F*** Boris March

“It seems to me Boris wants to re-unite the Tory tribe and doesn’t want a real Brexit - its a real shame !”

I guess then the BREXIT Party will fight pretty much all 650 seats and the result will be as it is !

What has become clear over the last 3 1/2 years is that Politics in the UK is dreadfully broken and the fight will go on.

Remember when Nigel said "If they betray us and make me come back and fight them again - “There’ll be no more Mr Nice GuY !” "

Why have they caved ? - Including the ERG and those previousy known as “Spartans” - Warfare fatige ??

Melanie Philips seems to back Nigel Farage’s assessment

Nigel takes a look at “Workington Man” - quick Sky News - report on the Battle for “Labour Leave Voters” and this should perhaps be considered in the light of the BREXIT Party magnificent showing in these constitencies in the MEP Elections and Conservatives stubborn refusal to “Deal” with Nigel plus the recent You Gov Poll showing an increase in 4% of Brexit Party support.

There’s little real evidence yet of the Conservative strategy to neutralise the disaffected Labour Leavers. Ian Austin has actually suggested they vote for Boris Johnson this time - slim chance of that happening I think. Maybe there are moves afoot behind the scenes. I can only hope.

This thread is getting as boring as Brexit, just old men droning on and on

You missed out the “Patriarchal, White, Gammons” part :rofl::rofl::rofl:

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If you have interesting information or firm personal opinions on UK politics you should post them here. If you don’t, this thread is not for you.

Hate to bruise your ego, but I am as entitled to say my piece here, on an open forum, as you and your buddies.
If you don’t like being told that your thread is boring, you and your pal Falseteeth might want to try saying something interesting for a change.

I’m inviting you to post here on UK politics.

So, saying how great Tottenham is and how bad Arse, uh, stink, would NOT be welcomed here? :wink:

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Maybe not unwelcome here, but certainly wasted.

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Upsets my missus mate - she’s a Gunners supporter ! - However to me that whole thing is nearly as tedious as Cricket ! :roll_eyes: Doesn’t bother me at all.

just out of curiosity though - how come a geezer from the Everglades (ish) - knows about English Football ? And is interested enough to have a fave team ? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

LOL. I’m afraid to answer, as tommor will yell at me…:wink:
I’ll shoot you a PM.

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OO - That’s interesting to the state of verging on conspiratorial ! :wink::sunglasses:

You’d better believe it…


So, how 'bout that Boris?! :wink:

In a democracy, people get the leaders they deserve. I wanted David Cameron to stay as PM and I voted Remain. I wasn’t committed to EU membership but it had been fine for the UK economy and I wanted the chance to vote again later when it came to the crunch on European political unification.

Now I just want a form of Brexit at the earliest date and to keep Marxists out of Downing Street.

Lol, mostly what my good wife says about the market - except she diplomatically drops the ‘old’ part.

Thing is she is correct - the market is as boring as Brexit - however if you get to understand either then there is a little money to be either made or saved :slight_smile:

Just read some of the other posts -I’m not a friend or enemy of any the guys, just an oldie who has to watch Eur/Gbp every day of his life (that’s about as boring as you can get).

So imagine this - Brexit is supposed to be a short term traders nightmare - stay away they say.

What about long term? - well if it’s a no go short term then how can you take a long term view?

Or is it possible from all the ramblings on this thread to figure a long term - even a short term?

Continue to read and learn perhaps?

Exact same sentiment as many of the 27, led by France.

If the polls are correct and Boris gets a majority then only 2 possible dates - Jan1st or Jan31.

They have set up the task force with the premise that the polls are indeed correct, the next phase is the trade deal (as distinct from the withdrawal deal).

The current deal will cause a hit on UK economy so zero expectation of interest rate rises until well after the expiration of the transitional period (which can only be extended mid 2020) - hence the BOE vote count this week

Edit; the vote count on Thurs past was ‘expected’ at 0-0-9, i.e. all nine votes to keep rates at current levels - but inflation has dipped to 1.7 well below the target 2.0 - attributed to Brexit, so surprise surprise there were 2 dissenters who were contemplating cuts - what it look like on a chart:


Arrow at vote count release - you couldn’t get more boring :wink:

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