What are the chances of going long on EUR/USD? The close today has been at about 1.2810- on Sunday Open, I think it will try and flirt with 1.2780-1.2750. But no way will it break 1.2750. I recall having pondered this happening about a week ago, saying it will drop another 100-150 pips before it heads north again?

Does anyone else think it a good idea to go long on EUR/USD at this time?


EUR/USD and GBP/USD had a major divergence this week. The pound finished at its high for the week , yet the Euro completely reversed finishing at its lows for the week. Bad econ news all week and the strikes in france I’m sure did not help.

I think this crisis will test the Union in Europe. Rumors are flying about a handful of countries possibly abandoning the euro - which i think is unlikely. I honestly believe the Euro will reach parity with the greenback this year. And the British are thanking themselves for keeping a sovereign currency. The pound added 10 pence on the dollar from the sunday/monday lows for the week.

Each country within the EU is left to itself. The EU is a morass. The only saving grace are the germans. Germany is the least affected and is imparting its hard money philosophy on the ECB. Which is a double edged sword.

The benefit the U.S. has is being the reserve currency. And it doesn’t have to herd a bunch of countries together in a consensus for a stimulus package.

I think this is a major stress test for the Euro, and the union.

On top of that, the Euro failed to break last week’s high. Anything over 1.30 is a sell IMO.

i think on monday open bearish on eu again,eu bearish on daily and 4 hourly charts.
eliot wave chart on daily turn down back below parity.
eur/gbp pair will give more pressure on eur/usd on monday.
pound turn up key level 1.4500 bullish trend.closing friday at 1.4537
gbp/jpy also up key level at 130.50 closing friday at 130.72

Jeez Tess, you’re being kinda harsh on him, aren’t ya? This is [B]“Newbie”[/B] Island, after all.


Hey, I wasn’t even interested in the damn thread–was just commenting on how some people talk to others. Do you think that is the sign of being tough or something? Whatever.


A dozen eggs, litre & a half of of full fat milk, couple loaves of bread with peanut butter & steak slices…+ 2 half grown newbies = 1 rough, tough Wall St laydeeeeee

God Tess you have shattered my image of you lol!!!

That is too funny :smiley:




now that is too much skin out there, in my books not cool… …lol…

well you are not only harsh worded, but also ugly…I am outta here :smiley:

ha ha ha, she sure aint pretty - but by god she’s effective in a fist fight!!