Experience Using Paid Educational Platforms

Sorry about that I don’t know wha ja[[emed. anyway, I’m not sure if you agree or disagree,. but all I can say is again my opinion

this is what HAPPENS when you move your right hand 1 key to the right of the home positions when typing :stuck_out_tongue:

I might be misunderstanding you - and apologies if so - but if you are actually saying that you have only traded demo then for me that is not a ‘proven win-loss ratio’ of anything. Demo trading is one thing, and very much has its place, but trading those same setups live with real money is very different. So you won’t know the value of any education, practice or teaching you have received until you have some real skin in the game. On Forza 7, no one can catch me around Brands Hatch or Spa, I’m incredible. In real life, I imagine Hamilton, Alonso, Verstappen et al would give me some problems…

Again, apologies if I simply misunderstood your post.


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Well I fully expected this at but no need to apologize. If I were in your shoes I would most likely say the same. Bottomline is I move my edge up a few pennies every day because I was able to fix one of my last problems.

I will be funded shortly barring any rookie mistakes which would prolong the process until I fix my edge.

I spent several years in the military and was parachute qualified with many jumps day, night high and low altitude from various types of aircraft etc… While at Ft. Benning jump school for the 4 week indoctrination, you learn to jump by repeatedly doing the same thing under the ever present watch full eye of the black hats. Especially a great deal of time is spent on learning a parachute landing fall AKA “PLF” until it is habit, As I have had a few unpleasant jumps I’m so glad they did such a good job.

Now applying that logic with some education and I checked about 7,000 trades, I think I will not have problem transferring over to real money. A lot of folks have gone before me in the funds program and as I have pointed out some are moderately successful and some much more so, some have left to do their own thing secure in the knowledge that they can and will be consistently profitable with proper money management each and every day. Agreeably some will when going from a 10K account in the training down to a 1K pre-fund account is a bit troublesome learning to scale down and maintain the rules however the 1st funded level is only 1K and some traders do have some interpretation and choke before they settle down and few fail. (we have over 500 active funded traders) The good news is every 90 days you get a reasonable increase in the account size as long as you remain profitable up to a quarter mil. Bottom line is I’m a good trader now and confident and I will continue to improve my skills… Yes I’m still a rookie but coming on steady as she goes.

I like sharing and I’m here to help where I can, learn and help make it better traders, proving myself along the way and as an example to the many doubting Thomas’s along the way.

That’s my story and I’m sticking to it.

BTW: I could not read you last sentence. was it important?

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Sorry only to quote part of your post - I struggle with quoting on the new BP, the click and drag doesn’t seem to work smoothly for me on this site, for some reason.

That’s all great and very reasonable, and credit to you for your service. I’m ex-UK law enforcement myself, spent a fair bit of time on ranges and jumping in and out of helicopters. First time I unholstered a SIG 9 for real, though, on a job, at night and with it all kicking off around me, it was quite different.

But you’re right, it’s a learnable skill and some have it more naturally than others, like any profession. I was simply clarifying whether your use of the word ‘proven’ was actually proven.

Good luck with it.


(EDIT: And no, it was not important!)

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NP and thanks for your service as well. I’ll be around a bit as I get time, at 40 WPM if I’m lucky it takes me some time. I very much appreciate the feedback. Positive, negative or corrective education.

I also run a blog on my regular fund site and answer as many questions as I can. With close to 5,000 students I’m so glad there are many folks that contribute. Especially the senior traders.

Thanks again.

this is what HAPPENS when you move your right hand 1 key to the right of the home positions when typing :stuck_out_tongue:
you could be right :sleepy:

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I don’t think it is important to get paid for forex course when the web has made it simple for us to learn it. Despite the fact that there may be a few preferences if some paid for the forex course yet to I simply don’t think it is fundamental. Workshops are the most noticeably bad to go to in light of the fact that when you go for a seminar,they will just show you a few sections of forex. At the end it is also the choice of each trader.

True to a point, but at the same time , there is so much information on the internet, and much of it contradictory, that it can help some people to have a set of information which all works together and which is presented in context. No point learning 50 random ‘facts’ from the internet if you don’t have the experience to know which to disregard and how they go together. I imagine that over 90% of self-taught traders lose money consistently then give up.

Yes I always recommend the new traders to learn about Forex market from paid sources as it will keep you more motivated to work hard and learn properly. The money is important as no one wants to waste it. But there are free resources as well which you can use for the learning purposes.


Hello folks this is one of my favorite topics… I’ll call the training service I use the Fund.

The Fund is economical and exposes the trader to a variety of systems and indicators to learn and select the parts that they may want to test for adoption. A new trader has now clue the variety of what is available.

Second the newbie and many seasoned traders alike do not have a cash management system that is tested and proven to work consistently. Now it doesn’t trade for you but does teach cash management so that is you lose a trade you will have funds left to trade tomorrow. If you are winning trades it will preserve and help the trader grown their nest egg.

The fund monitors and grades the trader thru a series of levels. In the beginning the trader is encouraged to make trades of various types while the stress is on pips. Then the last few ladders before the funded level the emphasis is switched to trade management and cash management.

It is not easy but if you were going to had cash to someone and say here go trade it with no strings attached how would you train a trader… Its a really great system not as easy as some would think and does require effort and research. Naturally to the end of training consistently profitable traders the platform and tools are supplied along with instructors of exceptional experience and trading skills in their own right.

Did you happen to see the new youtube channel “trader on the street” it’s kewl beans.

Peace & Tranquility.