Errors in the Market Hours table in the Babypips School

Hello, Pipstradamus

I have discovered errors in the Market Hours table on this page of the Babypips School —

Trading Sessions | When Can You Trade Forex? | Learn Forex Trading

Here is a screen-shot of the Market Hours table, with the errors circled in red —

And here is the same table, in which I have made the necessary corrections —

I was very surprised to see these errors. Two years ago, Ananais and I exchanged a series of PM’s in which we sorted out similar errors in the Market Hours table, and made the necessary corrections. After that exchange, the table was up-to-date and correct. Now, once again, it needs work.

Your help would be appreciated in this matter. Thanks, in advance.


Im not sure those are the right corrections. Then again I have never been good with timezones.

Are you working off GMT+11 for sydney and GMT-5 for est ? I really need to brush up on this stuff.

Hello, Dan

Here’s where you can “brush up” — 301 Moved Permanently

In fact, start at post #1 on that thread, and you will see how time shifts occur during the 5-week transition from daylight saving time to standard time.

And, yes, Sydney time currently is Australian Eastern Daylight Time (AEDT = GMT+11), and New York time is currently Eastern Standard Time (EST = GMT-5). So, obviously, Sydney is 11 hours ahead of GMT, and 16 hours ahead of New York.

Thanks Clint, did end up working it out for my own benefit. Has been something I have been putting off since I only trade the asian session which is my local time so no math involved :slight_smile:

Hey Clint,

We’ll have a look and make the necessary changes. Thanks!


Hello Pipstradamus,

There is still one small error in the Market Hours table, as shown below:

Thanks for fixing it.

Hello Pipstradamus,

Sorry to keep nagging about the “Trading Sessions” page in the School, but there are still two corrections which should be made. Here is the page in question: Trading Sessions | When Can You Trade Forex? | Learn Forex Trading

Here’s the first correction:

And here’s the second one:

Newbies keep finding these errors, and posting them in the Newbie Island forum.

Here is the latest thread asking about these errors — — and a quote from my second reply on that thread.

Edit: Regarding the second correction suggested above, a more accurate way to re-word that sentence would be:

“And during both summer and winter, from 8am-12pm (New York time),
the London session and the New York session overlap.”

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As always, thanks for the corrections. We’ll take a look and make the necessary changes you’ve outlined. Thanks!
