
so sorry to hear you lost money with etoro! like all of us. Have you thought of checking zulutrade as well?

[QUOTE=“EDDY MO;629339”]so sorry to hear you lost money with etoro! like all of us. Have you thought of checking zulutrade as well?[/QUOTE]
I have looked at zulutrade, but as long as im making good money with PAMM accounts im not going to put any money into another “copy system” … The way a PAMM account works seems much more stable than any sort og copy system :slight_smile:

Yes, PAMM accounts is another way to do it. Perhaps, the advantage of PAMM account is that you know that you are following someone with real money and identical platform.

well not really - zulutrade also has traders trading from a live accounts, so it is a bit different type of story. However PAMM accounts have one disadvantage - they lock your money in the account for some time and to me, my personal opinion, is not very profitable. But again - two different financial instruments - so it serves two different type of needs.

Unless ofcourse if users know what green sign with a dollar means…lol. Anyway, what I meant is that very low percentage of signal providers in zulu offer signal from live account. Unlike currensee, which requires live accounts to become a provider.

However, live account or not, it may not make a difference specifically when there is a long history of performance backing you. Also, if I am right, zulu does consider live accounts in their rankings.

You know regardless followers can still make good trading results out of demo accounts traders I have seen some outstanding performance. Again and I have seen the opposite - meaning some bad performance from a live accounts - so it is really not that big indicator for zulutrade. I havent tried currensee to have a basis for comparison.

can you tell me whats the best traders on etoro. whom i copy they all open trades and it still open and they dont make money.


Ive checked out currencee before.

They have too little traders to begin with, and neither of them are showing significant enough results for me to even consider.

So no, currencee looks good, a promising start. But not worth my time right now.

And what about results? How they can be compared to zulutrade for example?

ZuluTrade provides a more useful choice of graphs and advanced research tools (such as their simulation tool). The main data provided by Currensee is the previous monthly gains or losses, though due to the high slippage these figures are not always very accurate.

In Currensee’s defence though, they market themselves as a premium network and on the premise that they vet the traders before they’re allowed on the network. Hence they probably do not expect their investors to do much research themselves and while they pick traders from their pre-vetted shortlist.

If you need a thourough comparison between the two you can easily follow this link: Currensee vs ZuluTrade

I think you put it quite well when it comes to zulutrade . I know the link I have read it myself - I was more wondering on trading comparison!

I think so, according to my research, they seem to be legitimate, but then again people have different views and preferences

The point is to start gaining money with any trading platform you wish to do so, then you will see, that etoro is not as realiable as the rest. But go ahead open a demo/live - trial and error is the best strategy to learn.

To me, they’re actually good for a startup. Learn quickly and after that, you can then look for a platform that will suit your needs.

Learn what exactly? All their traders do is destroying the follower’s accounts.

I would agree with you to an extent. The issue with etoro’s copytrader is that anyone can be copied at any point without having proved themselves, and far to many people sign up to etoro thinking that all they need to do is put their money on someone and they will magically start making thousands of dollars, yet these people are always found out to have not done the required research to realise that most traders seem to have a run of making great returns, only to blow out the earnings as instead of practicing proper money management, they see a losing trade and throw huge funds at it to increase the S/L until it turns around and becomes profitable.

I have suggested several times that they need to restrict the right to be copied to those that have proven over a long period that they are successful and reliable, but it falls on deaf ears. I guess that senior management take the attitude of you make the decision on who to copy and any gains are yours, so losses should be as well.

I see! you have pointed some good points here! Btw, do you have by any chance to upload some performance screenshots?
Just for some food for thought…nothing confidential of course!

Don’t have any screenshots sorry, but there are some good traders on etoro if you put the time and effort into finding them. At 1 point I was using my demo account there to test traders over 6-12 month periods, and whilst most would end up blowing the accounts, I did find some that made steady profits. The problem is that these sort of traders are well down rankings as they aren’t the ones going out and making 300-400% gains then blowing their own trumpet about it. They would usually be the ones that make small gains, but are rarely seen to have trades going over -150% unlike some of the supposedly best traders that would often have trades hitting -500% or greater. They are also the ones that diversify their portfolio where as too many of the more prominent traders are what I call 1 trick ponies (they are always taking the same position in only 1 pair)

Well I guess its the job of the new member to search for a reliable trader, imo its much more easier to do that than to become successful by yourself alone on FX.