Experiences with JDF Broker and general advice?

Hello everyone,

I just get fascinated by trading a week ago and I’m still fighting to find a good broker.

I’m from Germany and to me the most important points are:

Forex Trading
Deposit: max 2500€
Low Spreads and Comissions
Low Withdraw and Funding fees

And for now I think I’m more of a “day trader” I mostly hold my trades for 1-24/48 hours

I’ve tried some demo accounts from: Pepperstone, CMC Markets, GKFX, Plus500, ArgusFX, CapTrader, GlobalPrime, Tradeking Forex and JDF Broker

My favorites are: Pepperstone, GlobalPrime and JDF Broker. I’ve read some good and bad stuff about Pepperstone and Globalprime but couldn’t really find user experiences with JDF Broker…

I’m also considering to try oanda and dukascopy also…

If someone has an general advice or experiences with JDF, please let me know :))

Thank you and sorry for my english :slight_smile:

maybe its not JDF. its JFD.