what constitutes a high EQ, but I imagine low levels of empathy and guilt along with narcissism do not score highly.

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Yaa! I think it will be more useful.

Emotional intelligence is a matter of fact a good thing to master.
Trading in this regard is one of the most demanded sphere where emotional quotient plays a very big role. If you don’t know how to control your emotions and even can’t learn controlling it through the years, then unfortunately, trading isn’t for you.
It impacts both in a positive and negative way. Feeling of suppression when you lose, and excessive confidence when you get the deal. There must be a balance.

Hmm if we talk about all the other facets of EQ like social skills, empathy etc, maybe not necessarily. I think one can have the ability to regulate their emotions when it comes to dealing with fear and greed but not necessarily have the skills to deal with other humans.