Feature:Follow Users

We’ve made some changes to the Forums, including adding a Follow Users feature!

This feature allows you to follow other users, list the latest topics involving them and receive notifications when they post. Sweet!

How do I follow users? Simple!

Option 1

  1. Click on a user’s avatar to view their usercard

  2. Under the Message button, click the Follow button!

  3. That’s it! Now you’re following that user.

    usercard following

Option 2

  1. Go to the member’s profile page

  2. Under the Message button, click the Follow button!

  3. Presto! Now you’re following that user.

Can I view just the topics and replies from the members that I’m following? YES!

  1. From the forums homepage, click on Following from the main navigation bar

  2. Glory!

How do I see which members I’m following and who’s following me? Of course!

  1. Click on your avatar

  2. Click on your username

  3. Click on Preferences

    Quick Access Panel

  4. Click on Network

  1. Click on Following or Followers from the left-hand menu

How do I stop following a member?

(Need some time away? No worries, we’ve got you covered)

Option 1

  1. Click on a user’s avatar to view their usercard

  2. Under the Message button, click the Following button.

    usercard following

  3. The button should change to Follow

  4. Done! You’re no longer following that user.

Option 2

  1. Go to the user’s profile page

  2. Under the Message button, click the Following button.

  3. The button should change to Follow

  4. Done! You’re no longer following that user.

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