VIT Daily Analysis
Review of Gold / US Dollar (XAUUSD)
as of 12/11/14
Volatility Analysis
On 12/11/14, Gold / US Dollar closed down -4.8400 at 1,157.3500
Period Statistical Change
10-period 29.7107 -0.46
21-period 22.3863 -0.01
39-period 19.3590 -0.09
90-period 16.5135 -0.07
Bollinger Bands are 137.57% wider than normal. Gold / US Dollar is currently experiencing very high volatility as compared to its normal range. The probability of volatility decreasing and prices consolidating is likely in the near future.
Momentum Indicators
Stochastic Oscillator
The Stochastic Oscillator is 56.6494. This is not an overbought or oversold reading. The last signal was a buy 3 period(s) ago.
Relative Strength Index (RSI)
The current value of the RSI is 36.09.This is not a topping or bottoming area. The last signal was a buy 3 period(s) ago.
Commodity Channel Index (CCI)
The current value of the CCI is -51. This is not a topping or bottoming area.The last signal was a buy 3 period(s) ago.
MACD Momentum Indicator
The Moving Average Convergence/Divergence INDICATOR (MACD) crosses its 9 period signal line which triggers a sell 10 period(s) ago.
Trend Analysis
There were no Aroon signals generated today. The last signal was a Sell 10 period(s) ago.
Directional Indicator
There were no Directional Indicator signals generated today. The last signal was a Sell 14 period(s) ago.
MACD Trend Signal
There were no MACD Trend signals generated today. The last MACD Trend signal was a Sell 10 period(s) Ago.
Stop and Reverse (SAR)
There were no SAR signals generated today. The last signal was a Sell 12 period(s) ago.
The current market condition for Gold / US Dollar is: Very Bearish
The close is currently below its 200 period moving average.
The close is currently below its 90 period moving average.
The close is currently below its 30 period moving average.
Gold / US Dollar(XAUUSD) Analysis of activity through 12/11/14
close: 1,157.3500
The current trend is down and all orders on the short side may be considered. The current market price activity is Strongly Bearish and suggests favorable trade opportunities on the short side.
If already holding short positions, we would look to take partial profits at any retracement to 1,202.5800. Traders with remaining short positions after profit taking should consider placing exit stops in the region of 1,234.9800. Be prepared for a potential short term price pull back to the 1,176.6482 area.