Ex Professional Traders Guide To Swing/Day Trading

My first trade using the 1 hour 200 sma.

GBP/JPY +60 pips


But mainly to see when the twitter link comes up or the free chat room gets offered, just so trolls can’t stop the learning process. Oh and don’t forget the obligatory, sorry i have to charge for the chat room, just to cover costs, you understand, don’t you, the amount of time and new software involved, surely? Or the Pamm account…

But the strategy is good. I’m impressed.

I was impressed not so long ago as well. That didn’t end too well. “You’re” a clever one, i hope you are what you say you are.

I read this thread twice over the weekend and went through it again today, I can’t see where Andy said he would or wouldn’t charge.

Even if he did start charging later down the road whats the problem with that?
He never said he would or wouldn’t. Its up to people if they want to pay a fee or not. Just because someone else doesn’t want to pay for a service and wants it for free from someone doesn’t make the seller a scammer.

If Andy wanted to offer a trading room or signal service then thats totally up to him and he has the right to do so if he wanted to, and if people wanted to join it and pay for it, then that is also up to them, and they have the right to do so.

My questions are, why does someone selling signals or access to a trading room or whatever for that matter make them a scammer?
Isn’t that how buyer/seller relationships work, someone sells something and another buys it. That must make every vendor on the net and high street a scammer then.

If the systems are good and make money, and people are interested in Andy’s way of trading and may learn more about the systems or Andy’s way of thinking about the markets from 121 mentorship, then why is that a scam?

People seem to have their nose out of joint, its up to the seller and the punter if they want to enter a vendor/subscriber financial agreement, don’t see what its got to do with anyone else to be honest and why its classed as scamming on this forum.

Andy has placed 2 systems here on his thread, I started using them today, more so the 15 minute system and I made money today, okay it was only £68 profit using the 15 minute system based on my trading account size, I also had a 60 pip win using the 1 hour sma and made £60 on that at £1 a pip.

I hope Andy continues to post on this thread as in my opinion his systems are good and I will continue to use them, even if he opened a room or signal service I would even consider it because I like his stuff so far. Thats what I tend to do, if I like something then I buy it, if I don’t like something then I don’t buy it.

My 2 cents.

There isn’t a problem with it, & you’re correct it doesn’t make him or anyone else who chooses that route, a scammer.

One of the rules of this joint bans the touting of fee based services & the interception & diversion of forum members to another non-affiliated site.

There’s nothing at all wrong with fee based trading rooms or signal based services, especially if the room is run by professionals, is informative & educational & the service is consistently successful.
Trouble is, a really good room and/or successful service won’t be available to, or have any need for the types of participants who hang out in these venues.
The fee’s & minimum capital requirements alone will knock out 99.9% of those who regularly trawl these places.

There’s a exceptionally successful one run by a group who used to post on here actually, but that falls into the above category & has apparently only been accessible by invitation for a good few years now.
They’re definitely out there if you know where to look or who to ask, but virtually impossible to access.

What you’re left with is exactly the kind of stuff you don’t need.

If any professional (including Andrew) is genuine, has industry experience/contacts & is/was also intending to run such a venture they wouldn’t need to tout for subscribers on a retail trading site.

Spoken like a true Keane…

I see a sales pitch here and a softening up for future attempt to draw out sympathy. It’s now Andy is it? Psychology has a study of a thing called “point of indication” and it is when you do more than you need to hide something you actually wish to draw less or no attention to.

In stage Magic it’s commonly seen in the Magician closing his/her own eyes when the “sleight” is performed. In poker it is the “tell”… the tightening of the corners of the mouth… the rolling of one shoulder or a quieted heavy sigh as the cards come into hand.

If you are willing to sign up for something… why the need to sell the notion at all. Why draw more attention or sympathy to something than it requires? Seems all too familiar and tired in all honesty. Just bring on January… that’s what I say.

There are plenty of good teachers and systems and methods on here to never need to buy a signal service or otherwise. If he’s good hearted he’d do it for free. If it was good, he’d trade off it and never require a fee. If you look around this is the same stuff talked to death in all forums and its nothing you can’t aquire with simple Google and a few hours.

My 2 cents.


“A fool and his money are soon parted”

You guys are defending fools. Fools that will actually defend the person that is taking their money. This is one of those situations where the problem solves itself.

I’m happy to tag along with this thread as I tend to give people the benefit of doubt until they prove differently, you never know, he may be a genuine guy and wish to teach his methods.

I will not, however, subscribe to any paid service or move to another website.

I can’t wait for January though!


