Error was sell 😎

Hi ad you no I posted gold sell on tik tok and in here
And Sunday there was an institutional buy for gold

So now it’s a buy when Tokyo opens

Gold buy

Tp 300 pips

Sorry about that

Bro… you blasted like 18 different threads over the weekend telling everyone to sell Gold when the market opens for 300 pips with no explanation of why.

And now you’re saying the exact opposite.

Gold right now…

You must be trolling these forums.


No I knew something big was gonna happen today just couldn’t get direction.

Did a system update problem fixed

Ended up selling when Singapore opened yeah

So you have a way to tell that the institutional buy limit order was to enter instead of being a buy limit order to take profit?


Yes I get all the data and my software crushes it

I was obviously right the first time . Sell

The problem is 8 hours a day I backtest ., found one that didn’t do the right thing

Anyway problem fixed

Tp for gold is

It will hit

Yeah ask me any stock and I can tell you if institutional are buying or selling

Thanks but no thank you.


Why cover the forum with posts about it, then, telling other people how to trade?

You made 7 posts yesterday telling people here to buy gold as soon as the market opens.


Gold crashed, and now you’re claiming you shorted it, yourself, after telling everyone in multiple threads to do the exact opposite.

Let’s see: is this someone whose advice is helpful to me? Well, I see several posts here from people saying they’ve benefited a lot by doing the exact opposite to what’s advised. Might have to think about that, but it’s a strange approach. Probably best just to ignore?

I’m not trying to be rude to you Ausguy, but this and all the stuff about how you were given special powers by aliens who abducted you seriously doesn’t belong in a trading forum.


Made one mistake out of ten gold trades in a row each getting at least 300 pips
Yeah ok …

It hit 2665 so yeah

When “institutional” are buying, are “institutional” maybe selling, too? If “institutional” are buying, from whom are they buying: another institution, perhaps? If “institutional” are selling, to whom are they selling: another institution, perhaps?

Does every single unit of every single financial instrument ever transacted always have both a buyer and a seller?


Yes everything has a buy or sell number , for example looking at Appl it says birkshire has a 300 mil sell by warren buffet

Ask a stock and I will tell you

They buy or sell shares

I hope you don’t mind but I think it would help if you try to explain your claims even just a bit more before declaring that this will crash or this will reach the moon or sumth. :confused: It might help your posts look a lot less spammy. :pray:


Maybe you could also make one thread and post all your ideas there instead of starting a new one every day. It would keep things more organized.


SUCH good ideas!! :sunglasses: :+1:

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Ok :+1: , but people must be warned of crashes

I have a suggestion that might be more advantageous. Instead of seeking validation and recognition for your trading, why not utilize that valuable information you have in your position and pursue your goal of becoming a trillionaire, as you had previously mentioned?