Excess of anything is toxic

Traders over-trade on the market as a result of their emotions and greed. Analyse your trading concepts. Always question the validity of your trading theories. If they don’t, you must abandon them and look for a different trading strategy. Creating and using extremely detailed trading plans is also beneficial.

Excessive trading is toxic because it exhausts you and makes you unable to make sound decisions.

Excess of anything is toxic like over trading inevitably results in poor choices that lead to poor trades.

Given what’s happening in the crypto market, this seems more relevant to me than ever.

Excessive trading stems from greed and the desire to make quick money. If one understands the importance of training the mind to trade with the right attitude, you will not have a difficult time trading.

What is the right attitude? Where did you learn this way of thinking?

Risk-management is such an important aspect; you can’t ignore it even after you having a good trading strategy! In my trading I don’t take more than 1% risk on my per trade position!

Agree! But if there is one thing that is not bad in excess is knowledge! That’s so because you’re always learning. —-----btw, I read this quote once :see_no_evil: And I live by it now.