Feeling guilty on missing a trade

Best way to do that is to delegate some decisions to automated software or maybe make your trading completely automatic.

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Sometimes even when your Analysis is on point a news event could cause a spike and hit your SL .Often your trade would have successful if this didn’t happen so you did nothing wrong

To control our emotions is easy by saying, but not so in reality. Forex trading is an EQ game, not an IQ game, therefore first thing to learn for newbie is either to get some books on trading psychology or to identify some good mentors to guide you, saving you years of trials & errors and tons of unnecessary losses. :grinning::grinning:

No right or wrong. My personal opinion is to find a good mentor to guide you, so that you don’t have to be like me, while I was young, I spent a lot of money on unnecessary losses and wasted a lot of years trying to learn by my mistakes. In retrospect, if I would have found a good mentor, I would have shortened my years of groping in the dark and saved my USD1 million losses. :sweat_smile::sweat_smile:

Well said.

The market is forever there, it lives longer than us. If you miss the bus, no big issue, just wait for another bus. Never chase the market! :grinning::grinning:

I agree. Our trades are not just affected by technical analysis, but a whole lot of other factors as well. It may happen that the strategy one has deployed is cent percent correct according to a particular situation, but the markets can take a turn at anytime and cause that strategy to be a failure. Nobody is wrong in that, its just that one should be patient during such circumstances.

overtrading is when your stock broker makes a whole bunch of extra trades to generate commissions.
Overtrading is not trading too much (in forex). Think about it! the more you trade the more chances you have to win!

Oh, yeah, all the time, well, that’s okay, or I’m gonna stop sleeping like that because of trading, Lol.

What wrong with risking more than 2 per cent be yourself ,just be very selective only hold one or two at the most at a time forget about two per cent rule

Right, I never regretted on missing trade we can avail so many chances in forex trading.Any move is not last for a trader . A business where market works 24 hours why we should be tense if any trade is missing . Be positive to work next time certainly you will get more good trading opportunities.

This is a real classic! If the deal you missed wasn’t profitable, you feel like the real master of the galaxy, but if you realize you missed a good opportunity, it always makes you feel disappointed and lost. You can just ignore it!

Try to find a more conservative strategy, that will give you less signals, but more high quality setups.

@Pip-Skywalker Trading is a minus sum game, the more you trade, the more you lose. Warren Buffett said, “Wall Street makes its money out of activities, you make your money out of inactivity.” It’s a good move to look for a more conservative strategy and trade less! :+1::+1:

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a perfect entry or trading opportunity dosent exist , opportunities to lose or become profitable is constant 24/5

all I am thinking, is the coffee even made? its not the trade I am missing its the exits.

only true for you, if you believe it. trading is a zero sum game, The Biggest Secret In Forex Trading - Zero Sum Markets  the more you trade the more you win.
Its a smart move to trade more and make more.

If you are an uninformed trader, then you actually need to trade more to become more experienced and INFORMED.> trading less isn’t the solution.

That is exactly what I am feeling too.

For retail traders spot forex is in fact a negative sum game. A negative sum game is any game or activity where the sum of total gains and losses is negative i.e below zero. The reason why spot Forex can be considered a negative sum game is that traders incur substantial costs when trading the currency markets. Brokerages charge a marked up spread or commissions to traders, these mark-ups and commissions are used by the brokerages to cover their costs and to earn a profit. This means that the sum of gains and losses is in fact negative making Forex a negative sum game.

9 Mindful quotes for Traders:










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