Alvin Borgy Garcia
1. How and when did you find out about forex trading? What did you think of it then?
I love money, I love calculations and I am very interested in how to earn money. I started investing in the stock market, insurance and mutual funds early last year (Feb 2010). Then I came to hear from peers regarding forex. At first I was very negative about it because of the belief of BIG GAIN and BIG LOSSES QUICK. So I was content trading stocks. But when I was trading stocks, I discovered that I had a high risk appetite for trading. Then one day, my friend sent me a message telling me that he wants to learn forex. And so I started doing my own research about forex.
2. What made you decide to start your forex education?
Well, I am always amazed with people that have been successful doing this. So I wanted to challenge myself and change my belief that I can do it too. After that, I had a goal that I will be the first Filipino to do make a story out of forex trading.
3. Tell us how you found out about the School of Pipsology.
You know, they say you’ve got to invest on wisdom before you invest money. So I searched all possible reference for seminars and training here in Manila but unfortunately I found none. So I searched the whole net and found several references and decided to stick with first then later searched for other documents.
4. How long has it been since you graduated from the School of Pipsology? What are you currently doing forex trading-wise?
Grade 2 – Japanese Candlesticks. I should say, so far so good. Well it is a little slow on my end but I am able to understand the details, well, so far… : )
5. What was the most difficult lesson in the School of Pipsology for you?
I guess the most difficult that I ever reached is the Japanese Candlesticks.
6. Of all the lessons in there, which one is your favorite? Why?
7. How did you go about the School? How much time a week did you devote to it? Would you say your pace was slow, fast or just right?
I always do it during Saturday nights from 6PM-12AM since it is my free time. But sometimes if my boss is not around, I sneak in to my internet proxy and do little of reading. I would say that I’m slow-paced, because I would not want to skip details if I don’t understand it.
8. Is there anything you would want to change or add to the current School? Why?
Video demos would help. Also, a live coach or chat support from the site if we have questions while reading the documents.
9. What would be your advice to anyone who’s about to start their School of Pipsology learning?
Invest in knowledge; don’t rush. Wins and losses will stay. Opportunities to buy and trade will always be there. History will repeat itself; wherein another opportunity will arrive.
10. Where are you from? What do you like doing during your free time? What would you have us do if we visit your town/city?
I am from Cavite, Philippines. During my free time I box; play basketball or read stuff regarding stocks and money. If you have plans of coming here in Manila, please hold a seminar or a forex exhibit? Trading? Any stuff that would help forex people learn more about the market.