Exploring newer opportunities

I am not new to the digital landscape as I have been working from home for about 3 years. My ever growing interest for trading forex has seen me watch tens of hours of trading videos, but I always feel lost; now that everyone teaches differently. I’ve learnt about babypips today and within a few seconds, Fellypips was born…looking forward to the greatness emanating from this space.

Oh it’s a great place. If you haven’t already, give the Learn Forex section above a look. They have a school there.

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Glad to hear that you’ve discovered Babypips. With so many different sources of information, it can really be overwhelming and challenging to know where to start. Best of luck with your forex trading journey,

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Watching Videos is nice, how many Books have you read?

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watching video is an another option but bookish knowledge not works at all when trading in a real account . this is very true fact.


Welcome Fellypips

My advice would be to do some online courses, I’ve done 5+ over the last couple of years and each course I do the more the knowledge sinks in and I seem to take away little pieces of golden nugget knowledge each time. The best course I’ve done is the one here at babypips, it is well structured and goes through the basics in detail. It did help that I has done some other courses first so I had a knowledge base to start with.

Learn Forex Trading at School of Pipsology - BabyPips.com

Although I’ve done a ton of courses over a couple of years I’m still very much at the beginning of my learning journey so have ordered a few books that have been recommended by other babypips users. Learning to trade Forex is not for the faint hearted as it’s a very complex subject. That’s why so many people end up with no money in their trading accounts, they don’t bother learning so they blow their money! Education is key.

Also, you really need to learn your own trading style so whatever you do don’t try and copy other traders signals etc etc as that is a one way ticket to to blowing your account. You need to learn it all yourself and deploy and manage your own strategies etc.

I wish you all the luck in the world.

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Thank you for the great advice. I understand the complexities of trading, and I believe I got the GRIT to keep going and become better. I am giving myself time, and being patient with the journey. I will also explore a few courses, and so far I’m finding Babypips pretty effective and efficient. Hopefully everything will work out, of course without blowing any account after absorbing all the knowledge here.

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psychology of school is the first choice for the beginners level , very supportive to acquire all basic knowledge and experience.

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Welcome to the community, @Fellypips. How has your learning been for you so far?

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Welcome to the community! Enjoy your stay and good luck on your trading journey!

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