I honestly thought that someone would say something dumb like that and think that. Its true what they say about people and paranoia. Because I don’t agree with things said or what people are accusing someone of or joining the witch hunt, instantly makes me Andy, lol [B]P-A-R-A-N-O-I-A

Your just a silly person that doesn’t look like he has much of a life. You call yourself a big shot trader from what I have been reading, but yet no proof presented, no accounts, nothing tracked and verified thats not a manipulated screenshot with photoshop, I think all you are (in my opinion) is a lonely person sitting in their bedroom spending all their time on a forum night and day. I bet you don’t even have a trading account over of any decent size apart from a demo. Someone who is on a silly forum like this all of the time like yourself does not look like they have a dime or the trading lifestyle they claim. Maybe in your dreams, but not in reality.

2 cents

I honestly find it sad that you defend someone with less proof and integrity than ICT and go on to call out ICT for having none.

Not that I’m a ICT fan, never read more than 1 page of his thread or watched any videos so I can’t defend ICT with any hard proof.

However, I’m not sure if you saw the ‘David Jefferson’ thread but this ‘Andrew Keane’ fellow is almost a 100% copy of him.

  1. Introduces himself as an ex citibank trader who plays with millions of dollars/pounds

  2. Opens with everything is a scam except for how he was taught in the bank

  3. His method a very slight change but almost exact copy of ‘David Jeffersons’ using SMA, Fibs, S/R, only difference is that this guys method introduces a different way of entering trades (Im guessing you have to change 1 detail so you can trick people again)

  4. Attacks people that question/doubt him in the EXACT same way that ‘David Jefferson’ did in his thread

  5. Starts a twitter

  6. Starts talks of chat rooms and are people interested.

  7. My guess he will end up charging like ‘David Jefferson’ did

I loved that David Jefferson fellow, being a young lad still I’m probably naturally looking for a role model in this big bad world of forex, but even my bias for him saw through his scamming lies.

While you exclaim paranoia, how about you think about the situation before unloading a barrage of insults and defending someone with no more integrity than a rock

3 cents

EDIT: Now that I think of it, with 6 posts, probably just the scammer defending himself. If not, sorry for the accusation.

lol… you did precisely what “Andy” did and again… your “Tell” is shining through the text.

When you come to grips with your identity crisis… I will see you on the battlefield in January. I fear N.O.T.H.I.N.G.

I prove it more than most and deliver every time.

As for my time on here… I have an Iphone. It has been out for some time now… rather nice. It permits one to post on the go and while it many times provides me plenty of reasons to fix typos I can and do frequent the forums. As for having no life… I have a life you couldn’t imagine… and no life requiring a J.O.B.

Stop trying to mudsling and fail to make me look bad. The only way that can or could happen is to outperform me in January… “Andy”. However, I see zero chance of that happening and frankly… it is growing more certain every post this thread sees.

Andy, lol, comes on here with the long winded introduction… all the drive and determination to provide the forums with a “Professional” approach to trading. Being a “Professional” trying to run two businesses and wearing the Mentor cap… shouldn’t have snowballed “Andy”. What Pro execises such poor time management? What Pro exercises such poor planning? What Pro challenges a REAL Pro that proves himself with advance analysis and precision with lackluster results and doing it… with a $100 account? :wink:

Pros don’t risk 4% per trade… “Andy”. Your Flush hand just was called… and you actually are holding a

[B]GLGT[/B] :57:

So Andrew was banned in the end? So we aren’t going to see the big show down and the poor starving kids at the local orphanage will have to go without. Was the ban for multiple names?

Its alright I will call ICT out soon. But it will be when I have nothing better to do. So that might take a while. In the mean time it looks like you all done runned off another one

So what exactly did the guy do that justifies a ban?

Probably for being an obvious scammer that has hit baby pips before and/or is part of whoever sets up them. Is he really banned though?

Thats what it says in his posts right below his name.

I do have to agree that this looks like a witchhunt though… the guy didn’t break a rule, did he? So why not wait until he does to ban him?

ahh yes, I see now, thanks.

I tend to disagree, looks way too blatantly obvious and unless he was banned for something else maybe just babypips trying to protect people before they hand over the $$$.

It’s just smoke and mirrors blinding people with smart looking profile pictures and big name banks in order to get some $$$ from people on here that can’t see through it.

Were you a part of the David Jefferson thread barrett?

Why were they banned? Multiple accounts from the same IP? It’s not cool if they were banned just because a group of users decided they were a scammer.

I highly doubt mods would do that because ‘some’ users thought they were a scammer, it would be their decision.

Nope, I wasn’t. Maybe that why I don’t see a reason to ban the guy.

EDIT: I just looked at the thread with Jefferson. The difference I see is that jefferson was offering signals. Andrew was teaching strategies. I don’t think signals should be on babypips at all. People that explain strategies should be on here… like Andrew. Previous posts have shown that the strategy he posted is not BS…

Originally i felt it was a witch hunt but when he began attacking people he’s met on here, banning people for asking questions and getting very personal then the alarm bells began ringing. Instead of proving he was not who people thought he was,he decided to lash out. He began attacking ICT and yet he had challenged him to a contest in the very first place!
ICT had not even commented on the guys thread but was being attacked! Strange world!