EUR/USD any views?

Where are we heading people, euro rally looks super strong, not even paying attention to the news and still walking all over the dollar… any views on correction points … or if this euro push will last forever lol ??

Cheers for that. So it does look likely to push higher

Cheers mate, appreciate that insight.

hello everybody,

i belive the direction is clear up … but for me the great question is … how far the trend will mantain ?

maybe friday nfp wil give us a cue regarding the focus on qe2 :wink:

what do you think ?

The road from 1,1850 to 1,4000 was to long i believe.will the “rest” be enough?

Haha, every time i thought a good sized correction was about to take place… its just gone straight through it. Someone somewhere is buying EURO biggg. Im on the sidelines… volatility on this one is crazy right now.

Where were your stops ? lol all the small declines are just small dips for the bullish trend. In this case with eur/usd the trend is more than your friend.

I havent traded it much, but when i have i just shorted of the days high, an then got out. Then repeated the same thing pretty much the last few days.

This is my forecast for EUR/USD.

I’m trader beginner and I think this is one of my first serious analysis.

So I thought that some of you who have done this with some results could rate this.

I started from H4 to H1.

On H4 there was uptrend chanel- price broke it down and made rebound from it.
and also when price broke below that chanel it started to make rising wedge(pink lines) and broke
below it and made rebound from it just like from that H4 chanel.

So price should go down now for a while.

Then price started to make downtrend chanel on 15M-30M timeframe.

-=With blue rectangles I draw my prediction.
-Price goes down and rebounds from 61.8% Fibo(~1.3984). Becouse 3 yellow lines projection is there.
-After that price goes up to rebound upper red trendline.
=And then goes down to rebound from 50% Fibo(~1.3950). Becouse that is projection of many
trendlines, include paralel projection of H4 chanel.

  • After that price rises!

Looking at the current price and chart of the eurusd pair, my personal move is to just wait and see how it’s form on the next trading days or weeks. Because the price is now at around major resistances level

Both 1hr & 2hr MA shows the EUR/USD is diving (SELL) ???

Agree with this view. I have sold at 1.3820, and hoping to sell again at 1.3850 in case it goes that high…

looking to short at 1.3850 also. I tried scalping a long at 1.3760 with a tight stop. i got burned. lol oh well, at least i put small units on that one.

I’ll be waiting for another test at 1.3820 to 1.3850 as a chance to go short as well. may the force be w/ us pip devil

I am more short term. Looking to sell EURUSD around 1.3550 now its trading at 1.3520.

EURUSD remains on the downside. now at 1.3339

I’m still bearish on EURUSD… but 1.33 is a tricky number… Round number + prior support and resistance… So, I guess I’ll stay on the sideline for the moment…

There are lots STOPS below 1.33 and probably somebody will push price lower.

There is some leeway down towards 1.285 before the decline can halt a bit more significantly.

There are still too many dollar bears!

Starting with a daily chart, we may observe a valid top (wave 5) 1.4281 followed with an ABC retracement.

If length of wave C is similar to length of wave A then there is room enough for newer lows toward 1.2951.

By the way there is also a MML line at 1.2939.

You may also notice that the 61.8 retracement of the main uptrend has been reached.

We may also consider that there are no good news for Ireland or Portugal at the moment.

I am waiting 1.30 to buy the Euro as well as any short term rally to sell the Euro.

I will provide further updates with shorter time frames.

I’m short in EURUSD since 10 days :slight_smile: Very nice profits :smiley: i place sell stops under the daily low from today and wait. And my favorite from today is XAUEUR :smiley:

Looks like USD is set to weaken, given the recent senate bill getting rejected…let’s see how the market’s react.