Fib retrace on Oanda platform

I’m having a little trouble figuring out the retrace levels on Oanda (demo) as the retrace % are not listed in the graphic. I believe I drew an uptrending fib but it seems the 78.6% (first line from the low) is off on the chart. A fib calculator indicates a 78.6% retrace to be at 1.4212 while the chart show the 78.6% level at 1.4233. Is this close enough?

You’re doing much better than me, I didn’t even manage to find the fib retrace tool in Oanda’s platform before I migrated to the MT 4 interface! As for whether or not it’s accurate enough, I’m unfortunately not in a position to answer that.

Hopefully my posting here will get you some attention so someone can help you. People have been really helpful to me so far!

Definitely get to a MT4 platform, you can run it alongside your Oanda java platform. Oanda has MT4 so you can have the same price feed on both which should make things simpler.

MT4 just has too much more to offer with its fibonacci tools (retraces and extensions), you can’t really do fibonacci analysis properly with what oanda has on their java platform.

Thanks so much! Now I have to learn how to use all the functions!

It’s not so bad! I’ve become comfortable with them rather quickly. I would pass on a suggestion I’ve gotten many times though. Just keep things simple, don’t have 20 different indicators on at the same time, it’ll just end up confusing you.