Well, 10:1 leverage & operating a strategy based around sensible fair value ratio’s will always offer you a pretty decent bite of the cherry!

You obviously run a tight ship, so good luck to you. A few more on here could do with mirroring your example!

Take it easy :wink:

Hello eduw,

The Eurozone is having to juggle several balls at once out there, including re-calibrating individual economic balance sheets.

I don’t think any one specific unit (Eire etc) carries the spotlight on preference, it merely compounds the pain which the Eurozone is experiencing under current conditions.

It’s simply a vicious cycle where Stateside woes knocks onto European & Asian confidence.

So much reliance is on import/export partnerships throughout the G10 members that if one or two of the major units begin to struggle, the ripples begin cascading out to the less financially dominant menbers pretty darn quick.

However much they try & stimulate demand for their products etc, if the big guns aint buying, then it all comes grinding to a standstill.

The key initiative to getting the wheels spinning again will have to emanate from the “Bank lending to business” arena. If they don’t unlock the safe on that one, then nothing will get done.

Yeah, Buying is weak…Got the hell out at 1.2886 to break even and call it a day…Don’t want to end up holding over the weekend :eek:

Have a great weekend guys!

risk aversion is the driver once again as markets open up the new week.

euro has some pretty significant support levels (daily chart) on the radar as it gears up for the ECB rates meeting later in the week. Traders have/are pricing in a ‘hold’ for February at 2% and a probable decline in rates at the (end of quarter 1) March meeting.

dollar remains on the front foot v/s the 2 major European pairs (Pound & Euro), clearly visible from the 4 hour swing timeframe templates.

liquidity tapered off quite a bit on this pair from Wednesday onwards & by the looks, hasn�t cranked up this morning into early Frankfurt trade.

I guess volumes will hang fire a little until after the ECB statement, making the waters a tad choppy into the early week activity.

thanks for the reply Jocelyn, clarifying.

Makes me think of what some “thinking heads” argue that letting distressed banks fail and setting up a fresh and credilble banking system with no liabilities is the way to go to reestablish lending to normal levels.
Sounds like easier said than done. :slight_smile: