EURUSD and inverse pairs

Good day

I hope someone can help me. All the brokers i have come across only offers currency pairs like eurusd, gbpusd, etc. I want to trade the reverse. Ex. USDEUR OR USDGBP, JPYUSD…

Is there a broker or platform somewhere where i can trade the inverse pairs?

Please please please and thank you!


Hi Aristolk, Welcome to Babypips Forums. The thing is if you sell EURUSD it means buying USD and selling EUR, which you can write it USDEUR. Read this babypips course to understand better How to Read a Forex Quote. As for your question, I don’t think they is any broker that provide it that way.

Agree with bizdons. By selling, you are, in effect, trading inverse pairs. This is the global agreement. No broker on the planet would change this.

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I am not sure if you will be able to do that or not. But yes, I am curious to know what made you want to trade these inverse pairs. Just for my knowledge.

Hi Magdacovert. I dont know if you are firmiliar with Market Neutral trading. But in a nutshell, I want to buy or sell both pairs at the same time. Ex. Buy EURUSD and USDEUR. Profit from the the difference. Small profits, multiple times a day. If you look on Tradingview you will see that inverse pairs there. Its NOT a exact carbon copy of each other which means that those inverse pairs have liquidity behind them and are actually traded.

Hope I made it clear enough


The EUR/USD and GBP/USD currency pairs are a good example of this—if EUR/USD is trading higher, GBP/USD will follow suit. When two currency pairs have a correlation of -1, they will always move in the opposite direction.