EUR/USD short opportunity

well, i could be wrong (impossible!) but…
eur/usd thrillers commencing at 10pm ET sunday, and at 9a ET monday

EDIT~~ i was using technical stuff but getting [B]weak[/B] corroboration from
NZD ANZ Commodity Prices m/m sunday at 10:03pm ET,
and [B]strong[/B] corroboration from
USD ISM Non-Manufacturing PMI monday at 10am ET

Cas is it really u on the picture?

That’s me…alter ego ;)…the landlady from the movie Kung Fu Hustle.

EU touched 1.4766 again. Gold back @1038.75. :smiley:

Glad I’m not the only person that was looking at this. I entered short at 1.4990 and just opened additional postions on a larger time frame. If all goes well it should wake me up sometime tonight for the earlier positions.

nice lookin:)

and if it breaks ur resistance line 1.4850 now what do u say?

I say…[I][B]Watch Gold[/B][/I]…:smiley:

EU @ around 1.4730…Gold @1028…more to come I reckon…:D…down…

thank you thank you

loox like reversal is about to happen

Next week should be another wild week as there is plenty of market moving news coming.
Monday the ISM Manufacturing report, Wednesday, the FOMC will provide the markets with some clarifications on current initiatives. Wednesday will also produce the ISM Non-Manufacturing index which will have implications for Friday’s Non-Farm payrolls report. . That is just the US.
The ECB, BoE and RBA will be announcing rates…fasten your seat belts.

Interesting thread to read after 2 months.

Gold at 1200
EURUSD at 1.51

just out of interest, what did you do with your long-term EURUSD short trade? Stopped out, closed early, increased SL …

I am still following this thread and the forum, but do not write as much due to time constraints.
